
Would you have bought it for Nick, Sup Forums?

Foxes are disgusting


Guy's probably not that happy he's gotta carry change for hamsters, ones for rabbits and the like to use along with change for elephants and others that size.

And no, Nickelodeon has made too many bad decisions in the past for me to buy them a gift.

anything for my smugsbando

Is the movie going so quickly to Blu Ray a bad thing?

I mean, it's about to break one billion why not capitalize the hype even more with everyone buying $25 blu rays.

just means Disney wants more money

Nick is probably my least favorite character in the movie, so no. No I wouldn't.

Deadpool blu-ray just came out, it is still a month out, same amount of time in theaters, what are you talking about?

I don't know how it's gonna play out for sales, but it's good for me.

Reminder that racemixers need to be shot or burned alive

The only good pred is a dead pred.

I would buy it for Finnick


See! Bellwether was right!

>I stood up for you and you lied to me!
>proceeds getting rekt on multiple levels
Nick Savage

I really don't understand this. So SOON?
What are you talking about mate? By the time it hits BluRay, it'll have been in theaters for three months. That's the same period of time it took for The Revenant to release on BluRay, and nothing's wrong with that disc at all, if you ask me. So WHAT are you worried about?

I don't see what people like about him.

The fact he found courage and determination to change and become a nobler version of himself.

Him as a person or him as a character?

>Not wanting to fuck the fox
You gay, user?

>least favorite

The fuck's wrong with you?

Shit taste

His friends with Judy.

Foxes are meme animals

>le quirky smart animal

I can see this. That's pretty admirable.

every animal is a fucking meme

No. I would of jave bought it for Toot Toot.

Not even water is so devoid of taste

He's just a smug dick, then midway through the movie he decides to give a shit for no real reason.

He's not a good character, nor a good design.

>for no real reason
are you a sociopath, haven't watched the film or just baiting people online?

You're trying real hard to be contrarian.

Of course not. I'm not as naive as Judy is. Enforcing the law is one thing, getting suckered into paying for a conveniently wallet-less customer is another.

He suddenly starts caring about Judy after shitting on her non-stop after meeting Mr. Big. You could say it's because she saved his life, but he wouldn't have been in the situation at all if she wasn't there.

>people don't like Nick
Eh whatever. Sup Forums doesn't like lots of things that are obviously good, doesn't surprise me anymore.

Explain how he's good.

that's what happens when you show characters with a complex morality to people that love Superman

You can appreciate the complexity of a character while still not liking them.

zootopia dvd is already available here since march

Can someone add the Brazzers logo to this?


People probably just don't like shitposting autistic gay ass fags.

he was gay, right Sup Forums?

>nor a good design

What's a cartoon fox supposed to look like then, Mr. Head Character Designer?

That was the first one of those books I read. Still a favorite.

user. Use your empathy for a second. He's been kicked around since he was born. It is apparent he had never fully given in and carried the flame covered under the filth of cynism and feigned indifference. Maybe he came to admire Carrots' strength of character, maybe Bogo bullying her in the Rainforest District made him relieve his own memories and nudged him to turn things right for someone because there was no one around to help him when he was in need. Could be a mix of these things, but his intentions are very apparent after a bit of analysis, imagination and empathy.
You are free to dislike him, but you don't have an argument to deny depth of character and validity of his reasoning.

this The character in the first half of the movie isn't supposed to be likeable. It's about catharsis, the change and taking the fate in one's own hands.

This movie will definitely make 1 billion, but will we beat minions?

Pretty much sums up Nick's character. Good work.

Needs 2 multicolored neon cocks and 3 different hair colors.

HAHA no.

At least a little interesting. Gideon's design is fine because there's actually stuff that makes him notable. Nick doesn't have any features at all to make him notable.

who cares

In the director's mind most certainly yes, hence the "just friends". Though Disney wouldn't allow it to go that way.

New meme

Internationally, no, but it might manage to do it domestically.

Sweet jesus, I am losing it.

Gonna try and recreate this in 3D later tb͏h ͏

>Nick doesn't have any features at all to make him notable.

Except that Nick is the living embodiment of smug.

The problem is that there's no arc. It's like a switch is flipped and he goes from dickass to best friend without any real reason. There's nothing suggesting it at all that Nick cared about anything other than the pen and his own hide before Manchas. Even if you want to say that he suddenly started to care because of his backstory, there's nothing to imply that. It all just happens.

Perhaps this is more of a fault with the movie itself than Nick.

Not him, but nick was a little bitch. He gave judy nothing but trouble and later overreacted when judy did nothing wrong. What a shitty character.

He's a Dreamworks character in a Disney movie

>17 times

>when judy did nothing wrong
Nick definitely overreacted, but Judy totally fucked that up.

