6 months ago: We will leave Brexit and gain 350 million a week!

>6 months ago: We will leave Brexit and gain 350 million a week!
>3 months ago: We will Brexit, but for a hard cap of 20 billion!
>1 week ago: We will offer 50 billion just to negotiate!
>Today: Take the Irish borders they're all yours

I wonder what does the future hold for Britain?

Other urls found in this thread:


>I wonder what does the future hold for Britain?

Their balls, by the looks of it.

>"""""""""""""United""""""""""""" Kingdom

This is bullshit, we should let them leave for free, it's all about respect, we can't really blame them for leaving a wrecked union.

If it was going to happen, it would've happened a year ago.

Nobody cares either way, you can't fuck up only once and expect to remain the center of attention in the same world as Trump and EA.


I'm not mad at the uk like krauts are, but this is very funny to me. Sup Forums makes me laugh out loud everyday.

They aren't paying to leave. These were other obligations they took on later and weren't contingent on EU membership. They will pay so that they can keep good relations with the EU. It's not like the EU will invade or embargo their asses if they don't pay.

And who will pay Nigels pension, you?

Honestly it serves the people right, they think just listening to rhetoric will give them the truth, which they also think is black and white and instead of looking for the grey truth via multiple channels. Everyone is complaining about muh economy muh 350 million, thats just fucking stupid. Leaving the EU was never about the economy, only a retard would think that, it was about immigration and identity. A google search or two would have cleared that up, instead they just listened to what they see on busses and ate it up.
The UK choosing to leave the EU is like an old man refusing to go into a care home, we know its a stupid move and is gonna be expensive and no one wants us to do it, but we're not fucking doing it because we want to die independently. Even if the outcome could be avoided all together, rather the UK say one last "not this time Germany" and fading into a paki shit hole than become another homogenous euro none-country

Do you think our dear leaders let them go just like that?
I just hope it wont be trade war or worse.

Like this:

>Oh yeah, sure we'll accept ECJ jurisdiction
>and permanent residency for EU nationals
>We'll keep paying into the EU budget for market access
>and stay in the customs union
>and accept EU regulations
>and freedom of movement

What do you mean for free? This is money they are obligated to pay based on contractual agreements. This is money the UK owes to us but yeah, try lecturing an Italian about paying debts and honor contracts...

UK's main industry is finance which is based on contractual obligations and trust. Not paying will wreck us.

Friendly reminder that the EU economic policies are a good thing for large competitive countries and sperging about polish janitors was retarded.

Also Merkel and friends are retards for sabotaging the EU by making immigration/refugee policies such a prominent issue

So what's the situation now? Unionists in NI are indirectly pushing for a soft brexit (think Nowray) for whole of UK because they won't accept deal that separates their situation from rest of UK?

Nah, they need to suffer, I'd like to see the UK disaggregated in my lifetime and I feel like this is my only chance.

UK government collapses, re-election. Corbyn becomes prime minister and just signs off the Norway agreement that has been sitting in a drawer in the commission building in Brussels all this time.

End result :
The UK pays less but receives nothing, ends up being at a net financial loss and without decision power in the EU.

With dried up EU money, areas outside of London recieve fuck all funding and the brexiteers, scots and norn iron are doubly fucked.

that wrecked union is the only thing standing between your country and mine becoming third world shitholes

I say make it as painful as legally possible for pakis to leave the union

>The UK pays less but receives nothing
Well, they won't get rebates as just an EEA member. So not sure how significant this will be

Any other possible results?

I think it was obvious from the day one.

Northern Irishmen could technically stay in the EU as an OCT, I guess, without leaving their kingdom, like Greenland is now.

Brexit was only worth it if they were going halt the demographic replacement of the British people.

But May is going to increase the skilled Pajeet influx and when he wins Corbyn will increase the unskilled rapefugee influx.

TL;DR: Brexit is a failure. The British people is still getting replaced.

So is UK using the 350 million pounds per week to bolster NHS like Nigel promised?

Literally how is the EU responsible for pakistani immigration?


If they end up like Norway, they will be at a loss because the rebate used to be well-negociated, yet they still benefited from the EU programs, especially the not-London areas.

Of course, they will still get drowned in pakis because it wasn't the EU's fault to begn with.

What the English should do, is to kill and mutilate any EU national they catch, should the EU officials like Juncker continue to threaten the UK with destruction. Stabbing Czech students to death and causing Polish women to miscarry by kicking them in the stomach was a good start, but the Eurocrats don't care about poor Eastern Euros. You must target Westerners.

There are many young Spanish, Italian, Greek men and women forced to work as waiters etc in Britain due to the economic situation in their countries. They should be raped to send a message. Also, the French, Germans and Irish should be attacked.

