Remember when comedy wasn't politicised what happened?

Remember when comedy wasn't politicised what happened?

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comedy has always been politicised
the fucking ancient greeks had politicised comedy

kill yourself

>Chris Farley presents an argument for a stronger social safety net to protect the weaker members of our society
>not politicized

I like how snl has ruthlessley made fun of every sittting president while on air except one....

In your safe space blanket fort?

A lot of people were frustrated with Bush, I mean he mispoke a lot, then the wars, then the economy. Although they also mocked Clinton too, it was all in good fun.

Then Obama came, and suddenly it was racist or unamerican to make fun of him, and they just kept bashing Republicans, after 16 years of that shit, (((they))) just figured it was the norm.

>what happened?
Trump happened

Who gives a fuck about Accent Greeks k

don't wanna be racist user

Based Norm

"it's ok cuz the greeks did it too"

But there wasn't anything to mock about Obama, user. He was just bland and had nothing worth parodying.
but seriously, did SNL, Oliver, Colbert, or anybody mainstream crack even one joke about pic related?

That vince foster joke gets me every time. Back in the 90s it was common knowledge that bill clinton ordered dozens of murders and ran a drug ring from the mena airport.

If you even mention vince foster today you are labeled a conspiracy nutjob.

Oh come on. Yea his stuttering was funny bit one of the few actual promises he made was to be the most open and transparent President ever, but he was unequivocally the most opaqe. Also, he touted the rule of the masses, yet passed so many executive actions that the supreme court struck him down NINETY SEVEN TIMES.

I don't like trump, but do these protesters realize obambo defied the constitution 97 times that the supreme court caught? Isn't obambo a constitutional scholar?

>a statement only ignorant children could believe


I took it as a cautionary tale of what happens when you don't pull yourself up by your bootstraps.

Literally the only one of those things anyone joked about was the stutter.

>comedy has always been politicised

If that's true then why do liberals consistently get nuclear-level triggered when once in a blue fucking moon there is comedy that targets/mocks Leftist beliefs?

>ebil white man ruin my lifeeee!!!!!
>I-I-I need a soy vanilla-bean latte with two pumps pecan and prailine, a brown sugar cube, one dollop of coconut whipped cream ... and a kinoa edamame salad please...

>muh beliefs!

kys before this man drafts you to die in asia. ur too much of a pussy to make it..

There is so many things to make fun of obambo about. How about this

>obama? Thats a weird name. Sounds made up.


>oh it is

Cue laugh

>sotero. Barry sotero.

For fucks sake any politician who changed his name would have been ruthlessly mocked ny the comedians. And that is policy centric.

More like Obama happened.

The media spent 8 straight years sucking his dick. That was enough time to make overt liberal propaganda the complete and total default state of most mainstream media rather than just half or less of the total equation.


Damn, how will the patriarchy recover?

You mean how Sup Forums constantly gets nuclear-level triggered when comedy espouses left-wing beliefs and makes fun of the right?

Nuclear-level triggering is the entire fucking point. Let it slide off and ignore the people who get enraged by it.

They are unable to be legitimately funny, so they just go for low hanging "Drumpf lmao!" fruit so at least urban and college retards will tune in.

Brack obamas signature legislation, obamacare, forces you under threat of government force, to purchase a private product. Obamacare compels you to engage in commerce.

Is that freedom to you? Is that american values?

SNL has ALWAYS been political. Since the very first season with Chevy playing Ford as the clumsy moron who trips over everything.

Give me one good fucking reason why living in a van down by the river is a bad thing

remember when op wasnt a russian stooge?

>Remember when comedy wasn't politicised
No you fucking idiot

>try that shit somewhere it gets below 0 celcius

Name 1 good obambo skit, and not the all president team one.

Name exactly one time in 8 years that snl made fun of obambo.

Bill they mocked for being a fat womanizer, w they mocked for being dumb, but both were portrayed as good natured at heart. Their portrayal of trump is basically evil incarnate, and also dumb.

Japanese is actually accurate at some degree

>You mean how Sup Forums constantly gets nuclear-level triggered when comedy espouses left-wing beliefs and makes fun of the right?

Yeah, remember that overtly SJW show on Adult Swim that triggered Sup Forums, so Sup Forums launched a campaign online against Adult Swim and ultimately got it cancelled?

Good times.

>under threat of government force

Like taxes, right? Personally I like living in a country with roads and where being in a shit financial situation doesn't kill me

Remember when Frodo didn't get fucked in the ass by a dozen Hollywood jews?

I wish I did

>forces you under threat of government force, to purchase a private product
>government force

They make you pay a fine, drama queen.

It exists because uninsured fucks using the ER and passing the cost down to the rest of us is an actual problem.

Just because Sup Forums is fucking inept doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Just look at otherwise completely unnoticed garbage like Ghostbusters or Girls that gets so much hate it creates free marketing for them. Capitalism always wins, anyway.

name one time you havent been a political hack? go get a job or enlist you waste of america.
Obama "achievements" sketch 2009, #2 on google search. kys.

