Post your country's greatest special forces.
any well known legends or accomplishments?
Navy SEALs
>removed Osama (SEAL team 6)
>Operation Red Wings (Marcus Luttrell)
>"The Devil of Ramadi" (Chris Kyle)
You cant really compete.
Post your country's greatest special forces.
any well known legends or accomplishments?
Navy SEALs
>removed Osama (SEAL team 6)
>Operation Red Wings (Marcus Luttrell)
>"The Devil of Ramadi" (Chris Kyle)
You cant really compete.
>removed Osama
In a relatively routine operation that went completely tits up. I've no idea why you always bring this one up like we're supposed to be impressed.
Those were all fakes mate, excuses to make movies for propaganda
Sorry bud
>greatest special forces
probably the ones that receive absolutely no publicity, and may not even be on public record at all
Does killing your own undecover agents counts as accomplishement?
Don't buy into the media. Marcus was part of an outfit that valued the life of a dirt squirrel more than their own men. Chris Kyle is nothing special. US Special Forces fucked up years ago thinking they killed Osama and were then deemed to not have the capability to remove Osama later on. Delta should've had the mission as their specialty trains much more closely to that style of op.
USASOC is the most powerful source of killing humans as it takes the entirety of the world's investigative knowledge and assigns a particular group. As an American I love our military but over hyping men who fucked up and we're given the chance isn't making them special. We use the world to kill people. Our Allies are not to be overlooked. Many US forces are attached to nearly all NATO operators. We are effective as one unit but have the most skilled in terms of the current asymmetric warfare.
>Trains Navy Seals
Osama died in Dec. 2001.
Not the greatest, but a very peculiar one.
We have the best.
>Marcus was part of an outfit that valued the life of a dirt squirrel more than their own men. Chris Kyle is nothing special
You obviously know nothing about what either did. You just look like an idiot now.
Navy Seals are badasses but, take notice how you never here shit about the Green Bretes.
Joe Rogans squealed on his podact how Tim Kennedy the ufc fighter still goes on active missions.
what the fuck
Hey op you see this picture? That is the greatest special forces team. They go in they do a job no body knows who they were or what country they came from. Then they get out
Osama should have been spied on, but left alone. He was huddled in his PJs in a cold house watching porn, being ineffective. You always leave an ineffective leader alone.
Obama did it just for his own ego.
>seen one at the pub smash the fuck outta this maori bloke who tried to kick his chair over. Think he was SASR, the maori was a big cunt.
>nickname for the them is the chicken stranglers.
>once crashed two helicopters into each other
But Delta is superior
was he actually watching porn?
>no body knows who they were or what country they came from
Well you posted a picture of the French flag so...
cant argue with that
Aussies are straight up crazy we had barely any training and fucked everyone in Gallipoli
>our strongest fighting force is able to kill flightless birds
must be a massive achievement in australia
Our navy and our special forces are the only thing we have going for us.
I heard south africa has a pretty intense special force (mercs?) That are ruthless as fuck.
Why do they wear the burka?
1NZSAS is very highly regarded in the "community."
There is a very good documentary on youtube about the selection and continuation process. I've done wildland firefighting and a few other strenuous pursuits but exercise Von Tempsky is something else. 24hr forced march in full kit whilst carrying two full jerry cans. Ouch.
jesus christ you guys are all nerds
Teir 1 oga operators are where its at
Dude...what do you think happened at Gallipoli?
I'll pitch in for our lame foreign friends.
SASR are operator as fuck. They get shit done.
pic related > fish
Channel 7 and 9 have long promoted propaganda that Gallipoli was a victory.
Best SF
>Is quiet SF
you can't post from the shadows
>FSB special forces
>found 2-5 terrorists in the Caucasus
>shelter terrorists fire from heavy machine guns, rocket-propelled grenades and machine guns
>1 gets killed and several injured by guns and Kalashnikov terrorists during assault
Every month!
Not SpecOps, but a gaytime anyway.
They probably don't kill Muslims.
reminder that the french foreign legion keppi is white
We get sent in first weeks before any murrican sets foot on any battleground to make sure their sorry ass will be safe and they wont get slaughtered when disembarking.
FF has the harshest training, gets the best results with gears that is a hundred times worst than other country special forces
Breaks up the human silhouette; arguably the most important thing when it comes to camouflage.
to remove kebab, one must become kebab.
natural camouflage in denmark.
and in germany.
Special Air Service are supposed to be the best in the world.
Also Australia has Special Air Service and also NZ.
I don't know. British special forces have the longest history and experience.
But I think all special forces are tough bastards.
I'm ex British Army - Royal Engineers, and I've worked with special forces. They seem like good lads.
I also worked with forces from other nations. Especially Yanks and Aussies.
I don't want to get into this shit about which country has the best SF. They're all amazing. Also they are human beings and not fucking superman. There is a myth about SF, and it's bollocks.
