why is homosexuality even legal?
Can it even be justified? I can't think of one good reason why the state should allow a man to bugger another man. It can only result in bad things.
why is homosexuality even legal?
Can it even be justified? I can't think of one good reason why the state should allow a man to bugger another man. It can only result in bad things.
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Kek hates gays.
So should I just kill myself or what or maybe the government can castrate me and I'll grow breasts or whatever
I don't know. Can you just stop fucking men (and boys) in the ass? Is it really that hard?
why would you care? it just increases your chances to find a goodlooking woman.
imagine if all homosexuals were hetero, you'd be pretty much fucked family
Your entire argument is based upon 'bad things' happening.
Could you please elaborate?
OK so I stop doing other guys, how do I cope with sexual attraction which can't be satisfied, loneliness and isolation, etc
- molestation of children
- spread of GRIDS (sometimes known as AIDS)
- homosexual culture strongly associated with drug culture: propagates drug usage
- promotes cliques: homosexuals in business and government promote their own kind instead of best qualified candidates
- grooming and recruitment of non-homosexuals: since they can't breed, they have to brainwash the public into thinking "I'm not 100% straight" in order to remain influential
libertarian idiots like have no idea what they're talking about when they say "it doesn't affect u!"
Find a wife.
Heterosexual culture has caused the wholesale slaughter of unborn infants for over 40 years. Heterosexuals are willing to dismember their own offspring with steel instruments just so they can enjoy their promiscuity
Homos are good because they mean more lady to straight man ratio. Sexually frustrated losers who don't git girls get crazies shoot up schools. Gays reduce risk of this.
I can't have sexual relationships with women because of my malfunctioning psychology/neurology so what will that accomplish?
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Have you even tried?
You sound like a total loser who probably went with being gay because it was the easiest option available.
>da gubmint shud tell pepl who dey can fuk wit!!!
sure is libertarian in here
Oh and good pop control. All around health for society to have a few sprinkled in, and they just arise spontaneously so u can't get rid of them rlly. If you ban it they just get sexually repressed and become priests, like how sexually repressed straight go on killy rampage. Need to recreate sacred band of Thebes best army
0/10 trolling
inb4 6 million replies
You do realize women can be gay too, retard?
For every gay man there's a gay woman so the ratio doesn't change.
Not only can I not do it but my brain sends signals telling me it's wrong in the same way that incest or sex with an animal would be wrong. If I could do it with women why wouldn't I since I would rather have a family and I alone in a public restroom
Than die alone, not and.
of course saying anything bad about homosexuals is "forum sliding" or trolling or whatever. typical homo demon can't handle having his """lifestyle""" questioned
You didn't have to post that pic faggot.
Well don't despair.
Just give me a call if you wanna hang out sometime.
It's not a definite for women, and there's more self aware gay men than women. Men literally cannot get it up for the wrong gender and will know they're gay by puberty. Women don't even really have to get it up and often don't find out until way later that they prefer girls. Many go thru life without ever getting it figured out and marry a man, so there will always be less lesbians than gays, functionally
>2. BECOME INCREDULOUS AND INDIGNANT. Avoid discussing key issues and instead focus on side issues which can be used to show the topic and being critical of some otherwise sacrosanct group or theme.
>6. HIT AND RUN. Make a brief attack of your opponent or their position and them scamper off before an answer can be fielded - or simply ignore any answer. This works extremely well when a steady stream of new identities can be called upon without having to explain criticism, reasoning - simply accuse, never discuss issues, never answer responses. It only dignifies the opponent's viewpoint.
Do you know them all, user?
I would make fun of you but you're doing a good enough job of making a retard out of yourself already
Okay, then suicide or execution, just say that up front. I hate being homosexual but I hate perverted child aborting heterosexual hypocrites too
Why the fuck would you even reply to this troll?
>a fucking leaf
no comment necessary
doesnt seem like any of those is exclusive to homos except the last one
Real edgy gonna go suck some d
Dude no gay is fine. Lil bro is gay he's super chill and we never accidentally hook up with same person.
heterosexuals also allow their offspring to be adopted by homosexuals so they can do unspeakable things with
How would you even enforce banning it? Put cameras everywhere? All you will do is make the gays more secretive about it. It's just like banning drugs.
