>Having a nation
>Implying North America was one giant tribe of reddies getting along
>Implying the real natives weren't white.
>natives got invaded and kicked out of their land
>therefore we should let the same happen to us
Great argument.
>it's another bait thread
literally who cares about tree-fucking shitskins
kill yourself OP
So they're admitting its a problem.
Never change, libtards.
Yea but we killed them all. None of us are particularly interested in dying
I've seen this counterargument again and again and again. What is the typical leftist response to this?
something something you're racist something something hitler
So you admit it's a problem.
Baby steps.
wtf i hate having control of my country's immigration law and our pilgrim
ancestors now
>white migrants killed native americans close to genocide
>we should accept migrants
thats what I am getting from this picture
Gee, open borders don't sound like a very good idea.
If only they closely regulated who came in they may have been better off.
It's amazing that people can make arguments for the opposite side and still think they're winning because it makes them feel clever.
You're a racist. Its the current year.
You should stop using this argument, it takes you down to their level. The idea that an abstract moral concept about events that occurred hundreds of years ago should even be taken into account in deciding policy is stupid and dangerous enough.
They ban you from whatever platform you're on and go back to watching Jon Oliver.
Literally repeating genocide
then we need more white people then. good thinking, OP.
really makes you think...
you guys should vote her now
so, uncontrolled immigration leads to the genocide or near genocide of the people in the country? and there's a historical precedent for it?
That's a straw man. The actual argument is
>It's not right when one group invades and dindus another's land.
>therefore it was wrong when we did it
This is the worst one yet.
>illegal back then
>implying Native Americans had laws
>implying Native Americans had borders
>implying Native Americans were even native
Bitch, the indians didn't even have an alphabet. In the 17th century, they were still at the bang rocks together stage. I'm hard-pressed to believe they'd even really mastered fire by then.
Nice bantz, but it was a serious question.
I don't think most would outright say it's okay and only okay when they're not whites.
No, it's an example that shitty things happen to people who can't/won't control immigration.
Native Americans were immigrants too. Vikings were the original settlers
immigrants murder everyone
Why didn't you post any reference to native American's immigration laws?
Native Americans didn't have Immigration Laws doe...
And I gave you what they would say.
> Obvious bait
> Here's your (You) and obvious answer
Wow, turned out so well for the native americans, opening their borders to all these white devils. Guess that they weren't tolerant enough :^))))) XDDDD
Where did the native Americans come from then?
Was there ever a population more salty about losing a war than the native americans ?
>Every region should be owned by the peoples that inhabit it!
>Colonization is terrible and should never happen!
All this and more you can read in Mein Kampf.
Are you expecting a serious leftist response to that?
The original "argument" is nothing but a false equivalency that drips with a complete lack of understanding for history and the basic definition of immigration. There is no legitimate response. They just mumble something about you being racist. [spoiler]Even when you're 2nd generation Mexican like me.
I'm no fancy lawyer. But i'm pretty sure you need Law to make something illegal. I'm sure they would have made their own country with laws included if they weren't too busy killing themselves already.
>Native Americans didn't build a wall and eventually were killed by disease brought by and in battle against foreign invaders and now they are stuck on shitty plantations
>For some reason we should repeat their mistake because original sin
Those who are conquered deserved to be.
If Mudslimes want to conquer us, they can try.
This argument always confuses me, because if we're going back that far, why not go back even further?
"Native" Americans aren't native to the United States. The ones that were there long before them were completely exterminated and eradicated.
So what about them? Where is their "justice"?
Almost all countries in the entire world had native settlers from one point in time completely eradicated or misplaced.
Why do you think people are so afraid of immigration? Because people have learnt from history.
Basically according to demorats, forgeiners have a right to conquest?
Doesnt loolike white immigration to america worked well for the indians.
it's late
How would you feel about Ukrainian refugees? Are we white enough? Our girls are cute.
I love Ukrainians. My Viking Aryan People.
white people are liberators
I'm sorry brother, but no.
Your job as a based Slav is to stop the mudslime Horde from overrunning your brothers to the west. You're like the Night's Watch.
>1 post
This is actually a good argument. If you keep letting illegal immigrants in, they'll destroy your country. Just ask the Palestinians.
Dumb idiot think diversity work
Diversity is disunity. When people will not unite, they are weak. A multicultural, multiracial society is weak.
History already Prove this
Alexander died - Macedonia empire fall apart - because nobody want different culture
Mongol Empire collapse because rebellion of Han(chinese) Race
Ottoman Empire go to be disunited because Egyptian start rebellion
Eastern Europe refuse Moscow regime and that disorganize Soviet Union)
Enjoy Degenerated society
suck it faggots
This meme fails because it admits immigration = white genocide. Who thinks its ok to be genocided because historically some other peoples were too?
pro tip - If Native indian and European Immigrant Live together
There is no USA
2016 - British empire and France Still Have colony
Soviet Union occupy Continue
Gee. What a paradise
The Jews opened the Gates to Hell and let all the Literal Demons in.
It's up to Trump to destroy the Jews, expel the Demons, and lock the Gates of Hell.
I'm leftist. My only answer is - go to Gulag u retarded fagget. All of u going to one big mmurican Gulag.
>before this thread
>after this thread
Thanks OP
At least they admit it's a problem
As an indio who's father came from Mexico I think the biggest immigration problem was when they brought NIGGERs with them.
We'd all get along fine if not for the fucking niggers.
Patent this format and make a video game
You know one thing that i havent seen anyone point out is that,
Native americans never had any laws about illegal immigration. They weren't some established nation.
They frequently clashed within themselves over territory.
It wasn't even technically illegal.
Whites took control of America, established law & order, and a border to keep all our people safe and in order.
And how did that turn out for the natives faggot?
Liberal logic = mass immigration fucked over the natives, so we should encourage and support mass immigration
I can admit what happened to the "native" peoples of America was terrible. Hundreds of millions dead. The picture is still stupid though. There wasn't a country, constitution or any illegal immigration laws. White people created those things when they conquered this land. You can't really say they deserved what happened but they were no angels either. Scalping, human sacrifice and cannibalism were not uncommon. So yeah they were kind of savage. People who refuse to see them that way are in denial and dumb.
No one really deserves anything like that, but as a nation (even though they weren't really a nation, sentiment still works though) you have to realise there's likely going to be invaders trying to get you, and you have to stand against it, if you're weaker, you'll be squashed and that land will now be someone else's land. The settlers bet the natives fair and square
>"5 million slaves"
>only 388,000 slaves were ever brought to the United States
Go back to your casino?
>Implying Native Americans owned all of America
Who the fuck is teaching these kids this shit.
>Immigration is the international movement of people into a destination country of which they are not natives.
Nope, try again.
Lmao this actually PROVES our point. Look at what happened to the feather indians when they could not or stop immigrants :3
Gulag: the left's answer to every problem.