Destroying the remainders of the european """"union""""

How do we destroy what's left of the european union?
the free world should impose sanctions and enforce an embargo on what's left of the eu

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You should impose an embargo on your politicians wages, who make more than fucking American ceo's.
Maybe that will pull your country out of it's financial shithole and you won't be so butthurt.

Kick Greece out of the e""""u""""

1. Don't buy products made in what's left of the eu.

2. Push the southern/nortern divide to the extreme by any means necessary. A southern seccession will lead to a greatly revalued euro and thus a negative trade balance for what's left of the eu.

3. Sabotage their production facilities both domestic and abroad.

4. Execute all their executives, agents and local collaborators.

the e""""u"""" works as a northern european corporate cartel in search of new markets like Italy, Spain , Greece and others, hugely aided by the euro currency. Northern surplus is simply southern deficit.

Renewed e""""u"""" theaths and innuendos of sectarian fights in Ireland

>The ghosts of Ireland’s past, present and future could well land on the negotiation table again by Christmas next year at a crucial point before exit day.

Just Lega should be first Italian party and UE is over.

How are they polling?

15% but they are in the coalition of center-right.
They can lead the winning coalition, but Berlusconi can betray them and go with Democratic Party.

Does he still want Italy to drop the euro?

He want to protect his empire. Left wing want to keep Euro, we don't know what he will do, he's ambiguos.

>How do we destroy what's left of the european union?
I'm going to join a left-wing anti-austerity (aka anti-EU) party before the next elections.

>He want to protect his empire
From what? Getting bought off?

Support the parties and politicians who seem to be leaning to "EU rejecters" ideas.
BBC posted an interesting article about the different groups in europe depends on their attitude towards the EU, its role and its future.

Know any, right or left, that won't be blackmailed to reverse its programme?

From Democratic Party, they try to make law that penalize him.
Italian Democratic Party is really disgusting, instead of doing something good they just duel in a dumb way Berlusconi.
You should stop thinking about left and right, vote parties that want to put first of everything national interest.

Pay your debts, you fucking parasites.

Politicians are not to be trusted generally. We'll have to see how the whole eastern european disobedience thing unfolds.

Or else what?

If what I'm hoping for happens (multi-party left-wing coalition) it will be a LOT harder to blackmail them than a bunch of ex-PASOK voters relying on public sector jobs.

It won't solve the corruption, and we might still be pressured other ways, but I don't think the EU will go as far as enforcing an embargo or something towards Greece.

One big issue will be "west"-controlled social media. Their capacity to brain-wash the public is now incredible, and they will try to topple or destabilize the new government.

But with 300-400 euro wages, there are a lot of people willing to take a hit. What are they going to do? We're almost at rock bottom already.

>national interest
How about Grillo's party? Is it any good or full of shit?

To me it seems that they are ctrl-opposition, but it's full of good people.
I just don't believe in their movement, if they wanted to exit Euro and eventually UE they would make an alliance M5S-Lega, and they will have the majority of the votes.

>multi-party left-wing coalition
They don't hold any significant electoral power unless you're talking about uprising and establishment of a new government with KKE heading it.
An embargo will most definitely get imposed so privisions must be made beforehand. Sooner or later the rest of the south will follow.

They're more left leaning and that's why they don't want to work with Lega?

Kind of, yes. But they are totally against alliance (because "everyone is corrupt") and they say that soon or later they will reach 51%.
This is one of the many thing that make me think it's a fake...

Gas the Union Race war now

3% LAE+2% Pleusi Eleytherias
If they join before the elections, they will get voted by another 3% of various left-wing parties.
That's 8%, joined with KKE they'll get 13-15%, which is close to what SYRIZA polls for.
With GD voting anti-EU, anti-austerity measures too, they can have a really big impact, and would have a majority if it wasn't for the 1rst party "bonus"

How about public opinion in Italy? I assume it's growing more anti e"""u""".

Isn't lae closer to 2%? Doubt KKE will join.


It's time the Euro master races destroys the Greek subhumans :DDDD

Kick Greece out.

