

Has any other show had so many interesting characters?

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It would have been the undisputed GOAT had it been allowed to finish properly.

i just imagine writing for a show like this, must be really hard, all those characters

My only complaint was the boring theatre troupe in season 3.

>tfw they basically cut Doc Cochran's character in the last season

Did no one else think he was the best person on the show? ;_;

doc was based, i figured his role was reduced because he was supposed to be dying. also had a point: Doc's screentime (and others') was taken up by the meaningless theater troupe who added nothing to the narrative

>Wonderwoman and DONALD BLARMP get multiple big threads a day
>Deadwood thread dies right away


And whatever happened to the Deadwood movie? Is that still happening?

Any similar shows? Westerns or the same time period

pls not Westworld


so how would a final season go down, history buffs? an user said the gem would burn down

hatfields & mccoys

legit never heard of this until i stumbled onto it on a tracker and its goat, dunno why nobody ever mentions it

Why did you take it so early? Why? HBO you son of a BITCH! Why? Why did you abandon us, your sons and daughters, so clearly in need? Why did you give us Shakespearean soliloquies, only to rip them from our awaiting breasts?

Motherfuck it all.

Easy. The Sopranos.

I liked Langrishe but everyone else was really dull and irritating, and too far removed from everything else

How did everyone sound so shakespearian while saying cocksucker every other sentence?

What even was the point of the theater people?

I won't let this thread die
Doc was my favorite character. Too good for this world.

Wish I had a doctor like Doc.

shit was expensive
s3 theatre troupe sucked
movie when?

>it's an Al Swearengen gets a blowjob episode

Also had one of the worst series finales of all time

what was his problem

Brad Dourif is one of the finest character actors alive. His resume is unbelievable, fucking One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Blue Velvet, Lord of the Rings, etc.

My favorite character (other than Al of course) was Ellsworth. Really hit me hard when that cocksucker Hearst put a bullet in his skull

No, it's dead.

Wolcott was such a complex character, fucking shame he didn't stick around.

Richardson drove him mad

this. carnivale is fantastic. more of a whimsical, fantasy type western though

Easily my favorite character from the show. Brad Dourif is a pretty great actor.

They just submitted a script for it a few weeks back.

''Candidly, Richardson, as I imagine you foraging for berries and grubs, and flicking at insects with your sticky tongue, I feel a certain dismay.''

Wrong. See

Past hope. Past kindness or consideration. Past justice. Past satisfaction. Past warmth or cold or comfort. Past love. But past surprise? What an endlessly unfolding tedium life would then become.

wolcott was a wordsmith bro


he got a guy to attempt to murder him simply with his silver tongue

Why was EB so mean to Richardson? ;_;

he was the only one he felt superior to
tell your God to ready for blood

Tom Nuttall: My bicycle masters boardwalk and quagmire with aplomb. Those that doubt me suck cock by choice!


fuck this is such a great scene

Wolcott finally getting his comeuppance when Hearst came to town was great.

>Perhaps then, rather, at this moment you are Socrates to my Alcibiades, taken it upon yourself to edify me.
>Are you saying you want to fuck me?
>Well, you keep calling yourself Alcibiades to my Socrates, are you proposing some sort of homosexual connection between us?
>...I forgot that part of the story