You won't see this covered by the MSM. Imagine if it was a white nazi shouting at victims of a Muslim hate crime? We wouldn't hear the end of it. #FightForWesternCivilization
Video of the Muslim shouting Allan's snackbar
You won't see this covered by the MSM. Imagine if it was a white nazi shouting at victims of a Muslim hate crime? We wouldn't hear the end of it. #FightForWesternCivilization
Video of the Muslim shouting Allan's snackbar
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The autistic NEET only got turks and some greek he mistook for a turk, so i don't really have any idea what this little shit is snackbaring it. I bet he doesn't have either.
>Fight for something via Twitter
>Implying Western """""civilisation""""" is worth fighting for
Still nice to see how germans and other foreigners tell them to shut the fuck up and piss off to their own countries.
And here is the Video on liveleak
I saw that video last night, but I can't understand much. I have one question. Who are the people clapping to, the snackbar or the man who was cleary upset about him?
Allah dindu nuffin to stop McTurk attack.
damn m8 so edgy
To the man telling the Mudslimes to fuck off.
Can a German translate the video.
But OP, this has nothing to do with islam remember ?
Also the Guys get upset, telling the Police that the Muslim scum shows the IS sign and they should go over there and stop them instead trying to be big guys near the germans.
When are the "morally superior" morons learn that an eye for an eye id the only thing that works with theese cunts?
Seriously, we need to wreck them so fucking hard they get scared of ever coming back.
Maybe he was shouting "Allah Snackbar"
This. I hope the governments start ramping up the attacks on syria to agitate the mussies some more.
Thanks Germanbro, my hope was restored a little bit
You know that all the victims in the Munich attacks were muslims, right?
It's like being distraught that someone keep saying Amen in a christian event
This guy may have lost someone, who know.
or the police about to arrest the upset man? this would be a true reflection of current cuckness
At least someone got angry on the streets.
From every little acorn.
This is disgusting!
>Muslim: Open your Eyes. We don't live in a >World where everything turns out good. The >World is fucked. Open your Eyes.
And then Somebody shout out Allah Akbar.
The crowd just yell back:
>"Fuck off to your Country", "Fuck your Allah Akbar", "Our fellow countrymen died here fuck off", "They make the IS sign", "Police get them".
Don't care.
Caring about them means you are on the wrong side of history.
Wait, are they applauding him?
How many Christian suicide bombers do we see blowing up Muslims shouting 'Amen'? None. Apples and oranges. Now fuck off.
for real. the last immigration wave was definitely better.
They're applauding the upset guy, that tells him to fuck off to where he came from.
Just in general translation:
>Muslims show up at memorial side
>shouting allah Ackbar
>germans and - as it seems - non muslims foreigners get pissed immediatly
>tell muslims to " shut the fuck up Motherfucker " and " Fuck you "
>" Show some respect ! "
>" they and their shit Allah ackbar "
>" this is a memorial, our countrymen were killed here "
>" Police just stand there, doing nothing, what the fuck is the police doing ?! "
>" HALT DEIN MAUL ! " ( Shut your mouth )
>" Piss off ! "
>" They are doing the IS sign ! Are you fucking kidding me ?! " Police do something !
>" these wankers "
>to muslims: " You pigs " ( and towards the police ) : do something ! "
>" you Pigs, damn wanker "
>and than towards teh police: " I told you before to tell him to shut up and you said no problem, now do something ! "
>another guy towards teh police: " here you acting tough, go to the other side ! " ( where the muslims have been
>" Go into your country you damn faggot "
>germans clapping
>" go to your country and do there what you want but not here ! "
>again germans clapping
>silently, maybe towards the police: " You/We ? let them do the IS sign "
>general turmouil
I hope i could help
just imagine a nazi yelling heil hitler to a memorial site with mourning relatives. the police would rightfully beat the shit out of him. here they do nothing. fucking traitors, they are a joke
>Lügenpresse and Merkel try their hardest to suppress the truth about Islam
>guy literally shows up at memorial to yell ALLAHU AKBAR
this is amazing. their lies are not working anymore
danke germoney
Based Germans.
They're called useful idiots for a reason
yes, based that there are Germans that have the balls to do this
and then you can see the people all agree with him
>so edgy
Say this again when Hillary wins.
Traitor police
Whats the point of these threads. No one here does anything with the info given to them. Make enough noise and you'll get news coverage.
Just another shitty thread for you jack offs to cry over while beating each others dicks.
He's totally right though, you only say "edgy" as a way to shame him because you have nothing else.