Some may point out there are a million British retirees and other expats living in Spain and the rest of the EU who may be subject to retaliation. Let them, they are useless feeders, parasites and probably Remain supporters. But you can kill the young EU nationals in the prime working age, the ones working as bankers in London. This would be more injurious to these countries than the loss of some filthy pensioners in Majorca.

I don't think they are knowingly pushing for a softer brexit.
Like the tory brexiteers they want it all.
An open border in Ireland, no brexit bill, a hard brexit and a fta.
And most important of all, the EU as a scapegoat if it all goes to shit.
Because how could it possibly not realise that Britain has the upper hand in the negotiations.

>let's give bongs free shit because they are le based and Euck fU

I didnt even imply that. Im saying we are being left to become our own shit hole, via immigration from india. Than becoming a European shithole via immigration from slavic countries.



>The British people is still getting replaced

Fucking this! Leaving the EU is only worth it if you tighten up your immigration and asylum policies.

Instead of white Poles they get dirty Pakis and Pajeets lmao

This. If Merkel had told the "Syrian refugees" (aka African migrants wanting gibs and white women) to go fuck themselves, none of this would have happened.

Brexit, Trump, the rise of the far right, etc.

They were signed and even helped construct the contracts themselves.

At least they have electricity.

alri nigel

do people not realise that niggers with french, italian and portuguese passports can move here willly nilly with freedom of movement? how does leaving the EU mean more shitskins?

>white Poles

american education lmao slavs aren't white

Brexit was just a giant "fuck you dad", they never had an actual concrete plan as to what to do after actually leaving the EU to keep and increase the UK's competitiveness and stability

To this day, we still ignore why Sweden wants immigration that much.

Was that a huge problem during the EU membership of UK? Compared to pakis you import yourselves?

"ignore" as in "we are ignorant of" (aka "we don't know")?

Isn't that a little bit too simlistic.
Obviously her statement didn't help, but by the time she said it, there were already over a million refugees marching through the balkan.

If you don't think significant numbers shitskins come here via the EU then you're just deluded.

you do know that the EU has fucked portugal right?

How are you doing?

Is the camp of people that would like for Puerto Rico to be become a state in the USA shrinking because of the cold shoulder?

>I'm not mad at the uk like krauts are

Why are Germans so butthurt about Brexit?

Give me numbers. How many "niggers with french, italian and portuguese passports" come every year? How do the numbers compare to your own importing of pakis?

>mfw UK becomes de facto eu country like Norway with all responsibilities but less advantages

Yes. Beside a supposed white guilt that is literally the complete opposite of realpolitik, sweden policy remains a mystery for me.

Britcucks are ignoring this post.

Really makes you think.



We're ignoring the post because it's just worthless conjecture.

>white Poles

No such thing.

how low do you guys think it'll get after they de facto leave

It's not so great, but at least some part of the family has electricity in their homes.

It's always skewing towards to whatever the people feel like. It almost always alternates between wanting to be a state and staying a colony. There is no consensus, but people leaving by hundreds of thousands will surely make a difference. There is no way we're ever going to be a state by our own volition.
I miss visible sage. You UKfags are alright.

Wrong. The EU wants us to pay contributions in the next budget 2019-2024 because none of you can agree to fill the budget hole

Because it's correct?

So you are going to pay nigels pension?

Mega-wrong. Why are Brexitards so uninformed on the issues? Why do they feel they have the right to cast their vote without a solid foundation of the facts? Why are Brexitards such turbo-autists?

>The bulk of the €60 billion comes from commitments to the multi-annual financial framework (MFF) of the EU budget for the period 2014-20, which sets amounts for annual EU spending.

>The second main component is for budgetary commitments already made by the EU up to the date of Brexit, but for which the payments will only be due later (known in Brussels-speak as RAL, the French acronym for reste à liquider – still to be settled).

>The UK could also be liable for the pensions of EU employees who retired while the UK was a member of the Union.



I wnana leave too

t.pelle 18 år

>UK gets to stay in the custom union
>this solves the NI problem
>soft Brexit happens
>a trade deal is signed between the UK and the EU
>Tories celebrate it as a great victory over the "yoke" of the "unfair" and "petty" EU
>Brits never understand they will still have to follow European regulations to the letter while having lost any say on how they will be
>the new trade deal got them far less than before because the EU can simply not allow an outside country to have the same deal as an member country, this would be suicide by the Union to do otherwise
>the UK lose access to Interpol and all other European agencies
>European subsidies disappear
>all the UK money going to the EU is allocated to tax cuts
>the NHS gets even more gutted with the exodus of European doctors and nurses
>foreign investments in the UK plummet
>European immigration is replaced by Pakis, Somalis and Pajeets
>the Tories will stay in power because Corbyn is a lunatic
>Farage, Johnson, Davis and all the other idiots will get off scot free and will keep blaming everything going wrong in the UK on the EU
The whole Brexit negociation by the UK has been a fucking circus. That snap election by May, what was she thinking?

