Why do they pretend they're not European?
Why do they pretend they're not European?
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fuck off wh*Te
Because It didn't work well.
because they're sandniggers
because the KARA BOGA contains no eurocuck blood
they are our BLACK brothers
Unless you're an AFRICAN american I won't even take you seriously.
Waaah why our colony is mad at us? :)
because you're dirty good for nothing shitskins that invade anything the white man builds.
even though your compatriots that come here to work for peanuts sell good quality melons and make good street cleaners
>Turks in Germany
>sell kebab
>sell drugs
>clean dogshit off German streets
>Turks in Cyprus
>sell watermelon
>sell drugs
>clean dogshit off Cyprus streets
>calls me slave
>proceeds to clean the pavement outside my three story house for 2 euros off my poodle's dogshit
Greek Cyprus >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>T*rk Cyprus
Lmao I work as a mechanical engineer I make more money in 2 months' work than your whore mother and mother makes a whole year you retarded colony slave
Kek bitch those doner salesmen make more money in a month than you do in a whole year.
cyproid SUBhuman BTFO
Wow go easy Gökay, poor Cyprusian..
bro, average wage in Cyprus is 1800, and my whole family makes far above the average. I suggest you start trading those turkish liras for $ or something before they get devalued before the end of the month lol.
what's the average wage in roachland 400 euros?
Hey, you can come live under my fridge any day now when you have another coup.
they are ar*b
ne göt yanmış be :DD
>thinks he's white :DDDD
That was pretty weak.... Sorry pal but the roach takes this one.
Cyprus is the living example of 'your brain on wh*Te'.
Remember to get some sun, bros.
Roosh V says Turkish girls ressemble Colombian girls
Wait, does that guy from Cyprus think he's not a Turk?
Hahaha they’re that poor ha?
because they aren't, what part of Asia minor you don't understand?
>inb4 a bunch of turkish diaspora defending the country they fled
>whites act like its okay to be wh*Te
its not okay, its shameful
as long as that lasts...
just checked
>turks are poor as gypsies
I'm s-ssory.. Mr. Attilla... please forgive me..
Isn't the cost of living much cheaper in Turkey? That's like saying poles are dirt poor because they average 700 Euros a month
I started turning liras to euro back in 2015 it was obvious a shitstorm was coming
If lira become way worse or mudslimes coup happens I'll just move to france I have a baccelaureat afterall
I'll be fine colony slave dont you worry :^)
Cyprus obliterated
Ouch, no wonder the sandmonkeys flee that shithole and come here to work shit jobs or sell drugs for pennies. Do you ridicule the roaches as much we do here? We basically treat them as niggers, and they STILL wont leave lol. They all talk with pride like they're someones and then proceed to empty your trash.
>I'll just move to france
Ah yeah dude let me move to Canada and let's argue about "our" countries while we are immigrants :DDD
>come live under my fridge
> I'll just move to france
How about NO? FUCK NO!
stay the fuck out we have enough shitkins as it is
and take back your 50 cousins sisters and goats
go to germany if you have to where theyre already blacked and love sandpeople
That's ok, KARA BOGAs are always welcome in my country.
t. ahmet ali altintop
I'd like a large kebab with extra onions and garlic sauce (hold the cum). And a beer to go with it.
t. rape babys
I'm not crazy about my country and I definitely wont stand if it becomes more of a shithole whether you like it or not
Je m'en foue qu'est que tu pense fils de pute. Ta mere va acce
uellier avec un refugees welcome pancarte quand je vient en france
There's nothing wrong with a little diversity and masculine men turning our feminist women into WOMEN again. Right now they're all being greedy little bitches and wh*Te people are too weak to take control.
>gayreek calling me rapebaby
t. 56% greek 30% anatolian 10% caucasus 2% central asian (real turk)
t. 99% african in denial
why do greeks kill greeks?
because some got cucked so hard they think they are mongols
>some greeks got cucked so hard they think they are mongols
elaborate pls
i miss u constantinople :(
>whether you like it or not
Well obviously
Leftist doctrine mandates that you call everyone a Turk
>elaborate pls
*commits genocide*
*listens to mongolian throat-singing*
*worships tengri*
who gives a fuck about muh heritage lol. you sound like one of those Sup Forums americans
Good, then you should go back to it, and leave MY country alone, fucking sandnigger.
poor turk you have to suffer for the sins of others, I feel for you
Armenian genocide were plotted by people that look just like your pic related, not real turks.