>It all just happens.
yeah, sure, you're entitled to your opinion man.

guess what
nobody gives a shit


>stating the facts is overreacting

Agreed with this. I think one of the problems is that we're given Gideon to compare Nick to, which makes Nick seem even more bland and basic in comparison.

What makes Gideon notable exactly? Does every character need to have funny accents and goofy haircuts?

Do you think Zootopia have done as well, worse, or better, if it were a musical?

I'm no longer the only one who feels like this.

I've always felt that Nick was just a giant plot device for Judy and little more. Everything about the two, as you said, went from A to C with skipping B. Dry as hell.

>trusting foxes

>you can't just dislike a character, you have to explain why!
>oh wait you explained why
>uh, shit, better backpedal now

>Pastor pays him to stop

worse, way worse
this shit aint The Lion King

It's not even an opinion. If anything, I'd love to be proven wrong. Where in the movie does Nick show any sign that he cares about Judy before the rainforest area?

WAY worse. The movie literally made fun of Frozen and Frozen is hated by everyone other than 6 year olds now.

>imperfect beings make have emotions, make mistakes, wrong choices and inadvertedtly ruin things for themselves
wow, more news at 11. That's the point. Actually, the real point is to get up and strive to fix things up and make things better.

Jesus christ, I'm losing patience with you people sometimes even though I know you're just trolling.

They managed to win the Premier League for me

No, it's his girlfriend. "恋人" is "lover".

What's the moral of this movie anyway? That having friends in the police puts you above the law?


I like the way this thread is going

The moral was "don't be racist"

I don't know how it would have done commercially, but I do know that it would have been a way worse movie.

That's it, nothing more

everyone's a little bit racist, sometimes!

because the argument has been clearly stated few posts above. One of you either didn't bother to read, failed to comprehend it or keeps disagreeing for the sake of being contrarian.
In all three cases trying to have a meaningful discuss is useless because presented with the argument, he repeats the original premise to the word.

>Where in the movie does Nick show any sign that he cares about Judy before the rainforest area?

I'll just make one more try to get the point across:
>The character in the first half of the movie isn't supposed to be likeable.

I've only seen it once, so I might not have all the details but this is what I remember.

>Judy impresses him by saving them from Mr. Big and getting his gratitude.

>Judy saves Nick from Manchas when he goes feral -- again she continues to regain his trust.

>Nick sees Judy getting berated by Bogo and having her dreams crushed when he knows that she is right -- and he knows Bogo is being extra hard on her because she is a rabbit and he doesn't respect her. It reminds him of how his own dreams as a cub were crushed by those who looked down on him because he was a fox. He opens up to her because he realizes they are not so different and both are in similar situations because of their species and how other species perceive them.

This is a typical zootopia thread user.


You have the ability to make meaningful changes in your life if you have the determination, guts and maybe lucky enough to meet a friend who believes in you to become a better person.

Lesser minds will focus on racism
Prejudice is a canvas it's obviously not a good thing, but that's not the cornerstone of the story. Why do you deprive yourself of the depth in this movie and refuse to see anything beyond trite tune?

Im sorry user im just here for the memes

>Since I was a little girl, I had a dream
>A golden badge
>sayin' "ZPD Officer Hopps"
>Got on a train and came to the town where dreams can come true
>It's gonna happen for me
>It could happen for you

>You can do anything if you try
>The most impossible dreams can come true
>If you believe it!
>This is my kinda town
>It's as clear as the nose on your face!
>This is the time!
>This is the place!
>This is the time!
>This must be the place!
>Where the streets are paved with gold!
>Where the kitties never grow old!
>In Zootopia!

I think there's a limit to suspension of disbelief or tolerance. People expect the princess from the 1400s to be breaking into song with her woodland animal friends, but it gets weird when anthropomorphic animal species meant to serve as race allegories in a modern/futuristic fractured society begin singing about unraveling a mystery.

It's really just a matter of what people are used to, really. I mean, there's no real logical reason why the animated princess is any more musical than modern day cops (unless, I suppose, it could be argued that noble ladies are taught to sing whereas cops don't get those lessons...) but that's the Disney we've grown up with and that's what we're used to.

Finnick would be an amazing tsundere.

Love that image tb͏h. Think this one is an improvement tho

Glad that you bring this up:

No. And I would have slapped the kid for making his parent buy a snack that he clearly can't finish

What kind of person Judy has to be to find Finnick adorable always bothered me. I know it's her motto to be anything but encouraging a fox to literally become an elephant is retarded and she must be retarded to find that adorable.

This whole scene makes me find the "anyone can be anything" idea naive.

The best.