Long Term Effects of Women's Suffrage

We have all heard that Women tend to vote left while men vote right but what has been the actual, tangible effects of women having the vote. Which election results would have been different if only men could vote?

Basically I'm trying to understand how the West as shifted so far politically to the Left and if women's suffrage is the reason for this. In Canada our government is run by Trudeau and the Liberal party, and have seen some suggestions that he would not have been elected if only men were allowed to vote.

What I'm looking for specifically is studies or other hard facts regarding sex and voting practices. Beyond just Canada, for example, would Germany have Merkel if only men were allowed to vote? would Europe be as left as it is generally if only men were allowed to vote.

This isn't /r9k/ or Sup Forums tier bait, I'm just trying to understand how my country got to the point where it is today.

Women voters, apart from supporting female suffrage itself, were actually more reactionary than men until the sexual revolution.

>Shift to the Left
>Because of women
If by Left you mean SJW......

Is Canadian education as bad as American one?

By the way, this is why Emma Goldman OPPOSED female suffrage.

>left only means the fringe politics for aboliting private property
No, it doesn't, and did not even at the term's inception

Woman's suffrage is a spook, the long term effects are all spooks.

I mean specifically socially left.


Communism, Israel and World War II.

If only men were allowed to vote Europe would be better off economically and socially

It's a wait and see kind of thing, we have to let a few generations come and go before we see the full effects of it.

Women are conformist at heart. When the normal was being a Christian conservative, they voted for Christian conservative parties. Without female voters, Christian Democracy wouldn't have won elections in Italy and France and both countries would be governed by communists, who had massive support among male workers in the 1940s.

Now that the normal is globalist progressivism, they vote against nationalist and conservative parties.

Reminder that French Radical Republicans were at some points opposed to female suffrage because they feared women would vote as the local priest would say.

Essentially this

Everywhere women can vote a welfare state follows

This is like the biggest "America won ww2" ism ever.

I do not see the major pattern between the female vote and certain politics. It changes from country to country and has more to do with culture than anything else.

Now, let's say you are against it. What can one even feasible do in a society where it is already established? Self-preservation is universal.

Over the centuries when women had no political power, they started telling each other that the reason the world is terrible, is that men control it and men are fundamentally warlike and stupid.

Now they have had political power for a little bit, but they haven't yet realised that the reason the world is terrible is pure logic and has nothing to do with ideology. They'll figure it out.

They're like children. And I don't mean that as an insult, because we made them that way. It's terrible what we did, and now they'll have to grow up. The migrant crisis will be the trigger.

Women comprise half the vote, they shape what is normal just as much as men do, how can you say they're conformist to the norm when they shape the norm?

>we made them that way

no we didn't.

Men and women have been like this for ten thousand years, it is our nature, our biological fate.

Not everything is reducible to biology.

Suffrage was a symptom of the swing to social liberty, not the cause of it

99% of quirks can be reduced to biology. The other 1% are from your environment.

are those just random numbers you came up with

75% of the things you read on the internet are made up on the spot, the other 25% are misquoted.

The gender gap in American electoral politics is very well known and well defined. Recently its been growing, I believe in 2012 it was around 10% difference (I.e 55% of women voted for Obama and 45% of men.) Go look at exit polls you dumb fuck, this is easy shit to figure out.

The fall of Western Society

Falklands stayed British thanks to thatcher, most other candidates would have just asked to split them up with a DMZ in the middle

>because we made them that way. It's terrible what we did


I'm not even Sup Forums, but there's no other word for this.

The child-like traits of women are biologically decided because they are evolutionary useful.

Sup Forums ruined the word cuck but it's actually a pretty could description for people like What did people even call those kinds of people before the word cuck? Unwarranted Guiltists?



A woman wrote the plan and pushed the idea of social security onto fdr. This was the trigger for the landslide of socialists policies and ideas that followed in the US over the least 80 years.
Thanks females.

> google that image
> reach a Daily Mail article from right after the 2012 elections
> "The maps interestingly reveal just how much Obama relied on the votes of America's women and ethnic minorities compared to the staggering percentage of white men who supported Romney."
> top comments are buttblasted women and liberals collectively losing their minds
