Which was worse: Suicide Squad or Force Awakens?

Which was worse: Suicide Squad or Force Awakens?

Force Awakens, but that's not to say I liked Suicide Squad.

Suicide Squad looked like a Buffy episode.

TFA, Suicide Squad was at least iconic

Suicide Squad. The Force Awakens was good.

TFA given that its as shallow and idiotic as the prequels

Jesus fucking kill yourself


Suicide Squad.

Like half the fucking team was useless.

Objectively suicide squad.

I know a lot of you hate tfa because mary sue and other memes, but it was still a well made and, coherent albeit uninspired movie.

Suicide squad was a mess of editing.


Suicide Squad was fun when I watched it drunk, TFA was not. Both were absolute shit when I watched them sober so TFA was worse

Amanda Waller blowing away all her tech agents with her pistol was way more of a shocking scene then the Han Solo death sequence.

I forgot he died fucking lmao.

Are you a literal adhd retard?

Suicide Squad is literally the WORST MOVIE EVER MADE

You morons just don't like The Force Awakens because it has a female lead and you get triggered by anything that isn't straight, white, male, and cis

TFA had more potential and ended up being just as bad, so it's worse

The movie would have been better if Rey would have been taken away by the Sith at the end.
After which Luke can come save her.

Fuck off J.J.
Go sacrifice a child to Moloch

Doesn't Suicide Squad have a female and a black guy as leads?

TFA. DCU never had a chance because WB have no idea what they are doing. Disney should have known better.

Suicide Squad was really, really poorly made - but at least it didn't have Jew Jew Abrams forcing blacked down people's throats

As a result, TFA was an overall unpleasant experience whereas SS was just a shit film

Suicide Squad had a female lead, one black lead and two female villains. And it's still better than TFA

Suicide Squad was just a fucking awful mess.

TFA is an uninspired remake, but it's remaking a good movie so it has that going for it.

Both were predictable, unfunny and boring. I'd say TFA is slightly less bad

SS is without a doubt the worst movie I have seen in recent memory. TFA is still garbage.