Ask a chinese dude anything

ask a chinese dude anything

no homo and bullying itt pls

Suh dude

fuck off

ohhh suhh dude

How's life in Finland?

whats a day in the life of a Chinese dude go like

is Sup Forums blocked by the great firewall of mao?

When are you moving to Canada?

when are you going to expand east and wipe out the middle east

Yeah right. We all know Sup Forums is banned in PRC. Get off your proxy

Whats the ancient Chinese secret to clean laundry?

Will chink genes soften the look of other races?

not banned only the captcha system is banned,if you buy Sup Forums pass it works

t.Person who has been to gookland

How do I get my country to control it's foreigners like yours does?

Sprinkle some rice on it


im bored just play with me for a while

please explain this meme to me

kek sorry only 1/16 mongol

>wake up
>wageslave hard
>get 2 pennies
>buy food
>go home
>watch japanese cartoons

NO. surprisingly, Sup Forums is not blocked. HOWEVER, the Google Captcha is. That's why there are so few chink posters here, because if they don't solve it they can't post. This new thing called Lantern lets you bypass the firewall, i'm not Sup Forums so i have no idea how it works

im not property

they love any foreigner because they believe that they can carry them out of this commie shithole. also, the chinese women you fuck probably are retarded kek. all the girls at my school hate niggers.

first SEasia sorry senpai crusades have to wait


asians don't mix well they end up looking weird. the mixed babies only keep asian eyes, but everything else is the non-asian so it looks really retarded sometimes

thanks, im using


this too

Muh dick

where da chink woman at

why are there so many chink flags on recently? your gov make an exception for Sup Forums shilling?

Tell your countrymen to stop being such cunts to dogs and other animals just because they can't get a boner

Are you fucking serious? It looks like an ayyy
Go to Australia if you want to mix with those subhumans

china couldn't post because of the captcha system being banned in china but appereantly there is now a workaround

It's obviously shopped.

LOL that chin, is that photoshopped?

reminder this poster is some foreigner working/vacationing on china

just like the poster from NK

How often does this happen to white people In China?

Do you get censorship here?
Chinese Communist Party is shit.
Tibet is illegally occupied by China. ;0

There's more gooks per capita in NZ than Australia.

New Zealand has far more sub humans than australia. Maori's are pure degeneracy

Post sexy pics.

What is your opinion on Tibet? There are some Tibetans nearby here who tried to celebrate Dalai lama's birthday and got arrested.

China expanding east to --> middle east?

Retarded burger.

Lol the one white dude laughing in the back

>pic related: chinese woman who took a vacation to South Korea

This new thing called Lantern just came out a couple weeks ago, and it allows chinks to solve Captchas and actually post. it's new buddy

only dogs because cats>>>>>dogs buddy

tfw chinks are ugly

korean plastic surgery

lets stop this meme

not often

tibet was a meme used to leverage the power and support for Dalai Lama. do you really think that Tibet would be a "prosperous" independent country, you dumdum


a literal meme
but i'm cool with them. i don't think they should be arrested though. In the CCP, cult worship is forbidden, and believing in anything about Dalai Lama will get you arrested. sucks but it's true. i think it happened because of that Japanese Subway nerve gas thing and the blue cult? idk

ai ya white devil

What's your favorite anime?

90s anime is better than recent one,right?
Would you watch Attack on Taitan season 2?

exactly how loser does a chinese dude raised in america have to be to be rejected by dozens of women in arranged marriages?

does this reflect poorly on the suitor or more on his family?

theres this 40+ yr old virgin at work, parents are 1st generation immigrants

>dude still lives at home
>dudes older sister and brother also still both live at home
>dude has never been laid
>dude acts autistic (toys like stuffed animals in his cube) and goes to anime cons
>has been to mainland china several times, tells everyone hes going to meet his future wife, always comes home empty handed

so seriously wtf explain to me how this works user?

the dude isnt painfully ugly and is slim but not built at all - just throwing out that its probably not his looks

you had me up until the part about Japanese cartoons. I think you chinks would hate Japan too much to do that.

believe it or dont, they are into it user
apparently the racial hate does not extend into the 2D world

Proper art is universal

Small yellow nigger.

