Wow, Australian SJWs might even weirder/retarded than ours.
On behalf of all burgers, I apologize if we're in anyway responsible for importing this.
Kek, that's a lie. I don't give a fuck...this shit is HILARIOUS.
Wow, Australian SJWs might even weirder/retarded than ours.
On behalf of all burgers, I apologize if we're in anyway responsible for importing this.
Kek, that's a lie. I don't give a fuck...this shit is HILARIOUS.
Lol what a pack of tards
>"stop communicating to me through a machine REEEEEEEE!
I think that was my favorite....wew lordy, too many bad acid trips.
Fucking love the cops, they don't give a single fuck about the stupid cunts.
Typical Melbournite crowd though.
Are these people hoped up on something or are all Australian hippies like this?
>Public protest
Kinda ironic.
I like how the majority of their protest is deciding where people can smoke
>the cops just ignoring the stupid hippy
Poor bastard. Protesting the foul pigs and they won't even help you.
>Sweetheart chill out
Fuck I hate Melbourne. They should nuke it.
>cop hating leftist shit pro blm fucker's first action is to beg for police help
praise kek
This gave me a good idea.
"Occupy Occupy"
Just go down and Surveillance Camera Man every Occupy protest.
I live in Melbourne. I think they should nuke it.
Yeah, a lot of people are do that now. I'm guessing Australia has similar laws that if you're in a public place you can be filmed, amirite?
Yes, you're allowed to film public events such as protests.
I'd do it if I lived near where these things happen.
Yeah. That's why the cops were like "what do you want us to do hippies?"
Although the Occupy protests here don't last very long. The police usually beat them up and drag them away.
Pic related. Occupy Melbourne went for like 2 days before the city got sick of it.
Australians really say "dude" ?
Amazing how all you need to do is point a camera at them to make them sperg out and make a total show of themselves.
LEL, that's awesome.
I'm going to do it in the UK if there's ever BLM protests up in Scotland. Planning to go under the guise of a socialist youtube channel and trick the protestors into saying idiotic things. If that fails, I think an army of silent cameramen (100+) just following individual clusters around would be hilarious. The cameras would have to be disposable though for when the antifa degenerates inevitably turn up and start assaulting people.
Do it. Godspeed.
Not Australians, Melbourniggers.
Why do SJWs fear being filmed?
The look on their faces when they realize all their virtue signalling to Americans didn't help at all.
Yeah. Don't use anything expensive. Anti-Fa are drawn to smashing cameras like blacks to welfare.
>discussing making it a non smoking area
>guy sitting behind smoking
Went to Melbourne from QLD for a week over Uni holidays with some mates. We all joked about it being lefty central but I never imagined it would be so bad.
Arrive there, first night walk past two cathedrals with massive REFUGEES WELCOME signs. Cathedrals with gay pride flags on them everywhere as well.
General hairy armpit SJW crowd hovering around state library steps because its across from student accomodation.
On our last day the lads and I go to walk to macdonalds. We keep seeing cops everywhere, including badass mounted units. Wonder why there were so many, when suddenly...
We walked right into the middle of a BLM protest. I couldn't fucking believe it. I was there for less than a week and I actually walked through one. Some old bitch screaming about Pauline Hanson, who was my mates and my first preference. White girls with blue hair everywhere.
I fucking hate that degenerate hell hole.
I am also from Melbourne and yes it should be nuked.... the Inner East side at least
Thankyou user, Any ideas for the name of a pseudo socialist youtube channel? Something stupid enough to sound socialist but not so stupid it will arouse suspicion from paranoid leftists. I was thinking something like 'Scottish Socialist Weekly Broadcast' or 'Red and blue- Scottish Socialist TV'.
Might just get a hidden gopro desu senpai
Damn, they don't fuck around.
like the coppers
"C'mon mate, stop being silly"
Progressive Scotland? is that an SJW enough name?
>Scottish Socialist Weekly Broadcast
That sounds legit. You should go down to England too if you can...I heard they had a big BLM chimpout recently.
why don't you just go down there and say that you are trying to document real people and real things the way vice does and then just talk to them like you are a socialist too?
tell them you'll edit out most of the bullshit and make them look good and then ask them to leave a message for anyone watching in the future.
The stupid hippies had spent the entire day "Occupying" the entrances to fucking banks so Baoling "Steve" Juixan couldn't get into his job and make money that he can pay tax to pay for their stupid welfare.
The police were actually doing them a favor.
Plus Melbourne protesters are always hysterical.
At least the Muslims just go limp when the police move them on Sydney.
Most leftists in Scotland are motivated by a blind hatred of the torries and the english so the concept of progression doesn't really click with them.
Yeah might do when I get some skrilla
This is a good idea, if I just make myself sound impartial/centrist but slightly left leaning they will be more inclined to make absolute arses out of themselves to sway me and my (10,000 plus) subscribers.
>ask them to leave a message for anyone watching in the future
I'm going to ask them to do a 30 second monologue concisely detailing their political views. I'll call it he timecapsule segment, i.e. the message they want to pass on to future generations. It will be kekworthy.
He even got attacked by antifa scum.
