>You will live to see a trump - putin bromance

Other urls found in this thread:

Trump & Putin gay porn when?



Hillary speak for whistle blowers

based kim, megaupload was the greatest shit on the internet. the only site where you could easily and quickly share data without bullshit, in the days of slow internet and shit services.

Trump has already declared he respects Putin, and Putin did the same. He does not want more soldiers in the baltics unlike Hillary.

Also isn't it weird that all these emails from democrats surface but not from republicans?

Who has the capability to hack into servers on this scale?

Everything points to russians mate.

cannot wait

Please be true.

Some softcore 4 u user

Also notice how these leaks happen over time, not all at once. This is done so the scandals don't loose momentum and her way to the elections is one big path of scandal after scandal

Gotta let this bitch get nominated officially first then nuke her.

No fucking minarets

Sounds like poor security more than anything, the person behind it seems to be one single person. So if he managed any government agency has done so already and has had the emails already for some time.

The hacker was Romanian familia, you can even see him brag about it on his twitter, why the fuck would any of this funnel through twitter? GUCCIFER 2.0

The world is flipflopping and I fucking love it

what did he mean by this?

>Too early to explore space
>Just in time to see real life "Patriots" fall

How did Kojimbles get it so right?

Hacker dies mysteriously before he can share the nuke

I'm guessing he's in hiding now?

I mean I wouldn't be surprised if Russia granted him asylum in exchange for this.

Works out in a lot of peoples interest

>tfw no vindileuks

Ever notice how when the shady manipulators being questioned were corporate executives and right-wing politicians, leftists loved Wikileaks and its idea of a free and open Internet, but the second the left's shady leaders are finding themselves under the same scrutiny, the left starts screaming the same set of terms they throw at police and corporations? It's almost like the left of the Bush era only looked sane because it was running up against Jesus freaks, and the moment a more secular vision of the right emerged under Trump it was possible to see just how dogmatic and irrational the left is.


I used to hate Russians

>Now I'm #rootin'4Putin

What if HC email server was hacked? What if all deleted HC emails are released on October 26th? Happy Birthday?



Too much zog shit for today, Brian.

>Russia finally pays the US back for helping when they were pushed back to Moscow
Russia greatest ally?
Thank you Dmitri.

>pic unrelated

Why do they keep teasing their master plan like some Bond villain? Just release it already before it gets (((shut down))).

>Who has the capability to hack into servers on this scale?

like 50% of Sup Forums?

>in b4 leftists start calling dotcom an evil fascist despite the fact that they probably pirated all their shit from his site.

Oh my goddd yes.

I imagine it eoulsve been possible to get in without people noticing. I really hope that's what it is.

what does this mean


Right? Like this DNC shit kind of almost makes up for that Crimea bullshit.

>Which can be rectified at this point with a case of Vodka and six kilos of Hash

Yeah its not the hacking part thats hard, its the not going to jail/staying alive part after thats the hard part.

In a multi million dollar "corporation" (dont know a better word for it) like the democratic party, you would imagine they have pretty tight security on their emails, especially when it can hurt the democratic nominee badly.

>dvw vindikleuks
voelt goed man

This is Putin's revenge for the panamaleaks


It wasn't even russians though, it was a romanian hacker acting all on his own

she just needs a scapegoat to scare the public with - and that's russia

impale shitskins on the minarets

Shit what if they even help us undo the Soviet Subversion?

Except they dont. Until a few years ago both the DNC and RNC were using hosted email. I forgot the exact number but in 2007 upward of 80% of DNC emails were sent from Hotmail accounts

>All these people constantly pointing out that Putin and his right wing authoritarianism is behind most nationalist movements in Europe and the U.S. like that's going to make us upset or change our mind

We know he's behind it.

We like that he's behind it.

Or the RNC isn't incompetent - I mean, what's the DNC doing? Diversity hires left and right? Idiots who gobble the democratic koolaid.

They're braindead morons. Instead of competent individuals (who would just-so-happen to be white men) they hired women and minorities.

Their campaign has been an utter and dismal failure as a result.

And what do trump and the RNC have? White men. Competent, white, men.

It's my birthday too, it would be the single best present ever.

Please make it happen based leakers!

but they don't find putin in panamaleaks

the hacker known as Sup Forums strikes again

It's no secret that Russia is behind most nationalist or right wing memery in the west.

Just like it's no secret that Soros is behind my leftist filth in the west.

We have photos of Hillary and Obama grovelling like dogs at the feet of Soros.

Call me when Putin's kids are instagramming themselves humiliating Trump or Farage.

The left is further gone than the right, when it comes to being pawns.

Hell, you can go and watch "The Young Turks" literally spouting verifiable nonsense on their channel so they can push a Soros agenda, and you can SEE the pain on their face and the deadness in their eyes as they do it.


What did he mean by this?

Its to do with the Clinton family connections with Aegis and the boss of Aegis, going back to 1987 and some bizarre non existent diamond deal in Arkansas.

They don't have tight security. Because they're run by retards.

Most of these hacks were perpetrated by a third party that the Russians were monitoring. They literally stole the info from a thief.

The jokes about Clinton and her email server are not actually jokes. She really is retarded.

