/v4/ + future suicide cases

some hot pic i found my folder edition

first for tiddies

second for uhhh

>mfw forgot a word

finally home
try to attempt cooking again

who's that semen succubus?

dont forget to post results

i wont if I fail (99% likely) due to embarrassment

>Tfw you arrived home rn
Dubs decide what I do

Comfiness level of your cunt on scale of 1-10



> Tfw no gf

post anyway

mommy...I want milkies

Go back to work


depends on from where did you arrive
just take a rest


it's my mother preparing knedlo vepřo zelo actually

we are very poor you see, that apron is the only thing she wears

would eat (knedlo vepro zelo)

> Tfw snow is melting and still no gf

maybe she's under the snow

tell me lies tell me sweet little lies

>v4 has turned into a weeb general
another great general lost to the erp hordes

its not erp here

Some spanish actress.

>like 5 guys actually discuss anime
>OMG ITX ee are peeeeeeee
Why are you orks so fucking retarded?


god damn it smells good
this dinner is gonna be expensive af tho


Who cares

Good evening.

post it


lads my pajeet half-son is in Prague, will he be okay?

my wife's son is in Prague too and he says that your wife's son is fine

Czechs and Slovaks, are there any NHL teams you support/watch? Or are people mainly just interested in your own leagues?

Prague is the outpost of liberalism in here, so yeah

nah I ruined it

>Czechs and Slovaks, are there any NHL teams you support/watch?
no. all that matters to me is that one of our guys did well. i dont care what team hes on.

btw is that pepa who was playing katawa shoujo here?

so, according to news, Czech Republic doesn't have a functional government at the very moment
can someone explain what is going on and what are the possible outcomes?

40% of parliament is held by one-man party that everybody else hates since he is suspected of corruption
20% is held by radicals (anti-islamists and commies)
rest 40% is mostly liberal clusterfuck
and they all utterly hate each other and can't decide who should be in charge, and our president isn't helping it one bit


no, rooting for teams you yourself don't play in or otherwise contribute to is scumbaggery

>woke up at 6am
>went to work
>still here

What's with all the animu pics ?

Sup Forums is historically what you call a cambodian penguin-breeding picture forum, you know

Okay maybe I didn't ruin it after all but I'll do better next time

that looks good
I'm hungry now, thanks

By that I meant unrelated pictures

which unrelated pictures?

Nvm this requires too much effort

there is nothing wrong on being anti-islam.

>Tfw my Cambodian comics won't load in
>Tfw pepik is gone and I can't discuss this comic

not bad at all

there is, if you're not anti-every religion

this general is trash

You are trash. Why do orks come here anyways?

because he's a butthurt 56% man.

yes anti-religion, but people should have some basic values seems to me its all really shallow nowadays.

im diaspora not a real amerimutt
and its just my observation, this general is a. slow as fuck and b. pretty much made up, what the fuck does a lithuanian and a hungarian have in common exactly

garbage general

Then leave


why should a general be
a. fast
b containing only nationalities that have some
superficial things in common?
basic values are something parents and schools should give you. Religion was useful for that when 90% of the population never saw a school. Now it's just a powerful tool to misuse.

the point of int is to share culture regardless if it's serious stuff or memes, being a general doesn't mean it's restricted to the described flags it just means thats where someone should go if he's interested in the posters from that country or where they can discuss their own internal things without creating 10 separate threads called "all [X] country men what do you think about this". If you aren't Sup Forums newb you should already know that. Obviously I am interested in central european countries tons more than you are, you're here simply because of your DNA

Our little litwin is a visitor. Plus, Lithuania is practically poland by history and Poland and Uhorsko were always friends.

I concur

what they have in common is shit aka p**land

this general is cute


that doesn't even make sense




sad desu

That is rather sad indeed

Hello friends.

it needs more anime


No we need more suffering

this general should just die

Isn't the life enough?


I don't like the animeposting lately

Yeah it isn't the same as in the last thread

>UK getting btfo by brexit yet again
>Russia banned from olympics
>Ukraine being ukraine

it fills me with joy to see our enemies suffer

>actually went out and bought some tangerines, a pineapple, bag of unshelled peanuts, dried figs, dried apricots and perník (kek) because I'm childish af

>we are very poor you see
bost zonky link so I can lend you 200 CZK

he was kidding, you dum dum

nothing in germany or france

Hi friends

wtf I hate him now
I wanted to rake in interest

germany is our overlord and a greatest ally
france is an irrelevant shithole

welcome to your thread

Good evening lads, just woke up like a total subhuman, guess it'll be another weebshit night for me.

what are you watching

Playing Katawa Shoujo actually

is it good? I actually downloaded for some reason like a week ago when I saw a thread on /vg/ but never really get into playing it
also I believe this guy was looking for you

It's really feelsy, some might say overly so, but that's right up my alley so I'm enjoying it.

I wanted to stay up until evening but fell asleep around 11am so I just woke up.


mi a pálya hapsikáim? :DD

Welcome back pepik