first thanks for not bullying me, japs usually like to bully me
i would say modern anime genres aren't as good as the animation style and effort put in the 90's. although things like CGI and voice acting are better nowadays, i would still argue 90's and early 2000's anime was more enjoyable. that doesn't mean all modern anime is bad, but it's harder nowadays to find good anime.
for example, take JoJo. i really think that the 90s OVAs had superior animation to the anime, especially at the part DIO throws the truck at Jotaro. although the voice acting is shit, the animation is really exhilarating, and is one of my favorite OVAs of all time really.
yeah, i would watch AoT2. i really want to see how they adapt the manga in AoT.

chinese people have shitty temper, and are impatient. they're also judgmental and blunt as fuck. not really likable. kind of like me!
answer: be mainland chinese and stay single forever

i really would like to see better relations with Japan. i am a nationalist, and believe Japan should stop denying and apologize for the Great Cuckolding of Nanjing, but otherwise I'm alright with japs. they still hate us though, for some goddamn reason i thought we lost

i just spent a ton of money on anime so yes

indeed even the spaniards agree waifus are pure

ai ya white devil i am 1.84m
still no gf though, sucks

you are very sex

btw i'm a girl now

How does china or asia in general deal with the middle eastern crysis and refugees? Are you guys planning to build another great wall?

>do you really think that Tibet would be a "prosperous" independent country, you dumdum

Y-yeah, tell me more about prosperity... China is a massive shithole, the only thing you bring to Tibet is dirt and violence. They lived far better in their medieval fashion.

what city you from?

How's china for beating theese bent aluminium tubes into submission? Any good trails to bike through?

Oh shit, it's the Sup Forums party van!

>first thanks for not bullying me, japs usually like to bully me

I'm sorry for my countrymen...

I like 90s anime moar too.
Utena,sailor moon,yu-yu hakusyo,evangelion,cowboy bebop(even mainstream anime were good)
I think adventurous spirit is gone in 2000s anime...

We will never watch deep anime like paranoia agent.

Manga industry is still great tho.

i am sex m8

idk if they're refugees, but we have blacks
we don't get kebabed every week like you guys though, security is tight

>china is a massive shithole
has nothing to do with your point
>tibet blah blah blah t.dalai lama
ok i don't care.
unless you have the military guns to prove it, you have no political sovereignty
sorry New Algeria, the world doesn't work like your fantasy happy world where everything is settled with tea and peace talks. this is the real world buddy like it or not.


china is shitty tourism/bike place, go to any other country. it's too crowded, loud and polluted.

t-thanks for having good taste
also sorry that old chinese guys bully japs so much
why cant 2d make us friends

How long is your pee pee?

Do you belive that Dokdo is rightfull Serbian clay??

Memes aside will you ever visit Europe??

Can you stop buying up property here. Thank you.

I've seen many of your kind here, in the capital, a hordes of ragged looking people armed with cameras, taking photos of EVERYTHING.

im not op or an expert on china but i think what you have there are tourists

15 cm ish
i forgot exact number, plus or minus 2 cm

i dont give a shit sorry that's your problem serbia-senpai
i know about kosovo though, i'm neutral really, haven't read up on it enough to make a decision for whose side i'm on.

ai ya white devil
*spits on floor and rubs hands*

>your kind
that hurts my heart user
anyways yes, chinese tourists are annoying sorry ;(


How communist is your country at the moment? Just scale of 1-10

I know, but they look very stereotypical, like caricatures, unlike other immigrants, I mean east Asians to me look very similar, is it same for you with Europeans?

>that hurts my heart user
It's k, I prefer you then most of the others.

just wanted to let you know that ur answering these questions like a boss

will you be my boy toy?

will china grow stronger ?

m80 I've been to China and approximately 100% of them don't speak a word of English.

So my question is, what made you decide to pretend to be a Chinese person on Sup Forums today, my English-teaching friendo?


>aussie people can't comprehend the fact that some Chinese people know more than one language

what's your opinion on the yugoslav wars?

