>Ronneby Bloodbath (Swedish: Ronneby blodbad) was a massacre conducted by the Swedish army in the then-Danish city of Ronneby in Blekinge during the Northern Seven Years' War on Monday, 4 September 1564.[1]
>On 3 September 1564, the Swedish army reached the Danish city of Ronneby, which was at that point a flourishing and wealthy merchant city. The city lacked proper defense fortifications or a garrison, but likely expected to be given assistance from the Danish troops, which were positioned some miles away. The city refused to surrender to the Swedes despite been given two opportunities to do so. When the Swedish army stormed the city early on the morning of 4 September, they quickly pulled down the temporary palisade which was its only defense and, with no soldiers defending it, pillaged the city and massacred its inhabitants in accordance with the order of scorched earth issued by Eric XIV.
>Eric XIV wrote of the storming of the city: "The water in the Ronneby [river] was red by the blood from dead bodies. And were the enemies so meek, that one did not bother much with them, but cut them down as a horde of wild boars, and spared no one but killed all that was there, so that in the city there were more than two thousand men killed by their throats aside for some women and children, whom the miserable Finns beat to death".[1] A great fortune was taken as war price including silver and gold, household goods, wine and salt and many more goods stored by the city merchants, and much of the city was burned down during the pillage.
Ronneby Bloodbath (Swedish: Ronneby blodbad) was a massacre conducted by the Swedish army in the then-Danish city of...
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But it's okay because only Swedes died
They were Danes at this time. The region was danish until 1658 and was swedified around the beginning of the 1700's.
>swedes are violent subhumans
we all knew that
they had it coming
>whom the miserable Finns beat to death
Should we pay reparations?
Yes, gib
As usual, the s*ede used us as a scapegoat for the savagery. We don't need to pay shit, they do.
no it's not your fault. you are a viction of institutional opression by the swede.
sweden will pay for it's crimes against the norwegian, danish and finnish people.
Indeed. They were in fact so swede'd that when their danish brothers came to liberate them in 1709 they organized militias to fight them off, and were victorious.
Have you seen how Ronneby is today? I think we are paying enough right now....
the s*ede will have never paid enough
aint ronneby filled with enrichment nowadays?
swedes died,only laughter ensued
most of skåneland has one thing or another making it a shithole
t. someone who has to visit Ronneby due to work
C-Can I have a cute short finnish bf?
My favourite part is "miserable finns"
böga inte ner min tråd
>sweden killed off danes and replaced them with muslims instead
>tfw Swedes are just as destructive today, only they use migrants to terrorize Europe.
lads... it's time
Well, beating women and children to death is pretty miserable, so he wasn't exactly wrong.
Yes, they were definitely finns and not swedes
Yeah because Finland doesn't and never had, its fair share of violent criminal scum from which to recruit.
de er nordens joder
So Finland does but Sweden doesn't?
Where did I say that? Also if you're trying to claim that Finns didn't make up a sizeable portion of the non-mercenary part of the Swedish army then you're oblivious to facts.
Useful idiot
Black Muslim cock is the best.
Great argument!
I've learned that it's no use arguing with pro-swede people.
>saying that Finns served in the swedish army = being pro-swede
truly the greatest mastermind of our time
Fuck off pay reparations to the Scanians
Har du knullat din syster än?
agreeing that it was them subhuman finns who killed women and children while based swedes just looked with a shocked look on their face = pro-swede
you finns crack me up, like blacks in america complaining about the white man
Well you were right about not arguing with me, since half of your post is just made up. Not to mention that if you had even two braincells to put together you'd realize that they were ordered to do so.
>you finns
What the fuck are you on about? Most Finns are constantly kissing your ass
>unleashing their pet subhumans on Danish civilians
Why am I not surprised?
I hope Kim Jong-Un freaks out and blows up St*ckholm.
>t. that same vatnik shitposter who is in Germany for gibsmedats
u wot im no filthy russian
Fuck Sverigestan
I am Greek
The finn can't think ill of scandis or other germanics, they're our friends after all! Anyone who says bad things about Finland must be a Russian or some other eastern bloc scum but not germanic, no no no
It's the same spammer alri
Agreed. And your flag is nice.
>tfw I'll never get to beat Danish women and children to death
Vituttaa kun koko kansalla täytyy aina olla kieli perseessä näiden saatanan germaanien suhteen
miserable finn
Det Stockholmske blodbad er et lille plaster på såret
What is more miserable - a finn who beats women and children to death, or a finn who does not?
Tämä spämmeri on kuitenkin varmuudella vanja.
The virgin bloodbath:
>around 100 dead
>only kills rich noblemen and aristocrats
>the event is the most infamous in swedish and danish history
>the king who ordered it is forever remembered as "the tyrant" even though he made efforts to increase the rights of peasants and fight the aristocracy
The Chad Massacre
>at least 2000 dead
>men of all casts of society are beheaded and the women and children beaten to death
>the event is barely remembered and never mentioned in school history books
>the king who ordered it is remembered as an insane drunkard because he actually was
Juu ryssä on öyh öyh
Mitähän vittua säkin larppaat?
Haha oh wow, good times
I'm from Ronneby
Google "Ronneby gängbråk" (= "gang fight")
That was the most peaceful idyllic countryside place in the world when I grew up
pictures of ronneby
>this is now a place where women and pensioners arent safe after dark
you're kidding right
dunno why this gave me feels
Hope you get beaten to death
The miserable finn got you aswell didnt it?
good laugh
pictures of ronneby
>this is now a place where women and pensioners arent safe after dark
pictures of ronneby
>this is now a place where women and pensioners arent safe after dark
Usually reading about massacres and genocide and shit doesn't hit me, it might just be because they were danes.
21% of the population of ronneby voted for the far right in 2014
considering the far right has increased somewhere between 50% and 100% nationally since then, and since ronneby has received many times as many asylum seekers since then, there's really no telling how many are going to vote far right next year
pictures of ronneby
>this is now a place where women and pensioners arent safe after dark
Really reminds me of how grim and ugly my fucking commieblock is
The only far right in Swedistan, is the nordic resistance movenment. Don't lie
well they voted for what the media told them was a nazi party at least