Can we all agree that the main purpose of terror is to create hostility in the west and use us to bully already isolated Muslims into joining ISIS?
What other reason is there?
Can we all agree that the main purpose of terror is to create hostility in the west and use us to bully already isolated Muslims into joining ISIS?
What other reason is there?
Germany invited 1,2 millions muslims
> Target of islamic terror attacks
Poland told the mudslims to GTFO
> Not a target of islamic terror attacks
Really makes you think.
I used to buy into this meme, until I realized that it would imply that some middle eastern muzzie had a plan in life other than "fuck some shit up, fuck some goats, fuck some little boys"
But if those Muslims can be "bullied" into chopping heads so easily, why do you want them in your country.
It's a clash of cultures and no one can change it.
They'll always feel isolated and they will always be easily agitated.
Multiculturalism is a suicidal prospect.
It seems like a side-effect of it, but I certainly don't think it is what they activly try to go for.
They are all just backwards savanges indoctrinated by islam. Whay they want and why they do terror is because that's what their holy scriptures tells them to do.
They seek the destruction of the west, merely because it goes against the laws of the world as stated by the quran.
>Can we all agree that the main purpose of terror is to create hostility in the west and use us to bully already isolated Muslims into joining ISIS?
Yes. The solution is to bring even more people who hate alcohol, women not wearing garbage bags, dogs, hot dogs, ham, bacon and sausage and then acquiesce to their every demand until White nations lose their national identity just like the globalists want.
That's obviously the best choice, you slimey cuck.
Well that doesn't explain why Sunnis are blowing the fuck out of Shias on a near daily basis
>308+ dead, 225+ wounded
>80+ dead, 260+ wounded
main purpose of ISIS attacks specifically: prove their strength to muslims.
>look how we can strike the enemy in the heart of his homeland with impunity! the power of allah reaches everywhere!
they try to demonstrate power to make themselves attractive to potential recruits.
the purpose of terrorism in general is just plain impotent rage. it's what people do if they see absolutely no way to actually achieve their political goals but have literally no other purpose. so they just channel their anger and rage at their political opponent, or at those associated with him, and fuck shit up.
The question is what THEY want.
And how do we feel about that?
Its also means to force a group or gov to change pilitics.
Its like a strategic weapon.
Can hit any one anywhere any time.
This is some Wimp Lo tier logic
>I'm bleeding, making me the victor
EVERY 'counter terror' policy is a double edged sword, designed to inflame extremism whilst providing the illusion that they are combatting it.
I mean, who in their right mind ramps up bombing in Syria and Iraq an hour after a French guy runs people over in a truck? Especially after the last 2 years and 50 000 bombs that have been dropped has not deterred ISIS.
You've literally got every counter terror expert saying don't bomb, it just creates more terrorism, and yet this is what they keep doing.
Really makes you think. - This meme is growing so stale. Sooooophisticated.
The question remains, isn't hostility what they want? How do we feel playing into it?
if you want to know what they want and why they do it, read their official statements.
some of the things in there
>we are bringing down the justice of allah on infidels!
>we are enacting divine retribution against evil crusader nations!
>we are the one true caliphate, by allah, our might even reaches into the heart of the enemy's land!
>o muslims, even if you live among the infidels, rise up and fight the infidels until the caliphate reigns supreme!
>Its also means to force a group or gov to change pilitics.
has that EVER actually worked? has any government actually been so cucked that they gave in to terrorist demands?
We all knew that this shit was a set-up.
But acting like nothing is going on and that we must 'unite' is far farfar more damaging.
We must fight the puppetmaster first.
Good Kung Pow ref - but seriously. I only see two options, swallow up their shitty culture as we did with so many other cultures or declare war with half of the worlds population.
That's like saying that what America wants is Freedom.
Spain you are an idiot.