Are finns Eurocucks? How many Finns are positive towars the EU? I think 65% of Swedess or something are

nah dude, you're paying for shit that the EU already distributed from their budget.

you're giving back what they already gave you.

or they just leave. No deal is literally better than that deal.
the EU is just crazy and vindictive

5 rubles have been send to your account.

May was being advised by some extremely stupid people, which is appropriate considering how thick she is as well.
She'll surely go down in history as one of, if not the, most incompetent and embarrassing leaders any developed country has ever had.

Do any Puerto Ricans ever return from the US to Puerto Rico after making bank? Or do they usually just ditch the place for good?


>the EU is just crazy and vindictive

How is EU crazy or vindictive for looking out for its own interests? Offering the same deal as Norway seems fair to me, not vindictive, or is Norway somehow under attack of evil EU?

No one forces countries to co-operate with EU. They do it under their own volition. Nothing crazy about it.

>nah dude
I should have stopped reading there.
>you're giving back what they already gave you.
Fuck off leaf. You have no idea what you're talking about.

You have to be over 18 to us this site.

They identify with the EU most strongly than all other major nationalities (Beneluxians are pretty mad too, I think) so they take it as if they personally are being spurned.

>Offering the same deal as Norway seems fair to me
Because you're an idiot maybe? That deal would be horrible for the UK. If we wanna be on good terms with them we can't give them the deal Norway has which is basically a worse version of being in the EU. We should give them the same deal Canada got

>No one forces countries to co-operate with EU
is that why the Swiss and Norwegians aren't allowed to get the same deal Canada has?

Scandinavians, Benelux niggers, and Germans - also the most Anglicized and American-worshipping among Europeans.

Germany has a saviour complex. The fear is once EU is kill wars will start in the east again.

>prospect of dead Poles

Great, now I have a boner.

I just remembered that May paid 1 billion for the 10 MPs who just made her bend over. This is beyond sad.

Yeah, Sweden is... strange.

Yeah, it's simplistic, but it's fundamentally right.

>USA and UK has a special relationship but USA doesn't do shit to influence the EU to give UK a better deal
>UK conservatives actively try to alienate Ireland
>UK leftists actively try to alienate workers
>UK rightwingers actively try to alienate Europeans
>Labour fucking Mays chances off getting a better deal
>Unionists try to fuck NI and the whole UK for reasons
>Scotland on the verge of leaving
>Almost everyone actively try to alienate Trump
>Meanwhile Muslims
>Farage doing all he can to destroy the remnants of the UK while waiting for his German citizenship application to get accepted so that he can get out

>literally all of this happening because Brits are so politically illiterate that they're constantly making the worst possible choices

>everything was just fine until 2015

How can one country fuck itself so badly in such a short time?

>Beneluxians are pretty mad too
ofc we can't allow those high payed EU jobs and infrastructure investments to dissapear just because the UK wants to stay a white country

>The fear is once EU is kill wars will start in the east again.
then Germans are fucking retarded.
The EU doesn't keep peace in EUrope. Nukes and Nato does

That's a nice 2007 graph

>UK wants to stay a white country



They lost the best deal they could have with the EU. Any subsequent deal will be worse and no deal will be the fucking worst by far. It's not rocket science.




because Germoney prospers the most from it.

>They lost the best deal they could have with the EU
false. The best deal they could have is a free trade agreement with the EU whilst being a sovereign nation.
The EU refuses to give them that since the European """Union""" is such a weak union they know every other member country except Germany will want to leave and get the same deal.

Why shouldn't EU look out after its own interests?Why should EU bend over backwards to UK demands?

In a situation like this the Norway option is more than fair. If EU was crazy and vindictive like you said, it wouldn't offer anything to UK but closed borders and no access. But EU wants a good relationship with UK so they are cordially offering them similar deals that Norway or Swiss have.

EU truly is a force for good here.

Oh yeah nukes really helped in the 90's.
fucking millenials I swear.

kill wh*Te dogs

They wouldn't want that deal, because they have a trade deficit with the EU and said deal doesn't include passporting rights for their service sector.

So they wanted their cake and to eat it too? The 4 freedoms are not for show and the Union was never going to fold about them. Anyone expecting otherwise was retarded, not knowing anything about how the EU works or both.

A free trade deal comes with regulations for travel, goods and services.

Just go the way of Switzerland and Norway. Or even Greenland - these guys that voted to leave the EU years ago still get development subsidies.

Why won't people understand that there is no single market access without free movement of labor because free movement of labor is a integral part of the single market.