Been on the rise for weeks. I got leftie mid 50s women starting to rant on fugees and islam and their "cavemen attitude".
its beautiful, these retards dont realise they are shoveling their own grave with these stunts.
>You know that all the victims in the Munich attacks were muslims, right?
>It's like being distraught that someone keep saying Amen in a christian event
Is that why they do the isis sign? You fool.
>and some greek he mistook for a turk
Wasn't the greek a muslim? I read he was. Hussein *something*.
And the mourners did nothing. And they expect their civilization to be saved? By who?
You fucking idiot, if you knew anything about WW2 or Germany you'd know that modern era Germans only shout like this in the movies
thanks for translation!
Die Systempresse wird darüber nicht berichten, und deswegen wird Otto Normalblöd auch nichts davon erfahren. Dank sei Mutti.
the last time Germans got angry...
2016 is full of happenings and slow uncuckening I wonder what will 2017 bring us
I don't understand either. I would probably have killed him with my bare hands if there was a friend or family member killed
ich hab schon ein bisschen gesucht. kann nix finden
Where did you get this from?
Are we waiting for Trump or do we start this shit now?
>by who?
European army, of course :^)
Nichts zu finden bei deutschen Outlets. Wird totgeschwiegen.
Musste nur Antifa Portale durchsuchen oder den Twitter von den Spastis.
Hunderte von solchen Bildern, "ficken gegen nazis und für afrika"
etc pp.
Deswegen ist es umso wichtiger das Video von lifeleak zu verbeiten. Schickt es jedem denn ihr kennt, es ist das mindeste was wir tun können.
Guys, please watch this video and judge for yourself. I'm not into conspiracy theories, but as someone who understands Islam, this video kinda actually make sense.
For Muslims its a sign of respect to shout allahu akbar in front of a memorial. Its another missundertstanding.
What is it about Muslims that makes them so uncivilized? Is it Islam, race, culture, or all three? They are literally the most barbaric people on earth. Thank god they're only under 1% of the population in the US
2018 will be a repeat of 1918.
I'm not defending Muslims here, but seeing as though all victims were Muslims I don't think yelling Allahu Akhbar is that big of a deal ... It literally means "God is great", it is like us saying "rest in peace" type shit. It isn't always a call to arms or to kill people, it can be used in a peaceful context
This was an anti-muslim hate crime you moron. It was a snack bar of soidarity
The problem is not Syria, the ones that need a beating are on your land, bong.
Oh shit
yeah, no
For sure and the showing of the IS sign was just another form of respect right ?
>the isis sign
The fuck is that?
For real?
>that german guy saying motherfucker
Mutterficker sounds way better anyways.
This finger sign
That guy sounds american and not native german
holy fuck i didn't know that
he'd beat your scrawny ass up tho
How do these cuck countries stand for Islmaic terrorism? Pretty sure if my family members were killed by the religion of piss the consequences for Islam in Ireland would never be the same.
There's a fuckton of kids doing the ISIS sign in the classroom then.
But what does the sand negro say at the beginning, before that hippy scum shakes his hand and kisses him?
this guy doesnt know that allahu akbar is a praying in islam and that the finger which points to the sky is a old tradition to remember the dead in every religion. It would be the same if they would acuse messi for the isis sign if he puts up the finger to the sky to remember his dead grandma. If you dont know things you fear them
Jemand hat es zumindest auf er RTL-Fressenbuch-Seite postiert.
they do it on almost every video fello burger
The swastika and its variations also used to be a peaceful symbol, friend
makes no sense
he was shia
Go back to Plebbit and fellate Obongo after he did to you what your ID says.
>implying Sup Forumsaxes wouldn't should HH if it was some dead jews being commemorated
I've been doing that in school
a lot
oh god
>that id though
is that a black pepe?
someone edit it
>" weilaha alahh ? ( dont speak shitskin )
>" we dont live in a world where everything will end good "
>" the world is fucked, the world is broken "
>" open your eyes "
And than that numale hippy scum hugs him
Übersetztung für mich, bitte.
What does it mean?
It won't take long anymore.
Holy fuck that's fucking gay
Couldn't have picked a gayer hand sign, even the nigger's ones are better
Might as well just bend their wrists and go "Ooooohhh!"
here just above you
doesn't mean shit. Islam is why a cancer that is spreading. Bringing in some islamic shit into a terror threaten europe isn't going to solve anything.
This is the video that will enrage all German men to take their country back
Allah akbar is the equivalent of "God is great"
no its the equivalent of "god is greater" thats a huge difference. Its a war cry
>the last immigration wave was definitely better.
you germans make me sick
it stands for "there is only one god".