The Penis gang are getting a new show,
Thoughts on it so far?
New Peanuts thread
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The animation looks terrible
That's already been out for two years or something. Still haven't watched it because the animation spooks me.
Also the simultanious "PEANUTS" makes me deeply uncomfortable
It's 2016
this is really subtly wrong.. they don't emote enough facially or vocally.. and peanuts has always been kind of subdued, but this is.... too much.. and the animation's so SMOOTH.. it's ... wobbly. that doesn't make sense. even the cg movie knew not to do that
The cg movie had a budget.
The acting seems off too. I don't know if they're too old or if the direction's bad. Charlie Brown sounds like he doesn't give a shit.
What strange cheap looking animation. Reminds me of some of those bumper animations they used to have between shows on Cartoon Network.
Peanuts cartoons were where I learned about tweeners
now tweening is apparently something Flash does for you
the movie had Blue Sky behind it