Why are there so many few Chinese posters in Sup Forums? What video games do you Chinese play?

govt 16-18
it's ridiculous how much propaganda there is. they brought up marxism in an airline safety video while i was taking a flight
economy 0
not communist at all. buy whatever you want
overall 8-9

east asians are distinguishable between region however, in region you can really only look for clothes or hairstyle.
no europeans are pretty different

thanks bb

luv u 500.0 RMB has been deposited into your account.

look at my pic post i am chink you dumdum
ai ya white devil i kill u


i failed world history buddy

>Implying Aussie isn't already chink's colony.

How do you feel about the Japs?

im not op but when i was in high school, cs, league, dota, sc, were all the rage here

just because they can communicate with indians through street shitting doesn't make it a language

> >china is a massive shithole
>has nothing to do with your point

It has a lot to do when you talk about prosperity.
You live in an epic-scale-gypsy-camp and you come here to give lessons on how good it is to be chink?
You are the laughingstock of the world, considered at best like an insect colony, and you still are unaware of it.

It's always a pleasure to read your bullshits, please continue.

What's your favorite album?

Chinese senpai, when you eventually colonize USA can I get high status?

Have you ever been in trouble with the law?

Favorite city/region in China?

What do you think of Tim Budongs/English teachers?

what kind of music are you into?
do you visit any other boards?

when are you going to invade Australia?

>They brought up Marxism during a flight
Care to elaborate?

Opinion of Singapore?

btw I like Chinese food especially 坦々麺 and 青椒肉絲.

Many Chinese/Taiwanese immigrants owned Chinese restaurant in here.
my dinner was also 坦々麺 desu lel

What's the mainland equivalent to Sup Forums?

Used to hang out on komica a bit, but never found a mainland version

British expat chink here.

Honestly, the propaganda isn't that bad. It could be worse - at the very least, the CCP propaganda department are woefully incompetent, not nearly up to the west.

Also, why are Asians so redpilled?

>Learning engrish was mandatory at one time

Chinese are the original red pill since Confucius.

>CCTV pushes propaganda saying that the US needs rights for women and blacks.

Y u so dumb but so good at maf?? Y u no drive good?

>adopt communuism in order to lead it
>kikes notice this and set you off as an enemy of the SU
>it's too late and China already integrated into the world economy
>china's industry is expanding
>kikes sweating

>CCTV pushes propaganda saying that the US needs rights for women and blacks.
Wtf I thought china was good

When are you going to attack and invade us?

I recommend these I just had them for breakfast

Do you like natalia?

You have to destroy your enemies.

How it feels to suck ahmed's cock frog ?


>Believing anything CCTV said
>Believing any chink media
>Believing any media

Aw man
These are the fucking shit right here

Fuck off with this normie speak, newfags.

if you know what these are I have fucking respect for you

chinese people are study study study parent beat you if you no study
some people like to play american games, a lot of chinese rip off games, and a lot like me play japanese games, because chinese games are garbage.
mostly LoL, Dota, CS:GO


cool dudes just pls say sorry for nanjing thx

lmao you know that CrossingFire rip off of CSGO?

why do you bully us so senpai i thought we got literally raped by you meanies

idk cities are pretty nice here, at least they don't have swathing ghettos and are safe to walk through at night. we're not prosperous, but it's still comfy here, not a gypsy camp.
>laughingstock of the world
at least i am not a nigger like you Abdul
also, you realize that your country and Germany is the laughingstock of the world? i asked my american friends about you guys and they fucking laughed at how you two got bombed and cucked by all those refugees you let in. your New Algeria is truly a idol of cuckoldry, and the ultimate proof that europe is completely pathetic.

idk never got into music... American Idiot i guess xd
yes it's not a meme, that's the only album i've listened to in full start to finish

depends on who you elect
elect hillary you white devil *rubs hands*
she make very good deals :^)


favorite city probably qingdao

they're alright, but the whites are usually pedos. had a buff 30 year old white engrish teacher rub his erection on my back because he thought i was a cutie.

not really into music, probably video game instrumentals or rock i guess
i like r9k sci pol a s4s


>Some people don't understand why some safety features are implemented on the airplane.
>As Marxism taught us, it is important for the people to understand why laws are enforced.

Hong Kong is rightful British clay and Taiwan is an independent nation

are you a rich chink or a poor chink? I always hear horror stories of people getting paid a few cents per hour, but then again, alot of new money too

China will soon be richest country in world, Okinawa should become independent, it's the Chinese century.