Same with the Sony hacks, and they had much more tangible financial interests at stake. Literally just used social engineering.

Notice how shit the reprisal hacks are?

Remember the Panama Papers (a job undertaken by a Soros funded crew)?

I think they got a little smearology on Putin out of it, but basically nothing of substance, other than Jackie Chan is a tax cheat.

They're waiting for her to get nominated

They want to make sure there's no room for the democrats to back out of supporting her. Every few days/weeks, they turn the temperature up a little more.

Now the question is - why aren't any of hillary's contacts helping her out? She's got CIA and NSA types in her back pocket, yet these guys don't seem to do anything against the RNC.

I think donald's cut some deals here, and hillary's been left to hang after her monumental screwups, I'm betting after the turkey bullshit in particular, but probably also from the clinton emails / clinton foundation stuff.

>you would imagine they have pretty tight security on their emails
Did you just forget what HRC was investigated for?

I'm curious on this point;

If they do it now, they can back out and bring in Bernie.

If they do it after the official nomination, they can STILL bring in Bernie quite quickly.

How long do you wait before it becomes too difficult to switch in Bernie?

Also, does Assange know his Get Out Of Rape Free Card has been revoked by leftists now for sure?

The day after my birthday, but I'll take it.

The longer they wait, the higher chance that Assange will end up with a barbell in his skull.

She's had to of made some enemies in government that want to see her gone.

assange is a front man for an organization, not the organization itself

Do you think Russia is helping the right in the West as repentance?


I will give Russia my undying support as a sovereign nation for their support in our cause

Is there a list of people killed by the Clintons?

I suspect this is what he's referring to and also why you're starting to hear the constant spin involving Putin and Russia all over the media. The Clintons are attempting to brace for impact in any way they can.

>implying russia won't fuck over trump and destroy america

>Russia is behind most nationalist or right wing memery in the west.





But no, it's simply to divide us.

Also to break up NATO or weaken it, and the E.U.


Just to make the playing ground a little more even.

For nationalists or people like us opposed to the globalist agenda of making us one giant mud people, this isn't so bad. Large white nation states competing with each other is preferable to living under the control of some elites and being corralled with a bunch of shitskins.

Being used in this case is a lot like being 14 year old being "used" by an extremely fucking hot teacher.

found the HillShill


How would Kim even know? I doubt he talks to Julian. And people said last night that all the sources were old and all the juicy stuff had already been released.

>Morning Joe pushing the Russian conspiracy maymay

MSM has its orders from Hillary, get ready for the retarded new narrative

I'm surprised it didn't say
>Big Bad Evil Trump Empire of America

I know. We live in the funniest fucking time line now.

>0.35 cents have been deposited into your account

>a Soros agenda

the convention is going to be a complete shit show

USA-Russia Bromance...

Constantinople when?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

tfw you saw Kim dot com "live"

I think they're doing it to save their own skin

Putin knows he can't win a war against the west, he knows even if he were somehow, against the odds, successful - that he'd be inheriting an empire of radioactive dirt anyways. He's fighting this war before the war even starts, because he's not a moron.

For whatever reason, the democrat hawks don't see it the same way, and/or are willing to sacrifice a few hundred million lives in order to finally rid themselves of their only serious competition and roadblock to an NWO.

What russia wants is reunification with territories they consider "russian" - the baltics and ukraine. But past that? Not a chance. They'd have resecured their western borders as much as they can, and would begin internal developments to lift themselves out of perpetual 3rd world status. They have TONS of room to expand their population in the East, and a lot of incentive to do so, considering China.

Things are going to look pretty fucking bright for Russia if Putin can somehow maneuver around a WW3 scenario that is closing on him.

Is this an indictment of a trump presidency or a potrayal of the support for america even after the inevitable global collapse?

I'm getting mixed signals.


Yes. They finacing them to gain political power.

the bitch is a walking criminal, she makes her own scandals just by going about day to day business. if the media wasnt complicit in covering up for her she wouldnt even be a contender right now and would never have made it through the primaries

When this fuck will die?

the author probably meant it to be former, but I'd like to imagine it takes place many years after Trump which is why his face is on the dollar

This picture is comfy as fuck.

I'm not getting an anti-trump sentiment here, just decency and humanity.

Whoever did this to stump the Trump didn't know how to do it properly.


before november with any luck

doenst that sound more ironic and like a threat?

Like it matters. He has kids.

thats why he has the Ecuadorian Special Forces guarding him.
dead or alive, the leaks will out.

A cross on Hagia Sophia...

Aand my dick is diamonds. Excuse me while I go to /gif for a moment.

a little whimsical and fantastical but youre touching on something real... that putin sees trump as an ally against aggressive chinese foreign policy. he probably also knows she is impossible to cooperate with

this is how it will actually happen and isn't even a satirical image

hopefully Britain makes a trade deal with Russia once Trumps in power

If Hillary is the best they can come up with, what makes you think that the Democrats are good with security

Exactly. If you can purge the republicans of their religious crazies and their baggage (anti abortion, anti gay marriage) people will start flocking to the party.


>The President will never come over to your house to hang out

Wait a minute, what??