>live in anarcho-capitalist utopia
>suddenly this appears
what do?
Live in anarcho-capitalist utopia
Other urls found in this thread:
Step one: sell gun
Step two: get money from selling
Step three: ?????
Step four: return to utopia
>anarcho-capitalist "utopia"
>having access to roads
nice meme
Call the free market
>offer to local community to fill pot hole
>ask a fee for doing so
>fill hole
Collect the water to cook up some black tar heroin with
The road is already there thanks to the government.
Whoever owns the road will pay for it. Just like in the 1800s.
I hate roads . I see them as a tool of oppression. I welcome their demise.
use force to encourage the local community to repair the road or be buried under it
i really don't get how hard this is to understand
Buy a helicopter.
>fill it
>don't get a ticket for violating local ordinances
>suddenly this appears
fuck off idiot, how can a whole appear on a non existing road??
I send my flying pot hole filling robot that i obtained with superior technology from the technology boom post government boots getting lifted
Or i can use my super gene mutation and just fly today
Is that Russia
roads would be private.
read walter block.
I wish our roads were that good.
Kill some lefty fuckers and drop their bodies in the hole
Call the road owners and tell them their road is broken.
who pays though?
Call the road company's call centre and tell them where it is and that I expect better service for my "Deluxe Premium Driver" road subscription.
Who pays now?
Tooth fairies?
Checkmate ancaps.
>local community is cheap
>fuck it
>hole remains there indefinitely because humans are lazy and greedy
>rinse and repeat with every scenario imaginable
>offer to local community
>Ask thousands upon thousands of people for an equal amount of cash for the labor
It's almost as if it's be much more realistic to have the people vote for individuals who would represent them in regular organizational meetings.
Huh, really makes you think.
Install dictator for life obviously
Eventually I'd do it out of spite
>car accident happens
>lawsuit happens
>all is well
>Libertarian utopia.
>Space exploration is no longer viable.
maybe in future libertarians will succeed in their ideology once technology provides the necessary tools
dumb fucks one of the people who has to drive over the hole will pull over and fill it with some gravel and pitch until another hole forms. Unless everyone is a piece of shit do-nothing in which case the community will have shitty roads regardless of the presence or absence of government
Billionaire sees a mining opportunity on asteroids
non viable
also consider the roman empire built millions of roads and they didnt even have electricity or cars to help build it so why cant we in the modern future do also the same thing
As if it would be any better now
I play at least 2500€ in taxes and fees for my car per year and roads in Vienna are absolut crap
Instead of fixing a really used up Road they recently just added two Speed bumpers
>road owned by a company
>company does preventative maintenance so potholes never even form
there's tens of thousands of private railway in the US, what makes people think if the government stopped funding roads private roads wouldn't appear?
>what do?
File a formal complaint at the road booth which is situated several km (or """""""""""miles"""""""""") ahead. Cancel my AutoBahn license and weekly news subscription. Tell my lawyer that I want to file a Cease and Desist order towards the company should they not finish the road in time and make sure I get millions of money in reparations for the psychological and social damage this hole has given me.
If all fails, buy a cleaning service™ at Blackwater Social Solutions© and have the owner of the roadbuilding company and several of his family members brutally murdered. And hope someone does a better job.
I love laissez faire capitalism! It's like working for the Mafia all over again! :)
>live in anarcho-capitalist utopia
>wait til night
>make potholes in the road
>approach local community and offer to fill it for profit
>do this regularly
>acquire enough money to fund a militia
>take over community
>install fascism
>slowly conquer other small communities
>eventually become king of the world
literally name a single flaw in this plan
You get sued for fraud
> No one spends billions of dollars of R&D on getting there in the first place due to uncertainty/risk aversion.
> We all die on Earth from pollution in water and air due to unrestricted and cheap resource extraction methods
> Aliens rock up and terraform our planet getting residual human dna, clone us then use as us slave labour.
they say pot holes are the first sign of civilization in collapse.
No as resources get more and more scarce theres more and more incentive to go.
And to pollution- people wont want to buy shit that pollutes their rivers.
Shit loads of boards will spawn that will give stickers or something similar to product that are environmentally friendly, just like now.
> implying anarcho-capitalist society would have corrupted unions that build shitty roads to create more work on taxpayer money
The magnetic road for your hover-car wouldn't need maintenance, and in the event it is damaged; the owner would be alerted instantly and dispatch a repair crew.
Thanks to the conglomerate of road networks introducing the 'OnePass' toll payment system in 1981, you're automatically charged a low-rate for the roads and mass transit you travel on without having to stop.
Subsidance. I was in Zagreb one day and they were digging a basement for a new office building on Kupska near to FER and the whole street fell in and half of some of the houses too.
It would be fixed the same way the railways get fixed.
Fixed the same way if your Internet connection is broken.
One thing I don't understand about an-caps/libertarians is how do they expect this utopia of theirs to hold up by itself?
People desire leadership and control, no matter what. Like in OP's case, eventually the people using that road would get together and make a small team of people fixing the road and everyone pays a small amount of money for them as salary to fix it.
Spoiler alert: we might have formed a government.
They can form whatever the fuck they want as long as they dont take taxes by force
>And to pollution- people wont want to buy shit that pollutes their rivers.
We're not even a free market anarchy yet and we're already doing the opposite of this
POO IN LOO and add some glue.
