Rare Flags General

Mods please don't delete the thread.

Post your collection, laugh at people who don't have Aruba yet, etc.

If one of the flags in pic related could post you would make my day.

Rules of flag collecting

1. Only Sup Forums flags count, no Sup Forums or Sup Forums

2. You must see it LIVE. No archive and for fucks sake no reposting and getting flags from other anons. Might as well download them from google if you are gonna be a cheating cuck.

3. Have some self-respect and patience, flags will come to you and it will feel amazing. Otherwise you will KNOW deep inside that you were a cheater and get no satisfaction.

4. Saving the actual posts is autistic as fuck, but whatever floats your boat. You should have enough honour not to cheat.

Other urls found in this thread:


Hur hur I got them all

gotta catch them all!




that's legit


Anyone collected this flag yet?

i collect regional flags as well

I never got into it. Seems to cross the line between fun and work desu.

i am pretty much done with national flags because there are not enough african posters

i started at some point but then got bored of it

Former /flag/tism member here from Sup Forums.

Heard and McDonald, Western Sahara, and Bouvet are literally impossible to obtain legitimately.

You will also never see US Minor Outlying Islands.

Got Pitcairn Island earlier today, pretty chuffed tbqh

Sure, I keep them in for completion's sake. I am waiting for the african countries to post, that Rwanda dude on Sup Forums is elusive af


The real name is French Southern and Antarctic Lands, bordel de merde!

>Bosnia and something

Here's a weird one

i got Tristan de Cunha

woa nice, that's my favourite island t b h

lol noobs


do they even have internet there?


It's usually brits that post from there

heh... gunna have to finish u now... nothin personelle





what is this one called?

Anyone could just save the master list of flags and have them all

real collectors collect the actual post made with the flag.

>tfw you realize your entire collection of flags is now worthless

bullshit flags, like ISIS or Roman Empire

What's the point of cheating?

Considering it has a population of only 50 and they have a 56k connection that the whole island has to share.

Whoever it is seems to post here quite a bit.

I think it's somewhere off the coast of Canada and french forgot the name..

it's real
I never cheat for accessible flags, but I did make an exception for wales and scotland

Saint Pierre and Miquelon

Bumping with a rare one

Yea that's it

IDK what else you would do living there other than shitposting

they aren't bullshit you get them with the flags add-on


user plz, that flag doesn;t exist, all posters from wales have the UK flag

aka you were cheating with extended flags which is pointless


There are 254 flags to be collected on Sup Forums, Wales is not one of them

extended flags were a mistake

you literally just ave to manipulate the link
for example:


look up the two letter codes for each country, and replace the GB in that and then you get basically most/all flags

Cuz your an honest pokeflag catcher here's one if you didnt already have.

not rare, thats uncommon


meh cheating will just leave you feeling empty, capping them would prob be better but too late now lmao

I know the flags aren't in the system but I also know I have seen posters from both of those places so I took the liberty of saving those, and only those from URL because there is no way to get them legitimately

Give me your rarest flag and i will give you all an EXTREMELY rare flag that you can't even collect anymore.

I don't do this too much because i want to preserve it's value.

i had planned on collecting the extended ones but realised its a waste of time


try this

Is it old Libya?

here you go

All your RAREFLAG are belong to us

pls gib

pretty rare


Why would it be worthless? I myself know that it's legit and get the good feeling of collecting them so what's the point? Just because some random fag doesn't believe me I should throw it all behind?

Libya i snagged from Sup Forums before Gaddafi got pwned by the rebels

It's probably the rarest flag since you can't get it unless someone gives it to you.

why when i hover over you its say unknown but you are timor


Nice one thanks lad... this will be the only flag I'll steal

Thanks user.

that's timor-leste

shows as unknown for some regions due to Sup Forums server screw up

I know that's not true, but I won't tell you how I know. It's a useful way to out liars :^)

thanks m8 this will be the only 1 i will steal

Fiji with a nice shade of blue

ah shit just noticed too.. shame

Winrar. You got exceedingly rare unknown Timor Leste. Felicitations. Tell all your friends.


nice try

fucking stoke
here's modern libya for anyone


wew shouldn't have converted it to png i guess

This is my collection.


a few of mine

who here /tired/


246, sorry about that.

i think you forgot this one, should be in between martinique and malta

i included it on my screenshot, i got 304

Didn't forget it, just haven't seen it anywhere so haven't collected it, no cheating lads.

There are only 254 flags on Sup Forums


the extra ones i have are the 50 flags for each american state, the only ones i got for the "extended" shit




Still unlikely since there are several that literally cannot be collected

Oh fuck I left that one in there by accident, 245 it is.

epic collection desu, is it only Sup Forums?

which ones exactly

Yes senpai, all collected from here.

holy fuck so much cheating in here

How about this flag instead?

None were stolen. Only one or two were from Sup Forums, the rest from Sup Forums. I've only been at it for a couple months so pls no bully


based, how long?