Have you ever got drunk in front of your parents?

Have you ever got drunk in front of your parents?
Could it be acceptable if you do it?

I'm a big boy, so why not.

Yep, was really pathetic.
Drinking till drunkeness is considered a terrible habit and makes you gain bad looks and general concern.


Drink with your parents : OK
Karaoke with your family : equal to commit incest.

it seems i have committed incest with my family many times



acceptable, but i wouldnt like it

No not at all acceptable. Especially since my late dad used to be an alcoholic.

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. It has happened before that I got drunk on New Year with my mother present, it will not happen a second time though.

i'm light weight so I might happen to get drunk when everyone else is just tipsy. it's not that big a deal because i'm a fun/relaxed drunk.

I can imagine going to the karaoke with your family being lame or embarassing, but being equal to incest...
What the fuck is up with that ?

most of euro cunts consider unreasonable to see/be seen by naked family members (beside sauna countries)

belgium is not a country it's just a giant brewery

Yeah but they were drunk too.

>Have you ever got drunk in front of your parents?
>Could it be acceptable if you do it?
a bit tipsy? yeah
ICU-tier hammered? no

I'm not sure what your point is.

Dutch can't brew decent beer though, except south of the Rhine. Germany only weissbier, nothing too strong because they're sissy faggots. Northern France can brew some decent beers but they're our legitimate clay anyway. Between Rhine and Seine = best-beerland (Belgium), coincides with pic related, coindicence? I think not.

>Dutch can't brew decent beer though
t. country with extremely overrated beer

different places have different ideas of what is acceptable to do with family members

I never let my family know neither the music I prefer nor how I express the affection for it in a very clumsy way.

Yes parents would know how their children fap but it's another thing as long as they are unaware of it.

I think seeing a naked family member/ being seen naked by one is universally unreasonable.

t. drinks luke-warm horse-piss

De Gaulle was right, why didn't we listen?

you could have autism, go see a doctor
che ti frega se tuo fratello ti vede il cazzo?

not in Finland (and Russia)

that said I went into banya with my Rus ex-gf and her girlfriends once, I still see their tits wiggling in my mind's eye.

No wonder you are still a man child.
You probably don't even knock before going in the bathroom

Comunque nel tuo caso non ci sarebbe chissà cosa da mostrare .

And another thing I am telling you is that it is totally my personal feeling and never representing whole Japanese opinion.
There are so many Japanese siblings uploading their duet on Youtube and it make me totally embarrassed anytime I accidentally see it.

>You probably don't even knock before going in the bathroom
someone actually does this? literally who cares
you probably shower with your pants on not to risk your mom sees your free willy and you awkwardly get a boner in front of her?

What does it mean - in front? Ok, they sometimes see me coming drunk from some meeting with friends or a party. Yes, this is acceptable, we are not muslims lol.

no my parents are strictly against drinking. Others probably feel okay drinking with their parents though.

>I went into banya with my Rus ex-gf and her girlfriends once
Sorry for you, but you had a whore, not a girlfriend. And all her girlfriend was also whores.

>free willy
Anyway this is my first time to see this phrase in live conversation, thanks.

>Luke warm horse piss
t. Guy who's never tried British ale


opposite often happend too

You know keys and bathrobes are a thing?

My bad, you probably shake your dad's dick as a greeting

yeah probably, that's why she's my ex, most girls nowadays are whores though

I still dream of that pure, Christian girl. Will probably never happen.

yes, one of the most ashaming moments in my life
my dad wanted to fucking beat me up the next day

My dad would let me drink some of his beer when I was a baby. He also told me how it knocked me out one time. There's a photo of me as a baby drinking out of a can somewhere as well.

Also this Who even speaks like that ?
Are you a baby ?

M8 why should I take your isolated shitty opinion seriously while our beers are world-renowned? Especially since you aren't exactly the one known in general for his refined taste.

I didn't say yours beers aren't good I said they're overrated, you seem to be getting awfully upset there
>while our beers are world renowned
So are ours, so tell me why I should take your isolated opinion seriously?

you are the only one mentioning grabbing dicks, have you noticed?
lets hope puberty will fix you
you shower at home after training i guess?

