Sup Forums - Cape Television & Cape Film

Sup Forums - Cape Television & Cape Film

>its a ''there are no comic threads so instead of making one im gonna bitch and moan'' episode

Fuck off back to Sup Forums, shiteater.

>I want this board to be Sup Forums

Still better than cartoon and webcomic threads.

It didn't used to bother me, but I am starting to get bothered by the huge influx of non-comics and cartoons threads on here. The people who want to make threads for shit like the Star Wars and Godzilla movies don't help, either.

don't forget that we also have constant Dragon Ball, Pokemon and Digimon threads

I'd rather have wicked superhero movie discussion than Creepy Susie, Jenny or Loud House threads

im pretty sure you do this everytime when popular cape movies are out
if you need a comic thread theres a great storytime of the entire X-men going on currently

All of Sup Forums is going to continue spiraling downwards since the admins, mods and janitors decided they no longer care. Just sit back and enjoy the drama.