>The question remains, isn't hostility what they want? How do we feel playing into it?
they want a war, let them fucking have it.
time is on their side - as long as we dont fight back, they will keep pouring thousands of muslims into our lands each day. the longer this goes on, the more muslims will be among us when war finally comes.
escalating it faster is in OUR interest. letting them continue to pump us full of sleeper agents makes the conflict muck more bloody and damaging for us.
I told you you're right. They want to radicalize Muslims, in Europe too.
But I went ahead and explained you how that doesn't change anything.
In order to stop their radicalization you really need to go far in order to appease them.
Also, just because most of Muslims aren't ISIS-tier doesn't mean majority aren't already ''radical'' in many ways.
It's pure fluff to entice their stupid masses, they want power and a steady supply of people to join their armies...
Allah is nothing more than a booth-babe.
>Can we all agree that the main purpose of terror is to create hostility in the west and use us to bully already isolated Muslims into joining ISIS?
>What other reason is there?
Nigga, their god and prophet literally tell them to do it, that is all.
I am Danish you German immigrant hole. Sut en Perker pik dit Tyske svin. Stay on topic.
pic related.
not everything is an intricate conspiracy orchestrated by shady jews behind the curtain. islamic jihad isnt new. they've been at it for over a thousand years. their methods and techniques change over time, the goal stays the same: make the world muslim.
we die anyway whats the point of living?
Again ... Just like the bald eagle, Jesus and the statue of liberty tell Americans to go fight for Freedom...
Pure fluff for the masses.
The problem with westerners is that most of US cannot actually conceive of someone being devoutly religious. People think there must be some logical motive behind the actions of these braindead Muslim idiots.
Just take a look at the comments of that Brazilian kids dancing video posted on here earlier if you want to see how retardedly religious these people are.
Find someone in the west warning of the dangers of Islam prior to 2001. Find someone warning of Sharia Law and rising extremism
Back in the 70's we predicted peak oil and global warming, but no one predicted the rise of radical Islam, until after Sept 11 2001
What a coincidence
see violent jihad against infidels is literally established in the quran itself, and has been the standard way to spread islam to new countries for 1400 fucking years. it really is that fucking simple.
Hey whats doing on there?
GTFO of my country you muslim dick sucker.
we call them terrorists but they're not really. they're fighting a holy war. they aren't trying to just scare us. the ultimate goal is annihilation. we should destroy them first. the moderate muslim meme is just a distraction. isis loves it because we waste time debating instead of killing isis. why do you think they want shillary elected?
Yeah you really don't know America at all. The US is one of the most religious countries in the world.
Not saying it is.. And the idiots that blow themselves up really DO believe in magic, honor and martyrdom... It's just that their bosses don't and they DON'T have to be Jews... Just power-hungry.
If people join ISIS as a result of others being mean to them then they were probably one unintentional slight away from being extremists anyway, fuck them and let them die in the desert.
>The question remains, isn't hostility what they want?
Just maybe inaction is what they want. They show the west not doing anything in retaliation - make it look like they're getting away with it. Make their fellow muslims feel like they can look down on the pitiful westerners that wont even fight back. Make themselves look like the nimble little rebel outwitting the dumb slow empire. etc. etc. etc. They can spin either action OR inaction to their advantage, so saying one is better than the other on that ground is absurd.
noone in the west gave a single shit about what backwards sandniggers did in their desert until they started actively fucking up the west.
islamic expansion by way of jihad was thought ot be a thing of the past ever since the ottoman empire fell and the ottoman caliphate was abolished, and none of the shitty successor states were a threat to the west at all.
Can't a nigga just kill some infidels? Why does it always have to be some kind of deep thing.
>I'm Danish
That explains all this muslim dick sucking coming from you.
I meant 'most of us' as in westerners no idea why I capitalized it.
There's nothing wrong with radicalising all 1.2 billion mudslimes
Let's end this once and for all.
Again, these are the dummies - Of course they believe in it. Just like The west buys into their values when going to war. The grunts always need a good story to fight, patriots or fanatics, it doesn't matter.
