
sheep shagging edition

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fuck drumpf

Second for Mexico

well thats not nice

Where is clack

Finals week lads

son of a bitch, I fucked up the mew glitch

Same here

Mom got the wrong vape juice again. So tired of this dumb whore.

Do your best.

god dammit, and now I savestated over triggering the gambler. FUCk

roasties amirte?

which major would have less math involved, business or marketing


as far as I know, Business has their own branch of math based around calc 1 derivatives

doggo final form: cat


saw a real life tranny today


my condolences

She's looking good

he was a pitiful little soyboy

why would it be?
it's an ugly mangled foot

you're (most likely ;-) ) attracted to women, does that mean any ugly ass fat disfigured woman is attractive to you? probably not

what a nonsensical post

>could have earned a phd by now
>just sat in my room instead

dont' know that feel

got a desperate and seething (You) from fk


>go to the grocery store to pick up some food because my brother is coming tomorrow
>when I get there realize it's food stamp day

Oh the people you'll meet.

>tfw two intellijint to suckseed in my major

>going to uni
>avoiding math

so you just want to waste your time and money then? Why not just be a NEET for 4 years?

try working there the week(s) before thanksgiving

>tfw too bored to take all my shitty elective courses

Is 50% of an Italian bachelor degree made up of courses irrelevant to your field of study?

>tfw too stupid to fail in my major

4chanx is finally working again

I would never work in service

not going for an italian degree, just doing Rome/renassaince stuff because its mandatory for a history degree

Sounds comfy to me
Where in Italy are you at? I was in Rome for a few days this summer

yah, ok trust fund boy

how much american history did you have to take for your degree?


Im actually trying to center my major around American/20th centrury stuff, so alot

50% of a bachelor degree from an Italian university*

Unless you mean you're studying outside of Italy.

How are you enjoying it so far?
Post some pics senpai

you're the only person to bring up 50%
where are you getting this proportion?

When my father died he left me everything, about 1.6k worth of physical silver.

I am a contractor and work for a living, college kid.

I'm going to leave my kids all my btc

Im american, studying in Italy

I wish I could, but I temporarily lost my phone. Northern Italy is beautiful, especially Torino and Padova/Venice. Firenze is nice, but the center is too centered around tourism. People are really nice though, even with how badly Im butchering the language

do you mean 1.6 tons or 1.6 thousand dollars?
one of those isn't a lot

1.6k dollar, it's not a lot and that was the point I was making.

>even with how badly i'm butchering the language
at least you're appearing to try

great edition

*appears out of nowhere*

*picks you up and suplexes you back to nowhere*

Right. In Canada, a bachelor programme is 120 credit hours, or 40 courses, of which about 20 courses are in your major field of study, which leaves the other 20 or so to be random shit. At least, that's how it is in science.

*breaks my shoulder and starts screaming in pain*

they appreciate people trying at all a lot more than youd think

my drug dealer has been giving me really good deals because i pretend to express interest in his rap career

>I do drugs

>I dont do drugs

who said anything about uni? I'm going to community college

current mood

VERY good post

I don't like italians

>weed? Yes Please!

footkraut I havent gotten my morning fap in yet
can you provide me with some top tier asian foot porn?

flawless feet on her


theyre not that bad

been watching cherdleys shit over the past few days
gotta be honest heelies look really fun, just speed down the road


I have been watching him for a while too
My favorite is his frat guy video


now that you mention that, my undergrad degrees may have been the same.

let me check...

35 of 124 hours in my physics degree were not needed
and 43 of 124 for my math degree weren't needed

I still got 25 hours over for each of my degrees in my time as an undergrad tho. I just took more relevant courses

fulffy lizqard

could I become a math teacher if I get my bachelors in history but also took a lot of math for CS?

Not like a full fledged math major or anything, but a history teacher who could also teach lower level math at a HS or something

probably, but I don't know why you'd want to do that.

gonna lucid dream tonight

what should I do in the dream?

from what Ive heard, you have a better chance to get hired by a school/university if you can teach more then one subject, or at least the really important ones like Math

learn a useful skill instead of lucid dreaming

seth macfarlane

not fond of math


>learn a useful skill instead of lucid dreaming

wish id never fallen for the NEET meme

>>learn a useful skill instead of lucid dreaming

how ugly is this girl

Sucks to be you. I only have to take 4 outside my major

Also, just found out my mobile IP was banned in May for a post I didn't even make.

0 percent

>asian women

my mobile network has been range banned completely

wales mentioned


went and bought another 40
this should see me through today

cannot imagine being so racist you don't find every ethnicity equally attractive
low-iq brainlets the lot off you

please stop drinking, Arby's-kun

I drank a fifth of Vodka, you dare me to drive?

I have a bunch of elective courses on my transcript because I flip-flopped on my major a couple times.

Still, though, computer science at my school requires only 45 hours in computer science, 15 in mathematics, and 18 in sciences outside of computer science and mathematics, while the rest is some mandatory arts courses and then whatever the fuck you want. I plan to fill whatever remaining free electives I have with math or computer science, but I think it's silly that you can just fill that space with several intro to finger painting courses instead of your major.

I will cut off your feet


Where and what do you study?

you know that song by phil collins in the air of the night about that guy who could have saved that other guy from drowning but didn't?

>incredibly retarded paraplegic dabbing at incredibly high speeds


our favorite obese samurai's gf (planned) has died