Melbourne kek
Those Melbourne accents... fuck.
hhahahahaah Those cops.
The amount of butthurt is just incredible.
Meanwhile in the West of Melbourne:
Melbourne needs to be fucking glassed
Why did you join this movement?
"I cant answer that, it's too broad and you wouldn't understand"
Which is deadshit for: I can't form words with half a fucking brain.
>why are you filming me
>literally keep doing it anyway
i love the aussies of Sup Forums
Fuck Melbourne. I hate this goddamn city so much. Australia's San Francisco.
Reckon the only two blokes in Melbourne who aren't pussies are a pom and an israeli
You cunts are fucked
I'm in that video somewhere, babysitting a mate who was full "Bilderberg reptilian Rothschild AM I BEING DETAINED" and later turned out to be schizo. Got punched in the face so gently that it didn't bruise, was p. fun, 8/10 would riot again.
Most of the protesters were fucking useless and the whole camp smelt like rotten vegetables and freebleeding.
What's his name, Sup Forums?
whatever you want.
call him steve the stuttering sjw
They're really committed to smashing capitalism. Looks like they are focusing on shampoo companies and will work on the rest from there.
Actually the hilarious thing is that the APEX gang ain't stupid, they mostly target Immigrant households, wealthy whites with no children and anyone driving a car alone.
Most of the west is like this though since we're mostly in the industrial working class part of Melbourne and because of this we are usually the ones that have the "Peaceful Refugees" pushed on them. Most of the greens and cucks are from the inner and east side of Melbourne... strangely most of them are also from middle class to wealthy families. Take the trains from the apposing sides and you'll notice the difference (West: Lotta darkies and rougher looking whites | East: Fluro Coloured hair and mostly white)
>that fucking psycho stare
Fuck these cunts. Souls as empty as my balls after a night with his mum.
What makes him a jew?
Had to go there once for work and said fuck off never again.
>what makes him a jew?
didn't call him one, but if you watch the vid he's clearly trying to control the media
LOL based cops look of disgust
sjw = social jew warrior
What did you think it meant?
>Follow me mate
How long till we annex melbourne?
Think basedcamerabro is DYEL. I don't imagine random hippies would be that assertive against a big lad.
Those gronks who ganked him need to be jailed. Unhuman behaviour.
i intended use as '''justice''' for whatever the fuck they were protesting, but jew works too as I mentioned above. what makes him not a jew?
god i would have defended that camera from their shit eating commie hands were i there
I've never been prouder of Australia in my life
what a bunch of deranged faggots
Our police are based and I don't think I have met one who wasn't a decent person. I remember a couple of years ago some muslims had a protest in Sydney for sharia or something and the police beat them up with horses and dogs.
Seems like better treatment than flashbangs and gas/spray, really.
Bunch of babies screaming because they're being picked up and dragged away.
Goddamn it's embarrassing.
>Pauline Hanson
I just want to make love to that woman
I live in Sydney. Can we nuke Sydney before Melbourne. Please?
It will have to be a simultaneous strike. We don't want to spook them.
Not my mum mate, she'd punch the fuck outta this turbofaggot
wtf i hate australia now
I am from Sydney and I 100% agree with this, but spare the Shire and the Northern Sydney. They are pretty much the only good places left in this cesspool.
I don't know man. There's always a chance the contagion could have spread to those areas too. It's best just to wipe the whole city out and start over.
My little brother moved to a place called Mornington a few years back, I went down to hang out with him and his mates. They're all /fit/ boxers and kickboxers, all of them are tradies and fairly decent blokes from Mornington and Frankstown.
I wanted to go into Melbourne and meet some girls, they said they never go into Melbourne and it's all just weirdo poofters that wear women's clothes and Asians that can't speak any English.
So I never went, but after watching OPs video I see exactly what they meant.
The cops gave zero fucks, haha.
That one guy taking to the girl on the ground. "Cmon, stop being silly." Holy shit. To that user saying this is less brutal than gassing or pepper spraying it's true. This would be the most shocking thing these kids have ever experienced, but it's really such a light tactic when it comes to this scale of crowd control.
Can confirm, was there. Look at all the little faggots trying to wave their fists in the air like they're Che, or screaming the moment they get pushed over.
OC thanks to OP. R8
Why are there BLM protests in Australia?
Do you guys even have black people there?
Why do people feel the need to copy literally every aspect of America holy shit
>gibs me dat motives
All these people just don't want to work and want more handouts, nothing new.
>The Time Capsule Segment
Oh god yes please do this
>I'll knock that camera out of your hands
>Lets take his wallet
>I'll punch your face
>Are you mentally ill?
>*middle finger*
>Fuck off
>I'll floor ya
I fucking hate these people. Pretending to be peaceful but are just regular scum.
ANTI-FA started some stupid cooperation with a kind of BLM movement in the Netherlands. They don't get attention for anti-capitalism anymore. So they jumped on the racial bandwagon.
I live in Kooyong aka the birthplace of the Liberal party/ home to the most jewish MP we have (Frydenberg)
...even we have posters everywhere about a 'meeting to dicuss what can be done about pauline Hanson'
mfw everytime i see the people handing the flyers out