But the ones in power have bigger things in mind. A muslim uprising is the best chance they got to get control back of their land and slowly destroy their enemies from within.
If you attack Gibraltar
I win
>the idiots that blow themselves up really DO believe in magic, honor and martyrdom... It's just that their bosses don't
says who? you think al-baghdadi is actually an infidel who just pretends to be muslim for the sake of his political ambition? nigger the dude obtained a doctorate in islamic theology and was an imam for a decade before the whole caliphate thing.
you wanna tell me that bin laden and al-zawahiry are actually crypto atheists too? lmao
you are really desperate to find some convoluted theory that takes islam out of the equation
lel.... as if I wanted to stay in this sewer for more than a few weeks to piss on your streets, get drunk for nothing and fuck your loose women.
it's very efficient for recruiting. kids love strenght and can't bear the lovey dovey speeches of the west
Can we all agree that the main purpose of annexation is to create hostility in Britain and use us to bully already isolated Germans into joining the Nazis?
What other reason is there?
t. chamberlain
The main purpose of terror is simply to show the world that lots of, if not all Islamic people are retarded.
That's why leftists are so into Islam.
First valid reply! Og fra en anden Dansker!
This is true, one can speculate what has the bigger pull, them feeling like victims to us and wanting to rebel... Or them seeing that what is still a "few" assholes are making life hard on their new friends.
Of all places... I didn't expect someone from pol to compare depressed desert rats to the Reich... You really think that's a valid comparison.... Mate?
I wish. It would be amazing if all muslims joined ISIS, then the west could completely kill them/deport them once and for all. The only reason thats not happening is because leftists and their #notallmuslims rhetoric. It would be great if it really was all muslims and the west could let loose on them. The point of these terror attacks is just to kill some non-muslims. Thats all there is to it. The terrorists aren't even what the west needs to be worrying about muslim-wise, it's the huge amount of muslims being allowed into Europe and be given full citizenship and outbreeding the non-muslims. Thats how they're going to take over Europe, not with their weak terrorist armies.
The plebs do not reflect the sophistication of the puppet grinders.
>Banning muslims for being terrorists will make more muslims terrorists, which has been our plan all along
I know if I was in power, I'd be doing all I could to get those fucking animals to prove that they're not human so I could glass them. Letting their radicals grow in number is the least you can do to reach that end.
>The point of these terror attacks is just to kill some non-muslims
90% of those killed in terror attacks are non muslim tho
It is difficult to imagine true belief and devotion to a religion since we moved past that in the civilized world and it became part of our culture, more secular.
The shitskin monkeys believe it 100%, it dictates their daily lives, they are fed it 24/7 in the mosques,
60% of the refugees in Germany are illiterate in their own language, think about that, they don't even know how to read or write, they only know the Quran.
It is difficult for us to comprehend, but the German bro si quite right
he's not comparing them. he's pointing out how retarded and cucked your argument sounds. you just dont realize it because you're looking at everything through your "islam is religion of peace and cant be the reason why they do it, surely there must be a great hidden conspiracy instead"
>in the one hand, appeasement politics from the 30s
>in the other hand, appeasement politics from right fucking now
Accept it lad.
Also germany did not torture and murder inocents on eu soil. Germany did not go to iraq to wage a illigal war.
>has terrorist attacks
Poland murders and tortures muslims.
Fucks there country up and makes daesh posibbel.
>no terror
Yeah thats very strange.
But i guess thats the price you pay for acting like a human.
Wow. Hey black n white world view. No. I am not saying they're fucking atheist you dunce! I am saying that they are human and gain from doing these things.
All the ISIS brides and penthouses they give out to their warriors don't fit in with a Islamic way of living neither.. But people need motivation, people are people.
And it so happens that some people gain from sending out a bunch of redneck to lower prices and territory and weaken competitors. They can go bend over ever 5 min and believe whatever they want. But you can't tell me they aren't powerhungry and selfish... like EVERYONE else.
That was a big jumble there:
Sending out a bunch of rednecks to lower prices on local territory and weaken their overseas competitors at the same time.
