
China is finished.

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>Everything China does is for China's long term benefit.
I wish my country was like this. Everything Sweden does is for the Middle East and Somalia

>Everything Sweden does is for the Middle East and Somalia
Why do they do this

>Everything China does is for China's long term benefit.

Which is how it should be. But unfortunately, when election cycles are every few years in most of our countries, our politicians don't care about long-term benefits. They'll be out of office by the time we reap what we've sown.

>largest-scale espionage and intelligence law reform
>led by china

When is China going to buy Japan?

>Everything China does is for China's long term benefit.

Like every decent country in the world does?

no dummy, china does it for australia's benefit

>decent country
Everything done is manipulative and evil and the only ones that gain from it are the powerful while everyone else are severely harmed. Human life has no value in China. Morality barely exists

"There is no place for emotions in Geopolitics"

t. Some random Russian idk the name

They have stagnated

I think It's too late to take step.
China is very clever and have long term perspective.

Australia's Northern Territory retains stake in China-run port

Is Australia now China’s strategic prize?

>Is Australia now China’s strategic prize?
I think so, it seems so. Australia is willing to let themselves be bought out by Chinese and Chinese would love to steal them away from their rivals and influence evil democratic country

China's ultimate downfall is that there are a corrupt one party state. Dictatorships never lead to good quality of life and stable governance. We had them once and they brought nothing good to this country.

Liberal democracy and capitalism are the only systems that have demonstrated that they can produce a functional, prosperous nation. China is a dystopia by any definition.

normal japan
green japan

Tell that to Taiwan and Singapore

Taiwan is a democracy though? They were a dictatorship in the Cold War era but only became First World after becoming a democracy in the 80s.

Yes I hope so, and we keep to say that China break down in near future since long time ago. But it never happened at all. On contrary Chinese people never accuse their government but also enthusiastically support government policy. Even if downfall will happen, Chinese people will never accuse government like North Korea. Some Chinese say We are just building Our style democracy fitting with Chinese, that is isolated from other democratic countries. I’m not sure their mentioning democracy is what kind of democracy.

>Yes I hope so, and we keep to say that China break down in near future since long time ago. But it never happened at all
If you study their history, they always go through cycles where the ruling dynasty collapses and there is anarchy and civil war for decades. Given enough time, this will inevitably happen again.


>china collapses
>civil war
>Tibet and other no-name countries break off
>warlords ruling over many areas
>ally-supported Taiwan steps in
>annexes the coast
>Beijing as its new capital
>PRC government in exile
make it so pls

because Australians like China