Will Europe Reverse the Happening on the Muslim's ? How Many more Attacks will We Count before That?
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Not under our current democratic systems, no
I think Germany will continue to collapse on itself. I mean there has been a happening every day, yet they still continue to say that they are "isolated cases" and that they weren't truly muslim, etc.
It's pathetic and sad, really.
Reverse? Hah.
We will have this for the next 100 years at least.
There is absolutely no way mass deportations are gonna happen.
9/11 was 15 years ago.
The will DEFINITELY last over 100 years.
I have a feeling a muslim genocide is coming
No ethnic shift on this scale have ever been corrected in all of recorded History.
Do you really think europeans and their pathological virtue signaling will be the ones to break the mold ?
Collapse into third world and permanent civil war awaits.
Europe is 1-2 elections away from having leaders that can actually defend their countries.
Europe maybe, but Sweden will be Ahmedcountry before then.
Do you really think they'll deport the literally tens of millions already here ?
For that matters, do you really think they'll enforce the borders ?
The italians can't afford to either deport those coming from the sea, of the PR from sinking the boats and slaughtering all onboard.
I mean, i'd LOVE for it to happen, but do you REALLY think it'll happen ?
If only that were true Sven. By then it'll be too late and nudslimes will be able to vote in enough numbers to keep any based democratic parties from winning an election.
Maybe if far right governments take power. Not while the current mob of useless cunts are in charge. There must be strong leadership to guide the fight back.
We see in France with the Bataclan cover-up of torture and the attempted Nice cover up of the video footage that the current rulers are more interested in covering their own asses than in protecting their citizens and actively fighting back. Europe's only hope is to shift to the right. Hungary has the right idea.
It is too late for defense. It's either mass deportations or genocide, and neither of those things will happen.
>Europe is slowly turning into Middle East
If thousands more die, sure. But i think we have to pass a number here - about 10.000 people dead in all europe.
Maybe that would be enough to shoot the migrants into the seas. Maybe.
>implying this will not determine the next year elections
>implying new hitler germany will not wipe out entire muslim population
.. maybe you're right thow ...
>Reverse the Happening on the Muslim's ?
Literally impossible.
I have faith in Germany youtube.com
But even if Europe doesn't go down these roads, there is civil war coming. These immigrant communities will spill out of control and when the welfare systems collapse under the immense strain, the shit will really hit the fan. Added to this is the constant cutting of police and military forces in Europe.
You will see small Islamic emirates in Europe in your lifetime. The worst lot to fight first are the virtue signallers. They have the capacity to do the worst damage through their naiveté and pathological need to destroy themselves (and all of us with them).
Even if we removed women's suffrage it wouldn't be enough, the amount of numales is overwhelming, and numales are basically women where voting pattern is concerned.
You people need to make peace with the fact that western civilisation is dying.
Not collapsing, no, collapsing would be actually a good thing, a starting point to rebuild.
Demography is destiny, and the west is replacing its people with third-world.
Our dear elites seem to think Europe is Europe because of geography.
But they are only making us yet another third-world, sub80 IQ part of the world.
Do you really think the AfD will secure a 2/3 majority? (That's what you would need to do major changes, correct?)
Because if they don't, literally noone will side with them (because hurr durr neonazis) and they won't be able to do jackshit.
My great-great-grandfather took part in that genocide. The first well documented one in history.
Beats guarding the Reichstag(SS) or getting caught by Russians or Americans and being put into a camp(Wehrmacht) like my great grandfathers.
>implying it's not already happening
Many many more to even take notice.
Daesh is loosing. There acts of desperation will change nothing.
Weak and soon dead.
All of them. ALL OF THEM.
Just to be replaced by another group
Only if we do nothing.
>being this blue pilled, outdated and defeated
Go kill yourself, cuck. Times are changing and you only think like that because you lives in your moms cave too much.
I actually do belive that the germyns have had enough of Merkels shit and that the next elections will bring the necessary change that they need. They will still need to do something with the vast maasses of "refugees" that are already within germyn borders and that my friend, might be more challenging than we can imagine.
Well, mudshit has been killin mudshit for thousands of years so you are right I guess... How does it feel being no better than tje nignogs in murica?
It's going to be boring if there isn't a happening for a few days
>You will see small Islamic emirates in Europe in your lifetime.
Like Bosnia, Kosovo, and Dagestan
Many, many more attacks or a single 9/11 scale attack has to happen and even then it might still might not be enough. Several generations of easy living and government hand-holding have to be overcome by a savage reality check and it is this: You have to fight and kill to hold on to what you've got or someone else is going to take it.
But I fear that liberal weakness is so ingrained into European society that it's going to take a generation or two for them to finally accept that Islam is incompatible with modern society.
You forgot Chechnya.
Sweden or Netherlands will be next.
Although I'm curious how Italy and Greece are going unscathed.
Just saw it mentioned in another thread, can't believe I forgot it
They probably keep them locked up or send them to Germany.
>it's going to take a generation or two
By this time mudskins will stop being a minority and will become a significant part. We need to deal with them now - or bear the consequences.
Maybe getting the US out of NATO will be a wake up call
>when the welfare systems collapse under the immense strain
it will need all system to fall.
hungry citizens are angry citizens.
as long as people are fed fat and happy with TV, nothing will happen.
It's already ready over for Europe. There's no way in hell we are going to kick out the Muslims at this point. Not unless things get extremely bloody.
Enjoy the fire from that safe(ish) distance.
No, the current goverments will just scream: "NATO is the reason of all wars everywhere! Peace and love, peace and love will defeat everything! We don't need no army, we don't need no police!".
If you're gonna start deporting mudslimes you better to it now before they are to many
dont worry. they will be here in 2 years.
Well, the advantage you'll always have is that arabs have been, and probably always will be terrible at waging war, regardless of their numbers.
Here's a fun read on that very subject
I agree, arabs are shit at conventional wars (fucking Six-Day war, can you imagine it?). Problem is that this isn't going to be conventional war. You'll need to deport millions of mudskins out of country. They will resist, they will scream, they will wreak things. And they will die in the process. Media will call you a Hitler, and they even won't be far from truth. At the same time, all leftists in the world are going to scream at you and call you a racist. They may even make their governments to declare war to you; or at very least, break all economic ties with you (which is even worse than war).
All of this requires so much political will that it is virtually impossible. So mudskins stay and breed. Until there is no country to fight for.
But that's just it. They won't resist. A REAL show of force and arabs roll up like a carpet every time. That's how their leaders have always controlled them because nothing else works. They can't be governed. They're dogs that only understand and respect the boot. No European country has yet to actually commit to that though and the arabs see that as weakness. That's why they attack.
>A REAL show of force
There is no force to show, and if USA will disband NATO, the Europe will just roll over and wait until mudskins fill her with semen.
>defending themselves
european caliphate by 2030
Euros are mentally castrated