All EUs online right now are NEETS

All EUs online right now are NEETS

prove me wrong

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I'm on rest days after a 7 day week. No NEET bux for me sven

I'm studying at a uni.

NEET reporting in.

i work from home

NEET lives matter, anons.

im on ill leave
kek pls save me from wageslavery

/homefromUni/ reporting in.

I have vacation.


you must work hard to provide NEETbux for everyone ITT.

Burger neet reporting in

Working from home user. The real week starts tomorrow when I have to travel for business and hole myself up in a holiday inn until Friday.

There is literally nothing wrong with being a NEET.

Feels comfy desu.

Took a leap year to travel around, didn't work out. Now staying with girlfriend in Linz, waiting for school to start in The Hague in september.

I am bored to dead.

neet reporting in

Lunch break

All of you are worse than NEETs, why work when you are being exterminated in the process?

Working from home, currently proofreading a legal textbook on sexual consent. Not the most interesting work I've ever done desu (hence why I'm procrastinating on Sup Forums), but it's well-paid.

I'm between employments :^)

I frankly don't know what I want to do with my life

I work for Mr. Santorino. We are currently waiting for a buyer, so... Not a NEET lel!

10 year (almost) NEET checking in.

Part time merchant here

I work shifts. Have monday off.

Fuck you, I'm in between jobs.

vacation Sven.


>implying I dont browse Sup Forums at work

>there are wagecucks browsing Sup Forums AS WE SPEAK

I'm on a holiday, cuck. A uni student here. Even so, I have a part time job.

im on my second week ill leave now
i get home battered and depressive and i suck at work

I only work when i can openly mock the lesser people, so i plan to go back to work on Jan. 20.

I don't live in EU, but I work from 8 pm to 6 am in the warehouse, more pay just to be a vampire. Only thing is if I don't shop or get a girl before work, I don't see any girls

I am officially a student but you could call me a NEET, I guess.

browsing Sup Forums at work

my family will kill me probably if i quit
my brother would understand it though and support me

Im at work right now but jackshit to do and half the company is on vacation.
Im sitting her alone, in shorts and tshirt, barefooted, drinking iced coffee and surfing the web.

Pretty comfy, feels like NEET life just with decent money at the end of the month not just 450 euro.

just what are you gonna do about it faggot

that looks depressing.

NEET still living with my parents reporting in

I am at wörk rigth now and post.

No neet.

you work in an ecig liquid bottlling facility?

Vape shop? Do you get busy at all?

I'm on my holiday! Just came back from picking blue berries with my preggo wife and whiny two year old! Now I'm making lunch then we might go for a swim down at the lake!
But I'm NEET at heart!


What's it like working at a nurse's office at a high school?

I'm still in college

What is socialist entitled vacation?

Yeah, quiet until after lunch time though

I work 25h a week. Feels gud

I start in my new job this week and already have been trained, so I guess I'm not a NEET right now.


It's still summer vacation, I don't start Uni in another 2 weeks.

Underrated post.

>tfw night shift
fug I should be sleeping

>get swiss wages
>be frugal
>work 2 years then live on spare money for 2

This time I went a step further, I am homeless but sleep at gf/friends/family homes and go to cheap countries when it's winter.

Living the life.

You're absolutely correct, sir.

Why would I go to work and pay taxes to provide for immigrants and corrupt politicians? Fuck it.
I'm 24 and retired. I will never ever work a day in my life ever again.

I'm glad I got out of the race early.

24 and already retired?
Here you have to slave yourself to 60 or longer.

Im neet
start back at college for the first time in 20 years in a month.
I didn't become a successful musician so back to school. fuck minimum wage.

I want money. Welfare isn't going to pay for my handmade shoes and jackets, and staying at home all week sure doesn't feel as comfy.

i prove you right

I'm at work in the loo.

Neet leeching off government and parents. FeelsGoodMan, but I fear for the future. Then again so should everyone.

By retired I mean I will never ever get a job again. No fucking way. Not on this planet. I even burned all of the documentation I got form school, diplomas and shit just in case lol

I'm receiving welfare money from the government and leech money of my parents.

It's kinda funny, because I actually chose this way of life. It's not like I'm handicapped or anything.

Fuck the system and fuck society. They''re going to pay for me as long as I'm alive.

>worked retail for 8 years
>Lived at parents and rent was £30/week
>Quit my job and live off the money I have

I can live like this doing nothing for 26 years.

I'm not a neet I just work from home and am slacking off my job because I'm tired and I don't know what to do any I know I won't get a call asking about my progress until 2 or something.

2 month holiday


Well, atleast the parents don't seem to mind your neetdom, it seems.

One of the professors on my doctoral panel is a biochem doctorate studying protein aggregation underlying neurodegenerative diseases like tau in ad or alphasyn in park.

He was a farmer until 25, musician until 30, then professor by 40... It really is never too late, whether you're doing STEM ir even some rando lib arts degree...
Actually a bizarre amount of profs who're ex musicians in my uni. One I work under for Ht and Sod work, huntingtons and als, was also a musician, and has some of his jazz bass work in press

I look after my mildly spactarded mum

Student on my first week of summerholidays.
Literally doing nothing besides shitposting until October feels good man.
Living like a NEET without being a NEET. Find a flaw.

if i was your dad i'd kill myself; be a man and stop burdening your poor parents

reporin in

I'm on a lunch break at my desk.

gets boring after a few weeks, I work a few hundred hours during summer, pretty fun if you have an interesting job

>All EUs online right now are NEETS

Or refugees.

My dad is a millionaire actually. I didn't even meet him until I was 16. I don't feel sorry for him. I just tell him to pay up to compensate for all the lost years.

My mom has average income. But they don't mind that I'm a neet at all.

If my country wasn't ruled by marxists who flooded the cities with muslimscum. I would get a job.
But you know. I'm not gonna help them paying for a fucking democide.

Day off. Watching netflix, Beer and Sup Forums.

>tfw my meme getting used.

ohh is ok ausbro

at least you got means you have KEK by your side.

Don't give up.

>Day off. Watching [Robotwars], Beer and Sup Forums.

being a neet also fucks with your mental state, i'm serious. you become a stronger human beingf through it. and that small percentage that goes from my tax to some mudslime scum i really am willing to pay that price, because almost all of my tax money goes into useful stuff.

i mean you become stronger through working a tough job

That's why the west will fail.
Weak faggots


Aussie but I work nights in Berlin.


Man I'm so glad I'm not in the EU or this would be insulting.

I'm at the job

Im away to do time based art ,which is still pretty faggy but I think I can complete the course

You don't know what you're talking about hungrybro.

Just because I'm a neet doesn't mean I'm the classic loner, basement dweller, drug addict, alcoholic, welfare receiving SOB.

I got all the time in the world. I spend my time how I feel like spending it.

I know what you mean, and you're right. But having hobbies, working out, and meditating regularly ensures that I stay healthy, in body, mind and spirit.

Sounds kinda gay, but it's true tho.


I have education.

Shitposting at work through Clover™

Because in other countries, you probably won't even go to that first step. Waking up

I made so much money with Brexit, don't need to work for the next two years

Thrift store clerk. Slow paced enough to sit here and shitpost.

i'm on vacation, need a break from studies

I'm a university student and it is summer. I don't have anything to do until late september.

Spot on

Its my day off faggot

I'm a student. The academic year only runs from the last week of September until the third week of June. So I'm free now

Yet again
>implying students have so much work they can't party and shitpost during the AY