>mfw learning German
Mfw learning German
why do you need 3 versions of the you autists
pls someone vocaroo this
I wish I could share my Deutsch with you.
Connect minds with me
>mfw """""sie""""" means she\they\you(respectfully)
Don't. It's a horrible language and good for nothing.
sure thing dude
no problem
O alemao nao e dificil Manuel.
Forca caralho
lmao you're great thx
i almost got it right
I'm not German(surprise surprise) so don't take my recording as 100%
Fuck cases tbqh
It's not as easy as English, but it really isn't that hard. I chose Russian classes in school. Their grammar is almost Lithuania tier.
this tbqhwy
never learned german, just hear some words from this guy do I sound russian?
Do you guys really speak like that?
Definitely. Also fuck the Western guttural "R".
Even with German, the "R"s give me either an English or an Eastern European accent.
Well, I thought it sounded very German.
Obrigado :)
Should I learn German to work in Germany?
You mean with Russian swears and all?
Yes, other than a couple of Lithuanian swears and the Polish "kurva", all our swears are Russian, so when we swear we do it in Russian. Our language is too pure for swearing.
Also tons of Russian loanwords, popular among more rural population, older people and bydlos or kids trying to sound like their uncle.
>Well, I thought it sounded very German.
Cheers, I've lived here for just about a year so I suppose that's given me enough time to get the basics nailed down. I could barely string a sentence together when I came. I still fuck up plenty of the pronunciation and the less said about my grammar the better :^)
>Should I learn German to work in Germany?
You can probably survive in a few workplaces on English alone but you'll never feel a part of the workforce until you learn to speak the language.
t. Could only speak English with my colleagues when I arrived here
You'll start to see the components of said long words and go from there.
this 100%. So long as you can recognise the components you really shouldn't struggle too much
That sounds very Russian desu
Im a türk btw.
Es fockngrindda
well he got about half of the words right
moruQ geh deutsch lernen
hayır, siktir git!
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