>most girls nowadays are whores
I'm about to point, that in spite of there, undoubtedly , are whores in Russia, who can willingly share banya with men, it's not tradition or acceptable by society. Not even close.

We're allowed to drink table beer (1-3%) when we are 12 years old. Also, from that age, it is tradition that a drunk dad/uncle asks you to get him a new beer or glass of champagne, winks, and gives you his glass still 1/3 full. It is expected that you drink it when alone around the corner.

>religious fag
Kill yourself for the sake of humanity. You fuckers are holding the rest of us back.

Have gotten smashed in front of the whole family. Sure felt embarrassing afterwards.

Never had to do any fetching or anything. The youngest I remember drinking beer was at 2 years old at home. My dad had a friend over and I saw my dad's half-drunk can of tiger on the floor and started drinking it. He thought it was badass and took a photo. Other times he would just let me take sips from his drink as a baby. Usually in the pub or restaurant

That will be the day when a Brit says anything good about us or anything we make. The jealousy has been going on since we took Congo before your nose.

Anyway, I've tried British ales. Same with German weissbier, and Czech beer, all good, but not really strong. We're the masters of high fermentation, hands down.

Sorry if I have the decency not to wave my genitals in my relative's faces as you do.
Sure puberty did a great job with you unlike me

No. Drunkenness is a sin against yourself and especially in the gaze of your parents who brought you to this world.

>the no Belgian beer
Instead I'm fucking stuck with overhopped bitter hipster brews.

>We're the masters of high fermentation
How about Russian Imperial Stout?

Well I have to say I had a hard time acting normal, and some of them seemed to take offense. I mean, wtf how can you take offense when your tits are jingling right before my eyes, I'm still a healthy young man.

btw don't take my rants too seriously, I don't really mean it that bad, it's just my hot-blooded nature

Lots of times desu, basically every family meal

this, so many times i drink with my parents i cant even count

I've tried some Russian beers they're not bad, I like Baltica 9 even though some will say it is commercial swill. Same reasons why I like some commercial Polish beers. I guess I like it because they're not afraid of using hops.

>I like Baltica 9
Try Okhota Krepkoye.

Here they now have the tendency (for pilsener type beers) to use as little hops as possible, because the common denominator shuns anything with too much taste;

But I guess you're right and the opposite is true too, using so much hops it becomes like wormwood is equally bad, and indeed a hipster thing. People in general have problems with finding the middle of the road.

>Okhota Krepkoye

Haven't seen it yet (I have a Russian store 500m from my door). When I was in your country first beer I tried was Abalon' (think it's Ukrainian). Rather bland, but ok at the temperature we drank it, which was -10°C outside while having a barbecue in late winter/early spring.

tri medvedya wasn't a bad pilsner. there was another one which was dark and high-fermentation that was quite good but I forgot the name, I would recognize the label though

Lots of times.
Considering my dad's an alcoholic, albeit a functional one and my mom tends to drink a lot during weekends/holidays too, it'd be weird if they'd start giving me shit for it. Especially now that I'm in my 20's

t. gay kike

Obolon and Three Bears is most popular and cheap beer that sells in plastic bottles. Can't say it any good, but acceptable if you haven't got much money. We have a thriving craft beer industry nowadays, but it's not that cheap, and not everyone can afford to drink craft beer on regular basis.

What about your monks? They know how to make good kvas, I expect they would know a thing or two about fermenting.

An evening school collegue (I'm taking a novice Russian class) says the same thing as you, that there are popping up in Russia new microbreweries like you hear Americans talk about.

Problem is that in the store here, and in the Russian supermarket in Gent, there are mainly the most commercial brands to be found.

BTW I make my own kvas now, and I learned to make "soldier's kvas" which is basically you add double the amount of sugar and you let it ferment for a week, which brings it up to 7%. Not bad, taste remains good, and it has a nice kick to it compared to regular kvas.

Pic related, roasting some borodino style rye bread right now.

my dad taught me how to be a drunk

It is not considered alcoholic drink in Russia, and have no version with alcohol content above 2-3%. Monks there are strong anti-alcohol type, and for typical Russian the very idea of monk making alcoholic drink is ridiculous.

Many of our strong beers comes from monasteries here, although the monks aren't allowed to drink it themselves, they make a lighter variant for themselves, like in West-Vleteren this is the 4% variant, which isn't sold to the public.

