There would be no Islamic terrorism in Europe

if women could not vote.

There would be virtually 0 "refugees" in Germany and Austria, if women could not vote.

The rapes would be a lot lower and women would be safer generally... but they voted for people who said "refugees welcome" and "let them all come illegally, no problems, no questions asked".

How can we fucking take their votes away again?

3rd grill from left a cute!

Let them rescind their right to vote.
If they believe they're responsible for all the trouble and take responsibility like a grown up, they would fix they problem.

This solution assumes that women can even be responsible about such abstractions. The state remains their Plan B, so they'll want to keep their voting rights.

It might just be better if we make all of them conservative again.

not really you underestimate the amount of cucked males

Also note the irony: the people fucked most by islam are women. They're voting to take away their own rights and civil peace. Let them.

(((Women))) are the real jews

Thats Hillary Clinton

they hire escorts to hide liberals ugliness

Probably not, Transylvania university is one of the most liberal colleges in Kentucky.

Feminism is a self-correcting system.

Kek, Women follow what's mainstream

It's men that have created this narrative, that we got to open our borders. It's men that arranges the boats that take them over the sea and it's men that fuck up their region that pushes them here.

Stop blaming women like a weak little bitch

The one with TRANS written on his shirt?

Problem is not the women that vote, because where i live women donĀ“t want foreigners, it is the degenerates in the cities that want them here. Kill the degenerates and all problems will be solved, not only those with migrants.

Old women are literally the real jews

Finland was the first country in the world to give women the right to vote and we are not a multicultural shithole. 97% white.

It's not a voting issue, it's a value issue

you only have 5 milion people

Women need to have a way to voice their opinion, but it has to matter less in national security, because they notoriously make bad choices.

I have an idea how to make it happen without it being explicitly discriminatory.

Yep, and a fuckton of space for all of us to do whatever we want

Women are the privileged (((people))).


this post here shows exactly why it will never happen OP

>not living in a city

Your life is pointless.

Defense ministers of Albania, The Netherlands, Germany, Norway, and Italy

lower chamber of parliament represents the popular vote, in general working people and taxpayers

to get into the higher chamber of parliament, you have to voluntary serve in the military for at least one year and this chamber has control over national security topics. You have to 'invest' before you get the right to decide.

Result: alpha men serve, but nu-males and women don't serve, hence they get no vote on matters of security.

in a sense, what I have reinvented here is a military aristocracy. Only knights get to decide matters of war.


If they didn't have to pander for the women vote this would never have been the case

Stop trying to blame men you whore

Really makes you think

They will never be an Alexander, Hitler or Genghis.

Looks like Natalia Poklonskaya

Because you guys are tucked away in the farthest corner of the earth. Wait till Sweden becomes kebab central.

Are you honestly this much of a cretin or are you just pretending?

A larger number of women may vote for liberal policies... but that doesn't change the fact that millions of women are conservatives and are against taking in refugees. This simple fact should be enough for you to understand that the question should be "how do we convince more women to stop voting for liberals"?, and not "how can we treat women like cattle again and take away their right to choose?".

absolute cuck

I'd rather have meritocracy - if you served in army or completed a phd thesis or something, you get the right to vote, of course, both genders should be presentened with equal opportunities to do so.