Sorry bout that.
The point of terrorism is to scare the west into staying out of middle eastern affairs, and also to weaken and degrade the west so that more Muslims can enter and Islamify the west.
I mean, this is the fucking stated aims of the terrorists. They're not rusing you nigger. They just fucking want you out of their affairs and they want IN on your affairs.
It's not rocket science.
Did you know that the only reason ISIS provokes us in this way is because they believe Allah will come down from the sky and use magic to save them when we finally decide to destroy them?
ISIS entire plan rests on this event that will not happen.
We aren't "Playing into ISIS hands" by temporarily banning mudshits while we get rid of ISIS. We are literally exploiting the critical flaw in their plan, the teeny tiny little problem that ISIS didn't calculate: which is the fact that Allah...doesn't actually fucking exist. There will be no magic to save them when the west comes to fuck them. It will simply be a mudshit extermination fest and thousands of confused mindless allahbots screaming allahu snackbar as they get roasted.
We should just nuke them and get it over with.
What they want is pretty simple.
First a Caliphate in the middle east and africa.
Then a caliphate in Asia.
Then a caliphate in Europe.
It's what they have wanted for a thousand years. It's what they still want.
How do you feel about being Muslim?
Pim Fortuyn. The guy was truly a prophet
>All the ISIS brides and penthouses they give out to their warriors don't fit in with a Islamic way of living neither
that is just plain wrong.
in the quran, muhammad repeatedly promises riches and spoils of war to those who fight for allah.
in the quran, muhammad repeatedly endorses the practice of muslims enslaving the women of conquered enemies and taking them for their own wives.
ISIS is LITERALLY doing what the earliest muslims under the leadership muhammad, and later under the four rashidun caliphs, did. exactly the same. that's literally the point of their entire organisation.
yes, there are opportunists who latch onto it for selfish reasons, but the main driving force behind it is as simple as it gets: islam. that's it.
The lack of bombing created the terrorism though.
These people aren't aggrieved victims of collateral damage. They're foreign (even largely western) elements occupying Syria. The inability for the west to route 30,000 men (inability is a charitable word, we know the western powers don't WANT to remove them) has allowed them to stage an operations and propaganda center and serve as a beacon of hope to inspire Jihad in the west.
If you don't bomb them, they kill you. If you do bomb them, they'll be dead and they can't kill you.
The current global dilema had nothing to do with Western aggression against Jihadi's - it was Jihadism FUELED by Western cash and strategic support.
We set up a zone where they could flourish because MUH PUTIN, and this is the result. Like Obama and Hillary take pains to explain - this is the new normal. This blowback is a small price to pay to keep a Putin aligned dictator on the back foot, right?
>Isn't hostility what they want
No. They want submission.
They love that we play into it.
Agree - and why A Caliphate? Because it puts a few people on top of a lot of people.
They are imperialists... And they need their "savages" to wage wars with.
How do you feel about being a waste of time?
ISIS have stated their goals since the beginning.
They want Christians and Muslims in the west to be at each others throats.
That it will start a holy war that will end in the destruction of the world and that they will come out victorious.
The left aren't talking shit when they say "Getting angry at Muslims is what the terrorists want"
Not that I care. 'Moderate Muslims' in my opinion are worse and far more dangerous.
They are the ones being told to have 3 wives and breed 10 kids and push them all into positions of power.
>Poland murders and tortures muslims.
except 1683 when? ,citation needed
you mean this "secret cia camps'?
Pretty good. At least my country will be Caliphated last.
>that's the price you pay for acting like a human
Evil people always take advantage of the kindness of others. Every time.
It's sad leaders in Europe can't grasp that concept.
If you kill your enemies, they win
>they will come out victorious.
Not quite. The extremist behaviour that does not represent the majority does allow for general purpose Muslims to refuse to integrate and harbour anti-Western sentiments since they are less extreme by comparison and at least they aren't blowing up.