Who will make the arrest? Who judge you on your trial?
Then hippies like yourself can pull their money together and pay a company that comes up with the best solution of de-poluting rivers
they will though, once they're given the authority to fix the roads. Either pay your share or never use the roads without some high toll taxes
>Go around and break roads
>Ask the local community to pay you to fix it
This is literally how every single collectively financed (tax funded) industry works under capitalism.
Is there demand to fix it?
then supply will meet that demand
problem solved
Well alternatively you can say fuck you and use a different company
As long as you pay for use i dont see a problem, because if its too expensive competitors will show up
>selling low qualityy black tar
your gonna lose business son
The owner of the road will either repair it or else people will choose to travel on other roads.
Is this a slide thread?
>As long as you pay for use i dont see a problem, because if its too expensive competitors will show up
but what if a giant company owns all the roads to your required destination and they won't accept you on their roads unless you pay for their subscription model? what if they bury and buy-out any competition that tries to create an alternative?
At what point does a company stops being a company and just becomes a government?
>Call up local indian
>Ask to fill up hole
>Poo in hole happens
>Hole hardens
this desu fellas
>local community is cheap.
How is that my problem?
Nobody would join your militia because you're a retarded faggot, also your too lazy to dig holes in tarmac
Don't give a fuck because we have hover cars now thanks to a prosperous and competitive free market
>We totally need a government because there might be a government in the future
>what if they bury and buy-out any competition that tries to create an alternative?
You'd need to be consistently extremely efficient and the best at creating roads at all times for years on end, and even then if one business says "okay, I'm not selling my business" your monopoly instantly collapses and you'd need to be good or at least as good as 2nd best again.
Compared to government where regulation is literally "I wrote on a paper that only this company is allowed"
Also, while you're saving up the hundreds of thousands of roadbux needed to do your dumbass monopoly, other businesses will actually SPEND their money and possible buy one of your roads and your monopoly will collapse.
Call private military on the hole because it just violated the NAP by attacking your private vehicle.
Real problem is what to do with bandits.
>imma have largest gang in this land
>imma your King now
>pay me taxes to feed me and my gang
>what to do?
Same as now. Except funds are private.
your proxy made me laugh, imaging an egyptian (mostly camel herders with broken teeth and wrinkled skin) arguing for anarcho-capitalism instead of the usual "BAKSHEESH YA ALLAHU AKBAR"
In an ancap utopia everybody has off-road vehicles and drives where they want
Kill the owner of the street. Then charge him.
Monopoly appear when a company is very efficient, too efficient for others to compete with, that's the whole point.
So if you're the biggest road creator in town, that means:
- you own the majority of the roads, if not all of them
- you have the best experience at fixing/making roads
- you have the cheapest possible materials
And you own the roads. A guy wants to use your roads on his way to work but now you've moved to a subscription-based model and he doesn't like it. What's he gonna do? Make someone else do another inefficient road that circumvents all the easy-peasy road system you already have? Or simply subscribe to your road system and basically paying a tax for this newly installed road government.
Shit, in an an-caps utopia you can't even enforce your basic NAP clause. You can literally kill the boss of your competitive business, and since there's no police to investigate or prosecute you, there's no problem.
I live in a capitalistic democracy and I still have those.
>fill it because it bothers me
wow that was hard
>le being hostile to everyone for no reason meme
I hope you overcome your depression fampai
>Monopoly appear when a company is very efficient, too efficient for others to compete with, that's the whole point.
Monopolies almost always appear because either they are so large they can effectively destroy their opponents (see Standard Oil), or because they have good government connections so the government prevents market competition in the first place.
>get my legal black slave to fill it in for me
>"okay, I'm not selling my business"
what's stopping me from shooting their kneecaps off or just outright killing them then? who is going to prosecute me?
>mfw theres been pot holes outside my house for years and the counsel send workmen... to raise the curb by 2 milimeters to fit some new regulation
who would build the roads indeed
>Guy owns only viable land for roads in/out of a large town/city
>Guy also owns the only roads in/out of town
>Literally God Emperor of said town/city because he controls all land transport to and from city
Private security, private police, private jurisdiction. Also, if you try that you'll lose all your customers and shareholders and every other company will go after you.
You can't just go around shooting people just cuz there's no government, nig.
silly socialists I have a jetpack
Who said I was selling it
>he doesn't have a bandit-deterring nuclear stockpile bought with the money he earned selling heroin to kindergarteners
>Private security, private police, private jurisdiction
easily bribed and extorted
>Also, if you try that you'll lose all your customers and shareholders and every other company will go after you.
who's gonna even know i did it? even if they did find out, what's stopping me from silencing them too one way or the other? i'm basically the fucking mafia
Actually you can. It turns into full blown civil war with multiple factions like in Somalia.
The only thing matters is who have more "private security".
I'd just pay to hire a private contractor to pave the road with all the money I've made from selling heroin to kindergarten-aged prostitutes.
Fix it.
Charge people for using your freshly surfaced road.
Are you really from Albania?
Diaspora reporting in.
> Private security, private police, private jurisdiction
so, private army? what stop them from using their "private police" to stop your "private police"?
The entire concept of property is something that needs to go through a government. I own this piece of land because I have a paper from the government that confirms it. Without a government, you're the equivalent of a bear marking his territory by pissing on trees. Any other stronger bear can come and take it over.
open fire