>leave Ireland Apple, they tax you
Why wouldn't Apple just move to Germany, France, the Netherlands now?
Unless they move to England now, now that they have autonomy and can plan their tax system on their own, after Brexit of course.

it's 2% of total voters but close to 3% if you remove abstention. Also these polls are done by ND-supporters so they probably downplay them a bit.
>Doubt KKE will join.
It will be "forced" if there's another 8% left-wing party, but you're right, they're autistic enough to deny even in that case.

What can we personally do to make the destruction of the EU a more probable and realistic thing? How can we contribute, what should we do in particular to make it happen? Give your plans and ideas, and if you work hard on it, if you put enough effort into it, your wishes and hopes may come true, who knows?

You don't to do much tbqh. e""""u"""" inefficiencies and disparity work just fine.

Not him, but beware, Italians are pro-EU. In the end they know that is way better to be governed by the germans or Brussel than shitty Rome or Milan

>In the end they know that is way better to be governed by the germans or Brussel than shitty Rome or Milan
That's the kind of bullshit story they sold to Greeks too, especially right-wingers.

Germans will only fuck your country up and rob your shit, just like anyone else that's given control of your government.
They're not "efficient", "fair" etc. They're not only as corrupt as anyone else, but also sociopathic pieces of shit and foreigners to your country.

user.. I'm from FVG. I speak German and Slovenian. For my people everything ovest and south of Friuli is nigger land. Only Trentino Alto Adige can be saved. A lot of people here resent Rome and if they could they would immediately return to be part of Austria. Try to guess why..

>governed by the germans
Ah yes. For a while we bought into that meme too, you see collective guilt works wonders. Germans are nothing special or different. They just look after maximising their profit, they don't care who gets stomped in the process. As long as the problem doesn't reach their electorate anything goes, just look how they behaved during the refugee crisis.
Isn't Milan the industrial heartland of Italy? You really want to sell it all off to the Germans?

>I'm an elitist separatist racist
lol ok, go your own way.

Lumbard are shit. Corrupt as the south Italians but overly arrogant. Every time I have to travel to Milan I despise the tought of having to speak with them. At least south italians are nice. And again: in the north east of Italy we don't like the notion of "Italy". Veneto would like to be an indipendent republic again and Friuli Venezia Giulia regard itself as an European region or would be fine to be again a part of Austria. You are salty with the germans but I think a lot of people simply see Greece for what it is: a poor country, with no industrial base or research facility worth of anything, corrupted to the core.
But please, don't take it as an insult. I think Greece is a beautiful country, I like you people. But you reaped what you sought in the last century. Maybe is better if you leave for a little bit the wheel to Brussels.

Nah, I'm not racist. If I could I would live in Neaples for the rest of my life. I like the city, the people and the atmosphere. Pugliesi too. I don't like to be part of a nation with people that conquered and belittle our lands. especially since we are the richest part of Italy (we don't have the rich extremes of Lumbardy or Piedmont but people here live longer and better than the rest of Italy).

>But you reaped what you sought in the last century.

Yeah, it's a doggy dog world out there... Crises like this are a a diamond dozen, I hole-heartedly agree. Maybe Brussels is a blessing in the skies.

Why haven’t Greece left EU yet. We don’t want you in the club and to be honest you are too Turkish to be considered European.

No it's not. But the EU can provide resources to help Greece. A lot of errors were made (for example you shouldn't be let in the >Eurozone). Austerity worked decently in Spain, Portugal and Ireland. The only country were it failed completely is Greece. Maybe the fault lies in your political elite.

>leave for a little bit the wheel to Brussels.
You do realise that this is what happens for 7 years straight right? How long is a bit? I think it will be much better if they kick us out. They say that we need to be tought a lesson, what better lesson is there other than an expulsion?

Talking about corruption and careless spending though, it's strange how nobody mentions anymore the insolvent French, German, Dutch, Belgian banks that were lending the so called piigs but also were very exposed to american derivatives. How were allthe these western european banks bailed i wonder. You could say they are corrupt too huh?

That's what i'm saying, you should kick us out

You Turkish rape babies deserve to be wiped out.
Greedy, dirty little wog cunts.

pfft small dick overcompenation