Trump is rising, that's very good.
But why the heck is Hillary Clinton still so insanely high? Is it because of woman voters?
Trump is rising, that's very good.
But why the heck is Hillary Clinton still so insanely high? Is it because of woman voters?
Post convention bump won't last the week.
>Post convention bump won't last the week.
just wait for debates trump will stump her so badly she will look like bill. Trump didnt even start with her. on the other hand hillary is shitting herself to damge him.
theres no questioning that trump will trump this election.
what would happen if say clinton would just drop out of the race?
i mean rules wise.
All women will vote for Shillary.
It's in their genes. They've should never have gotten the vote.
>professional class who profit from globalism
>actual, ideological supporters of globalism
>Latinos and Blacks
>core Democratic voters
>low information voters who know basically that it's time to have a female president and Trump is rude bufoon
Not surprising at all, women voters are not really a cause.
Yes women and people who don't want to vote for an obvious Russian puppet.
>obvious Russian puppet
Obvious shilling for Cold War 2.0. is obvious.
I will take a Russian puppet over a Saudi one, Mr. Shilly mcShillShill
Its because she has control of the media. But they're losing influence by the day and even normies realize Clinton is corrupt. President Trump incoming.
Cnn says there has not been a signifigant convention bump since 2000 nice try shill stay nervous
Trump needs to stop ad libbing and saying something stupid.
Stick to the fuckin' speach.
He finally did this the other day and everyone agreed it was his best speech ever.
He agrees with Putin on some things so he's a puppet? As opposed to Clinton with tons of information actually showing she's connected to foreign governments? I would assume someone not wanting to start WW3 is preferable.
Look anons, the shills are getting pretty nervous
Looking forward to shills adopting that line. Barely anything else they haven't tried yet.
When was the last time he said something really stupid that got repeated throughout the media? He's been doing pretty well since Lewandowski was FINALLY shitcanned for Monafort.
>Post convention bump won't last the week.
That phrase is ALL over the news, must've been DNC approved.
No, it's because of the "silent majority". Old boomer homeowners, parents, and union workers vote Democrat because that's just what they do. Women themselves tend to be split 50/50 on parties, as every hipster camwhore has a middle aged mother somewhere.
They're probably nervous about the Berniebros ruining Clinton's own bump and attempts at party unity. Especially now that their conspiracy-mongering was right.
paying close attention to your DNC approved news I see
/r9k/ please go, you've clearly never been around older women
I dunno man. His RNC speech was very dark. I don't know if someone with such a dark outlook on a dark future of the US should be president - the doom and gloom is just so oppressively dark.
dark dark dark
I'm guessing this surge is party-line voters hopping on the Trump train now that Trump is the nominee. I'm not sure if this will have much of a long-term effect though, because once the DNC is finished and Clinton is the official nominee, I bet Clinton will have a similar jump.
I keep seeing this, that he'll beat her at the debates.
But the debates are mostly for centrist undecided votes, what can Trump possibly say over Hillary to sway them? 'memes' won't work, and with Trumps recent comments/RNC/VP pick what he had over Hillary he can't use now unless he wants to look like a massive hypocrite
he will make look liek shit.
the moment she starts talking she will loose votes.
all her speeches so far are in sterile enviroment. Shes also nuts and will start her hag screem. The tactics for her will be her staying passive all the debate and ignoring him but that will show her in bad light aswell.
>Why in a two party system do people vote for the two parties?
Rethuggglikan$$$ just don't have the demos anymore, but they'll get more votes than they deserve. Such is life.
Dem would probably shove in a new candidate
Just kill yourself.
Nice argument. you really showed him.
>Is it because of woman voters?
No, it's because the polls aren't real. They either have selective polling or they're using totally fraudulent numbers.
Trump's numbers are pathetic. Clinton's lowest point is roughly equal to Trump's highest point. She's going to take the EC in a landslide.
Older women are the ones who brought us into the mess with the first and second wave of feminism. They are the ones to blame.
And are you fucking denying that the gender vote gap will be huge. You can't be serious.
Also: You found a subset of a subset of a subset women who will vote for Trump. Yawn.
DNC chooses a new candidate.
Just post this
> There hasn't been a significant post-convention bounce in CNN's polling since 2000.
Time to be nervous again
Thisbis paul feig level foot in mouth
The DNC will be a disaster and boost him even more.
>he thinks he can just fit this kind of process by square method and guess the future
literally american education
Hilary supporting bots work.
Sorry you won't be getting your bonus when Hillary doesn't get the presidency
trump still getting blasted