I know that kvas is supposed to be a soft-drink, analoguous to the table-beer we have here, which is usually 0.5% but can go up to 3% depending on the variant. Piedboeuf is the most well-known brand, traditionally you are allowed to drink this from 12 years old (males only).

I got the soldier's kvas thing, when I was making a paper for an analytical biochemistry class. My ex-gf helped me translate my sources from Russian, they were from Soviet times, 70s-80s mostly. Regular kvas was always between

No it isn't. Regular thing that happens all the time here.

Finns don't count

>Have you ever got drunk in front of your parents?
Buzzed but not drunk
>Could it be acceptable if you do it?
I would never do it, but lots of people do

We have the sames.

Never tried soldier's kvas, lol. You can't find commercial version, and making of kvass considered tiresome by most of Russians. But we have a plenty of Belgian beer here in Moscow, so I very much acquainted to the matter. It's not cheap, though, sometimes I can afford myself a bottle or two.

dad's an alcoholic. I'm slowly becoming one.

>making of kvass considered tiresome by most of Russians
Absolute STATE of Moscowcucks

Why should I make it, if I have about ten commercial brands in stores near my house? And it's not easy to make kvas.

When I was in Moscow for the first time in my life I saw 1L Stella Artois cans. We have 0.5L here but I've never seen anything above it.

I remember when I took the metro in the early morning, I saw some guy in a polyester suit breaking open a 1L can of Stella before going to work.

I mean we do the same thing here, but not openly. Every station has its café open since 6.30h where the drinking crown drink their first beers in the morning, but never in public in the railway, always hidden behind their newspaper in a café. Still I guess it is pretty much the same thing though.

we got those two it is called latão (big can)

ohh come on guys, Belgian beers are the best but English beers have a strong second place in my book

I did it just a few minutes ago. It is acceptable to drink, but not much.

yea, that's called christmas

Of course. I drink alcohol with my parents all the time. Getting drunk with your family, especially on festive dinners, is perfectly fine.

No I haven't been drunk since college

Yes and it was CRINGE as fuck
I tried in all way to hide the drunkness but I doubt they wouldn't noticed

Just don't go full retard.

Yes, almost everyday
Yes, we're all alcoholics

My father is alcoholic, he gets wasted in front of me, my brothers, wife... and he doesnt give a F. Then on the day after he thinks nothing happened and acts like he dindu nofin.

I on the other way got drunk several times but I know how to behave, cant hide drunkness but I dont bother people.

Drunk till unconsiousnes? No.
Drunk as in have fun? Fuck me.

Getting shitfaced during sunday family dinners is a tradition in my family/
Few times a year we gather up at my grandma's (my dad has like 6 siblings so there's like 30+ people in total), we go to church, we come back, sit at the table, eat and then me and my cousins go to the basement and fetch the wodka crates.

Not drunk, but buzzed a few times
Probably not. I've never seen them drunk either and i like to keep it that way

desu i really try to avoid getting drunk in the presence of others, unless it's really private with friends. I did some dumb shit as a student that i wouldn't like to repeat


>I did some dumb shit as a student that i wouldn't like to repeat

tell us all about it





I have a horrible job my days off are Tuesday and Wednesday, so im taking a shower and im going to a bar an yes my mother knows this, she is going tonseme for maybe 2 seconds ven I come hime and go to my room

You're amongst friends here, no need for shame..

A couple of times. Actually, I think the first time I got drunk was at dinner with my parents. Maybe I was laughing a bit too much at the very end but I didn't do anything particularly embarrassing, I was just kinda dizzy and much more sociable than usual. In general, I think I feel much more comfortable around my parents than anyone else, anyway.

This faggot Europoor did some gay shit, I know it.

I'm 25 and I've never had alcohol, I'm seeing a 30 year old Japanese lady, she drinks, I wonder if it's going to be a problem down the line.

Of course yes, I've puked with them on the house when I was a teen
Yes, it's pretty normal here even to take your parents out with your friends, I've gone to bars with friends and their parents and it's quite nice

Yeah sure.
If I'm drinking in front of my parents they're probably drinking too.

This is too common here please usa nuke latam