>Shits on Cyprus even though he's far more poorer than them
>vows to escape to France given the chance and live with white people because his country is a shithole of non whites
wtf is wrong with moroccans
Yeah but you're a shitskin as well.
>come live under my fridge
Negro I make around 300-250k lira a year the owner of that shitty island filled with rapebabies probably doesnt make that much
What do you work as?
Read the thread stupid snownigger
>300k lira as mechanical engineer
how, what's the average wage for one in turkey?
is that way
I'm sorry, not all of us are like that, I live in Edirne and I hate Turkey and Turks, Greece please annex us.
Here ,the genocides happened, the invasion of Cyprus was a crime against humanity and Turkey's a devolving muslim shithole without any culture or history but destruction.
Notice how everyone is eager to leave it behind for a life in the West.
Pls annex and give eu passport so I can go to Germany or live somewhere civilized.
>be k*Rdish
>make this post
your president is visiting us in 2 days and athens is going to be a literal fortress with snipers on roofs,special forces ect. why does he need so much protection?
>so I can go to Germany or live somewhere civilized.
Dunno but you can be paid as low 50-100k if you dont have many qualities and
you graduated from a shitty uni but mine was one of the best in turkey and I get paid more overall because I work for private companies
Ananı da vereydin
Because a lot of people including %50 of turkey hates that piece of shit?
cause he is a hated laz faggot lol
>Turkish president visits Greece after 65 years
>Literal fortress with snipers on roofs
If you had
One shot
Or one opportunity
To seize everything you ever wanted
In one moment
Would you capture
Or just let it slip?
He’s visited Greece a bunch of times
>All these fuckers telling the kanak to come to Germany instead
>Pls annex and give eu passport so I can go to Germany
Google says 1,512 TRY =332.836EUR.
We just found a Turk that makes 15 times the Turkisch average.
>We just found a Turk that makes 15 times the Turkish average.
a lot of Turkish employers pay their employees in different currencies because it is a better rate
It's not that suprising really. Everyone is dirty poor or rich as fuck here middle class died a long while ago.
ngl same in england, prob not as bad as TURKIYE but middle class is virtually going extinct here
everyones either rich as fuck, or poor as fuck, literal poverty mode, my sister has to work 3 jobs to even afford internet for us lol and people with turkish names like us its hard for us to get jobs here anyway
I'm sure he did, I'm talking about after the occupation of Greece.
>His visit next week will be the first by a Turkish president to Greece in 65 years.
Should have said something like 50k liras, you went full retard, never go full retard. Who’s gonna pay a Turkish engineer that much money. That’s paneer tier what you did right there.
>my sister has to work 3 jobs to even afford internet for us lo
And you sit here and shitpost? Damn.
>Everyone is dirty poor or rich as fuck here middle class died a long while ago.
erdogan has visited greece again in the past but as a prime minister,not a president.
People get paid 50k 2-3 years after postgraduating 250k is normal payment for someone who works for private companies like me.
Turks aren't European nor human for that matter
Most Turks live in Asia so they are Asian. (Anatolia)
SOME Turk live in Europe, I think maybe about 1/3 or so? The other part attached to the Balkans.
Saying Turkey is European is like saying France is South American. Its true for some of it but not for most of it. My 2c.
Erdog's based, it's Turks like you that give us a bad name among whites.
>my sister has to work 3 jobs to even afford internet for us lol
kys Turkey's one of the best countries in the world.
Genocides? No such thing, same goes for Cyprus and other mickey mouse stories the gavur has come up with.
Alright, maybe he inflated his numbers a bit because everyone in here keeps calling him a no good dirty shitskin, but that doesn't mean you can call him a retard, gayreek.You're poorer than Turkey and still have the courage to show up in here?
Go back to showing waffles up your ass, irrelevant faggot.
Bi siktir alamanci kürt orospu cocugu
turkey is literally brazil tier, besides being much smaller and having smaller population.
>inb4 macaco
Turks aren't European nor human for that matter
only at night etc
why are you telling man to kill himself because im going through struggle
you pisshead bruv I'm the biggest turkish nationalist you'll ever meet and erdogan is a piece of shit you kurdish fuck you'll never ever know what it is to be a true turk dumb fucking almanci prick
stop slandering the turkish name dickhead