Rangers are more 3rd or 4th place compared to SEAls, Marine Force Recon, and Green Berets.
Wow u fell for the seal meme, not even tier 1 and devgru practically isn't even a seal team. On top of that delta is better with cia SAD at a close second.
Fuckin' love this guy.
JTF2. I've always assumed they've replaced "breaching" in their vernacular with "sorry".
It was confirmed
shhhhh DELTA is a secret.
Na, they are probably on par with Force, maybe SEALs.
SF is "above" them, but Rangers have been wayyy more active in the SOCOM arena as of late(Post 2003)
CAG/Delta recruits from the Ranger Regiment more than any other unit.
As a Britisher how did you feel about Maggie being shoe-horned in to all those photo ops just to appear "normal". Not the one in your post specifically but shit like appear on TV shows to look hip to the kids and doing shit that she'd never ever fucking do normally.
>Supreme Gentleman German-Iranian kebab remover commando
Look at all the kids talking about shit they will never understand.
Don't forget the Jaegers. They do lots of squirrely shit nobody ever hears about and they know how to keep their fucking mouths shut.
>tfw medical issues mean I can never join the military
I want to be a grunt so fucking badly.
Pic related is Australian 2CDO as part of SOTG in Afghanistan.
What ails you user?
>tfw have histories of anxiety/depression/OCD/ADD
what are my chances of getting a waiver for all this shit
If I waited until war broke out would my chances be good?
Plenty of stuff mate, not going to go into it here though.
Lol if only I only had fake mental disorders.
Based Fuzos.
Many accomplishments but they don't brag so, nobody knows.
Wait a minute /k/ isn't a red board.
>fake mental disorders
it keeps you out the same either way
WW2 British Commandos
>Wrote the book that all other special forces now follow
>Hitler was so scared of them that he ordered them to be shot on sight after the St Nazaire Raid, no prisoners
Cool story bro.
literally just don't mention it
that or join the French foreign legion
or join the russian army if your russian is okay
my dream is british sas. i'm 19 and have asthma. i can get it ignored if i go off an inhaler for 4 years, which I'm starting soon
in ww3 they won't care also
>implying that Gurkha's aren't 10x more badass than SAS.
someone get odysseus
yfw that guy is american
>Red Wings
4 man team gets wiped by ~12 Taliban; no Taliban casualties
My medical issues would preclude me from performing as needed in the military, it's not a matter of just not telling them about them.
If you weren't a pussy you would have never gone to the doctor about your mental "issues" and they would have never known about them.
Matt Bissonnette has been fairly critical about the Navy SEAL officer corps in terms of their treatment of enlisted men. There's definitely tension in the hierarchy of the SEAL teams.
In Afghanistan in 2010, Acting Sergeant Dipprasad Pun single-handedly fought off 30 Taliban soldiers. As Pun was keeping guard on the roof of a checkpoint, the attackers came at the complex from all sides with rocket-propelled grenades and AK-47s.
It took less than an hour for Pun to kill them all. He went through all of his ammo—400 rounds and 17 grenades, as well as a mine that detonated—to defeat each attacker. When he ran out of ammo, a Taliban soldier climbed up to the roof, only to be hit with a machine-gun tripod that Pun threw at him.
Pun's valor was rewarded with a Victoria Cross, the highest British military decoration awarded for bravery.
tell me your issues mate
also if you're desperate to live an exciting life one could always join an organized crime gang hypothetically
Pic related, they even beheaded some talliban
Not even our special forces…
And also, the logo is not similar, its a copy, perhaps a bad one, but still a copy
>When he ran out of ammo, a Taliban soldier climbed up to the roof, only to be hit with a machine-gun tripod that Pun threw at him.
ther is a special unit of 30 men in the Legion paratroopers only the best i dont recall the name but they eat seals for breakfast and shit a Sas
They needed some DNA evidence it said löl
Posting story
The pic that I posted was never meant to be published. It was leaked.
I'm old (48) and remember the 'Thatcher years'.
My feelings are mixed about her.
She was hard as nails and supported the military. She also destroyed feminists.
She was called the 'iron lady' as she took no shit. The Russians respected her.
She also saw the destruction of our manufacturing and heavy industry. (I'm from a mining community)
We have a new PM who seems a bit of a Thatcher clone.
She has installed a brexit section of HM government to work out trade deals, defence, borders etc.
I think she'll be alright, but I always have a sense of nervousness.
He was cleared to return to duty.
Highly doubtful of their quality.
>b-but isis wants you to be intolerant it's their plan
>take more refugees
slavs, europeans, southamericans, asians
only the best in the world
D E L T A >>>>>> D E V G R U
jesus christ man
who told you chickens couldnt fly?
fuck you david for fucking our education system
>saved around 150 people on a hijacked plane and the only deaths were the terrorists. The only injuries were when the pilot jumped from the cockpit and one gign member fell off their ladder.