>Americans find shouting funny

people were always doing impersonations of the way he talked, it just wasn't particularly funny.

he didn't lose his shit every time the courts said no to him, nor did he launch into vitriolic personal attacks against the judges in question like a child

but dont you understand? if yoy give him healthcare he might be as financially secure as a german, englishman, or canadian. and that would be bad for 1% bonuses.

third world cuntries suck.

gets me everytime

But taxes are completely different. You pay the govt taxes and the govt buys services.

Obamacare forces you under threat of government prosecution to on your own purchase a commercially available product.

I think income taxes are un american as well, but lets just focus on this at the moment. If the government can compel you to purchase a comercially ordered healthcare plan, what is the difference than forcing you to buy vitamins? Or 2 gallons of milk every week?

If they passed it as a sinle payer taxed based everyone gets healthcare system i would not like it, but atleast it wouldn't change the game.

Obamacare FORCES you to BUY health insurance.

You don't realize what happens if you don't pay

You get arrested

And if you don't get arrested you get shot

That's the truth about law enforcement: buy health insurance or we will eventually fucking kill you for not paying your health insurance fees


>The uploader has not made this video available in your country.

I'm murican what is this heresy

Alright I've REALLY had about enough of these YouTube jews and their fucking censorship of shit like this

Pewdiepie gas chambers when?

I blame seth myers

John mulaney said that the SNL writers used to be much more cut throat in their work, and seth was the one who got them all to work together instead
this basically erased the competition of the writing for the "we're all gonna get trophies" attitude and the writing suffered. SNl also hires more memetastic millennials now instead of highly qualified professional writers and all they know is

This is the best skit SNL has done in a long time prove me wrong.

You say this as if you wouldn't dismiss any Trump joke/skit as "DUDE DRORMPFH" anyway.

That video that actually works subtely praises Obama care and Obama during the entire sketch while only criticizing the joke that is the POTUS using social media

They don't even talk about how he had zuckerberg work on algorithms go stop negative Democrat leaks from going viral and how he legalized government propaganda programs, they just play it off as "oh that funny black man in the white house trying to give people healthcare with the help of millenials on social media, he's so out of touch with the times and comedic lel"

It's exactly what happens in most European countries. Yes, you run into issues with insurers, but it mostly works out pretty well. Better than being in crippling debt because you happened to fall ill or dying because you didn't have the money.

>w they mocked for being dumb, but was portrayed as good natured at heart.

W. was basically just a dumb frat guy because his VP Dick Cheney was the devil incarnate in comparison.

If Trump wasn't always doing dumb shit, constantly getting caught lying, attacking people publicly on personal level like he was a bitchy little mean girl or be involved in scandals and instead did something positive (like actually providing a good healthcare plan), he might be portrayed in a more favorable light.

That one on Obama's executive orders was actually fucking based as fuck and made me chuckle when he pushed the bill off the stairs and even the black bill said "you fuckin black asshole" or whatever as he fell down the stairs

It's funny because it shows that race is irrelevant when it's a president abusing executive power and getting away with it. Even a black person will say "hey stop that" if they know the POTUS is doing it

Except you're dead ducking wrong. Mosr euro countries have sinhle payer tax systems with the govt acting as the negotiating agent.

Even americans beleive this is how obamacare works, even after 6 years of obamacare. It isn't. Obamacare compels you under force of law to purchase a private product.

You do realize that Aetna has just pulled out of all ACA markets?

Now you have less insurance companies protecting against a bankruptcy in the health ins market. ACA is in danger of popping the bubble we as a country we're forced to create after housing credit tanked.

You'd know this if you didn't get your news from comedy hour

They have. You're just retarded.

Obama 2nd term killed american audiovisual industry and you all should know that.

What's the alternative, though?

Obviously single payer would be best, but that's never passing in the US.

If you want a system that'll actually cover sick people and not force them out through higher premiums, restrictions on pre-existing conditions and caps on annual/lifetime coverage, yet you still want to keep the private insurance status quo, you're going to have to compel healthy people to buy insurance somehow to balance out the high risk sick people you've just started covering in large amounts.

The individual mandate was the only realistic answer to that.

The real tragedy is we still view and treat health insurance as largely a private product (with a little more regulations on it than most private products, I guess) instead of a necessity.

How did that go for Ghostbusters, user?

Pretty well.

That is the million dollar question. First of all would be allowing insurers to start negotiating costs under a fair pay for care system.

Blue cross doesn't bat an eye at 2k lab fees because its all guaranteed profit. But lets take away the guarantee. The third largest company in ameirca might just start fighting down insane costs.

Forcing everyone to purchase their product only led them to up prices. Which literally everyone said would happen.

Prices were going up at about the same rate before the ACA made insurers cover more sick/poor people. I should know because I've been writing the employee insurance checks for the company I work for for the past 10 years.

I'm not convinced the individual mandate had much to do with this.






I literally said that with the post you quoted, then gave a basic solution. But yes, a governmental threat of force to buy the shitty plans does effect the price. That is basic economics.

The budget didn't factor in marketing. They said that a sequel is unlikely. Their marketing team should be fired for making their movie not only look worse than it actually is (the movie was ok), but they attacked the veteran fanbase and dismissed all criticism as misogyny. There was even damage control, such as on TIME magazine where they tried to shit on the old Ghostbusters.

So no, it didn't do pretty well, but blame that on the inefficient and negative marketing.