>But Sup Forums, there over 1.6 million Muslims on the planet. If they wanted to kill us, we would already be dead.
Talk your way out of this one, faggots.
>But Sup Forums, there over 1.6 million Muslims on the planet. If they wanted to kill us, we would already be dead.
Talk your way out of this one, faggots.
pic related.
sage the world
there is also 10 quintillion (10,000,000,000,000,000,000) individual insects alive.
still doesent stop me from squishing them when they invade my home nor does it give them a fighting chance.
>There are over 13 million jews on the planet. If the holocaust really happened, there they should all be dead.
If they had the skills to build nuke, you'd be right. Luckily for us they are literally retarded.
> Brain dead religious retards who don't have the cultural or technological advancement to do anything
> Based on their actual ability they are doing a good job killing us
Plus not all want to kill us, but all would quite like to subjugate us and don't entirely mind the actions of those that do want to kill us.
They couldn't, because West still have nukes and technical advantage. So they work together with cultural Marxists, who still fighting war for long-dead Soviet Union. And looks like they will got their revenge.
>1.6 million
that would be nice, eh?
they would already be dead
Ya dun goofed
also 5.4 billion non muslims
outnumbered, outgunned
Because most of them are stuck in countries under their very own oppresive regime of islam.
They are self defeating in trying to realize their own islamic worldview as revealed by their scriptures.
It's definatly under complete lockdown, as we are constantly reminded of their divine plans when they come and do terror in the west.
Besides, it's not really that they just want us dead.
They want us converted and captured by islam through both the more extreme cases of jihad, but more sublimely through the slow infiltration of islam into western culture.
The only reason they haven't gone complete haywire yet in the west is because despite being indoctrinaded by islam, their human nature still have a firm grasp over them. In particular, our sense of not wanting to stand out from the crowd.
But you need only wait for the muslims percentage of the population to get high enough or have some suburb with high enough concentration to see that not neccesarily individual muslims seeks the collapse of the west, but islam as a religion yearns it.
"Well actually, it's 1.6 billion so you're wrongn fuck you"
>1.6b could take on the rest 6b
Nice meme.
Currently, i reckon africans and mainland chinese would take to islam like a fish to water.
> Stupid
> Conformist
> Self-important
Seems like everything is in place
Mainland chinese are christian
>There are over 2 billion Christians. If muslims wanted to kill us, they would be dead allready.
by design, China isn't letting Islam come into China and grow into a population of Sharia Law voters
They haven't gone completely haywire because every time in history that they have tried to take us over we fucked them in the ass.
They know we possess the means to delete them from this planet so they are taking the easy way: infiltrating our societies, spouting the argument OP is putting forward and waiting for the day they become a majority to start destroying us from within.
You could use the same argument for the Trillions of Ebola crettins found across the world.
So? I meant they would convert in a heartbeat.
>>But Sup Forums, there over 1.6 million Muslims on the planet. If they wanted to kill us, we would already be dead.
That just sounds like a threat, why would anyone use this as an argument that muslims are peaceful.
Also, there are 5.7 Billion NON-MUSLIMS