>grooming and recruitment of non-homosexuals
Because things shouldn't be made illegal because they hurt your feelings
Why is being Japanese even legal? Can it even be justified? I can't think of one good reason why the world should allow one country to bugger the rest of us. It can only result in nuclear strikes.
ITT: Retards who don't understand how good gay sex is.
Dudes always want to fuck and are your bros
Do the opposite: State enforced homosexuality. Ostracize and shame healthy normal people for their higher privilege and monitor them with pokemon apps and amazon drones
It's probably the faggot with a jap proxy who shitposts here every day.
Don't have time to care and time is money/women to me.
>It's just like banning drugs.
Easily enforced throughout Asia.
It doesn't work in America because you are all liberal faggots.
The same thing for homos.
You close all their clubs, ban all their political organizations, publications, etc.
Then you institute the death penalty for child molestation, heavy prison sentence for buggering grown men.
Every day Sup Forums proves that they are just as "cucked" as leddit.
Cultures play a huge role in what's attractive and what's unattractive. It's why women hate hairy men in the West, love them in the Arab world. It's why the Romans/Greeks used to have sex with little boys for centuries until Christianity came in and destroyed that part of their culture, and now barely anyone except for priests/politicians actively seek out little boys in those countries. Homosexuality/pan-sexuality/whatever else destroys the fabric of our society by twisting our cultures. It's a flood gate, you legalize homosexuality, people will push and push till everyone sexual desires are accepted, and soon spread to all of society and seen as "normal" causing a significant amount of people to partake in them. Take the U.S. the Homosexuality political wing was working alongside the boy loving political wing, or whatever you call it.
Thank you based Arab bro.
I'm starting to think that white "people" just don't get it and never will. It's already too late for these cumskins.
its always white people worshiping homosexuals
>le leaf maymay
good heavens. we have a true samurai here. Teach me your ways my master.
Literally no gay man thinks child molestation is Haram you nutsack. What about all the gay men who weren't raped and are just spontaneously gay?
Thanks for posting this.
>Literally no gay man thinks child molestation is Haram
I know
I don't worship homosexuals, as a matter of a fact I hate the pride-movement, all kinds of tumblr nonsense and don't like effeminate faggots with a gay lisp. I'm just not a retarded shitposter like OP who thinks everything he doesn't like should be banned.
>I dont worship homosexuals I just give them everything they demand
Way to stick it to them bro
man not you to, come on man ;(
But that is exactly what homosexuals are. Don't waste your time talking with them. Just work to make it illegal all over of the world.
wha WHAT!?
Cant i like go with a nippon man and stone some gays with him????
dubs of truth
>as a matter of a fact I hate the pride-movement, all kinds of tumblr nonsense and don't like effeminate faggots with a gay lisp.
so what you hate the overwhelming majority of them?
this crass meme that homosexuals are "just like you and me" and just want to love each other and have families like heteros is a liberal pipe dream. in reality they're a bunch perverse hedonists
Oh yes, it's cultural. I've always said there's a dreadful lack sexualization of women and girls in this country. Pussy simply isn't an attractive option in the US
roastie vaginas disgust me.
Our wealth has weakened us but don't worry, the enrichment shall wake us up.
That shirt symbol is the one of french socialist party.
No wonder why people are getting conservative as shit, white going to far right, and arabs running towards islam.
witnessed, praise Qek
On a slightly unrelated note, I'm completely straight have never even been remotely attracted to men yet I find pussy disgusting.
I mean I still eat my gf out for the return oral and the xp but i find it gross
It will result in more women for me.
It's ok to be gay
Just accept that you became gay because your childhood and education were terrible.
And that homosexuality isn't "normal". No one is born gay.
It's just the same as the crass meme that all heterosexuals are "just like you and me". There are hundreds of thousands of heterosexuals that have the most perverted and disgusting fetishes which even a gay man would scorn, but you prefer to bash homos because you are bothered by two men fucking each other.
I don't understand, these all seem like pros to me?
Mohammed, please don't be mad.
how do you even have internet? Don't you know internet was a white male invention?
ITT whites prove themselves yet again to be disgusting and unredeemable
Literally all of these has nothing to do with fags and everything to do with jews.