They have never stated this goal.
You're just making shit up.
They initially wanted Assad removed. Then the removal of Sykes-Picot.
Then a Caliphate originating in the levant.
The purpose of targeting the west is, as they have repeatedly stated over and over and over, is to keep the Western powers out of the region while they go about their Caliphate building.
/thread, keeping these barbaric cultural retards out is the answer, no wonder Trump is so popular with millions of American citizens.
people have been fighting and killing each other over religious beef since literally forever. your moronic "but its not actually because they believe in it! they just fake it to get rich!" apologism is so out of touch with reality and history it makes my head hurt.
preventing islamic terrorism is the easiest thing in the world: prevent islam, that's all you fucking need to do. if you keep the muslims out of your country, you wont end up with 4 different kinds of shitskin going on random murder sprees within a single weak.
look at how poland and hungary are "playing into ISIS hands" according to your idiocy. now what happened to them? nothing. poles and hungarians keep their own land and laugh as retards like you bend over and welcome the hostile invaders. and they are getting precisely ZERO terror attacks in poland and hungary, simply because there arent any mudslimes who could start shit in the first place.
Like all retarded things, trying to make sense of holy books or reading into them is pointless.
The fucking book can't even make out if Allah can call for vile actions or not - 7:28 vs 17:16
And it sure hates the spoiled and rich as much as the bible. *protip, it sells better to the masses.
It's all selfish. From the core.
>if you oppose your enemies, they win
gtfo with this canadian logic
So what is your solution to islamic terror? Should we just "learn to live with it"? Moron
Heh, you belong to the Chinese already. At least your East coast does... No one cares about Perth.
The purpose is to kill us. Nothing more and nothing less.
No we can't agree to that. I'm sure some bimbos would agree to your leading question so as to shorten the need to engage their brains though so nice phrasing.
The basis of Islamist terror is to impose by violence its political/religious will on others or to take them out of competition to do so in other areas.
No one is born Muslim so there is no pressure for them to go further down that rabbit hole. The only thing that might impose this upon them is... Muslim communities trying to increase in-group preference to gain advantages via ethnic nepotism. All Muslims are supporters of ISIS. Why would they not be given the attention and fast tracking they have been granted as a result? That relationship is actively being re-enforced right now. The reason ISIS hasn't gone away is because they see a glimmer of hope in the way the west capitulates to their impositions.
I know of one
We can just keep all muslims away. That would solve evryones problem. Musslims can have midel east we whites and christians hace europe that includes constantinopel.
Nope. We need to look like the better fucking option.
We have given in to shit morals and let our kingdoms go to ruin. We need to man the fuck up and build the better empire. Not by starting pointless wars, not by listening to drivel about our glorious or awful pasts and how UNFAIR it all is.
A true Empire is fresh, strong and creates followers by it's sheer output and a temptation to follow it.
We need to stop blaming everyone else for our issues and JUST make it GREAT ourselves.
If we bully muslims they go booom!
Special treatment for muslim children! How dare you defend yourself Hanz? Are you a nazi? These poor refugees were beating you because of their culture
Israel created ISIS, jew.
Just kill yourself.
>germany did not torture and murder inocents on eu soil
which universe are you from
This is a great speech for a politician, but it doesn't address the issue. How would France for example deal with muslims unless they give them the boot and send them back to Algeria?
Integration has already failed. They either react with violence and send them back, at the risk of radicalizing them or they will simply submit to islam
Yes goys Germans should not have blamed Jews for their enomonical crisis and moral bankruptcy. Just let jews push degeneracy and ignore it and it will all work out fine!
The point of terror is to force a political point yet so far ISIS haven't made any demands.
This latest style of attack is simple in its message: Muslims hate us and want us to die.
We need to look at the history and context of Islam - without politically correct biases - to understand more.
The purpose of terror is to show people the nature of the police state when they swing back with tactics that affect everyone and thus generate sympathy and distaste for the reigning government.
>ISIS haven't made any demands.