Know the real enemy, nipbro
>Gay-related immune deficiency
>nothing to do with fags
It all makes sense now!
we have the strongest currency. and maybe the most expensive
we need to work together to eliminate degeneracy. white man is now mostly a Zionist stooge. we help them with a nationalist uprising then all of us go invade the Zions and burn them all
>why the state should allow
>should allow
Why is it a problem for you? You're not making much sense.
Ok, i was a bit over generalizing there, but the rest of them, particularly the whole "You're not as straight as you think" shit is propagated almost entirely by the hook nosed overlords
putting your reproductive capacity into the anal cavity of another male is a disgusting fetish t.b.h. do you even know what sex is for?
and homos have ridiculously higher rates of fetishism, look at bug chasing and how high HIV rates are in the gay """""community"""""
>why is bug-chasing faggots buggering children and recruiting healthy men to suck on a diseased loin lobster such a big deal anyway? everyone is human. one love man..... (takes a toke and listens to joe rogan podcast)
I dont get what you're trying to say. Jews push faggotry on the population (which is bad) therefore we should leave faggots alone (because they're good?)
yeah it was THE JOOS that made me sodomize my fellow man,i have know personal responsibility you know
Have you nothing else to think about than what others do with their genitalia?
Let's be serious for a second, both homosexuals and heterosexuals are the real degenerates. Monosexual scum.
>wow dude your obsessed haha
>like stop thinking about bad things and wanting to stop them
>it actually means YOU want to do those things lol
>what do you mean almost all child molestation cases are at the hands of homosexuals dude calm down haha you mad bro
Buttsex lovin' losers are more beneficial to society than sexually frustrated losers.
More focus at work, less easily distracted, etc.
It's not legal over here, but the U.S. Supreme court has incrementally usurped power that belongs to the individual states and legislative branch of the federal government starting 50 years ago, and no one yet has had the stones to make a counter strike against them and break their hold on our government, and they have declared it legal by fiat, so there you go.
Gays are a minority. Most child rapists are hetero. There's no shortage of heteros as degenerate as the most degenerate gays.
I'm just saying that you're being mad at homos for no rational reason. All the problems you listed exist among heteros, in larger proportions.
Buttsex lovin' losers are sexually frustrated losers who gave up. Good for "society" isn't just how good you are at paying tax, schlomo.
It is a disgusting thing, but it's got nothing to do with you. Just like scat, furries, cucks, or whatever the fuck are equally disgusting, but you can't ban them out of existence.
And I do concur that the gay """community""" has some really fucking awful people, but they pretty much stick to their own and try to blend in with the general population when they're not fucking around in gay clubs. You can't outright ban them just because you dislike them, just like you can't ban feminists just because they're retarded ideologues.
Use social tools such as exclusion, ridicule and debate to tell them why you think they're wrong, but if you want to use legal action to suppress them, then you're no better than a feminazi.
Yes but when you accept these people it becomes difficult for everyone to accept that homosexuality is ultimately an illness and it becomes even more difficult to tackle the feminised environment that produces them
> Found the butthurt faggot who struggles to keep his sexual urge from manifesting.
Not mad, just an honest question, awaiting an answer without your shit input.
Well, at the very least we have more chances of finding a girl. And they don't reproduce, so the gene pool gets cleaned even more. Less population problems.
Homosexuals are a tiny minority, always will be a tiny minority, and a tiny minority that has always been part of society, whether closted or open.
Focus on race.
I'm screencapping this entire thread so the rest of the internet can see what cum-guzzling faggots white people are. Even the so-called Nazi ones.
True, population reduction. So why bitch about the homos, they're doing humanity a good service. We should just die off this planet.
As if the rest of the internet isn't more pozzed
>Buttsex lovin' losers are sexually frustrated losers who gave up
Not all of them, i'm willing to bet most gays either have almost no hetero leanings left or were just not born with any.
what if you sent all gay men to the moon to colonize, would they get mad?
Are there any laws that force you to accept them in The West? I'm not shitposting I'm genuinely curious.
Obviously not all of them but the environment modern children are raised in must be responsible for a significant portion. Some people are naturally gay but we're seeing more than that.