>Israeli tourist gang-raped in India after bogus taxi pick-up - reports
>Israeli tourist gang-raped in India after bogus taxi pick-up - reports
itz abidg
The land of Poopoo Pepe is taking care of the jewish problem.
gib link plox
leave a nice comment, m8
how is that good news? oh wait you're romanian, you idolize village rapists over there dont you
Sup Forums hates Jews because they're smarter and more successful then whites
this is not tolerant
please delet
post bix nude of jewess
something like this
>Sup Forums hates Jews because they're smarter and more successful then whites
>jewbs spoted
Yes! It's kind of our "new Dracula"
We shall call him Rapeula
Why the hell do retards go to shitholes?
Don't take my word for it, just lurk Sup Forums for five minutes and see it for yourself.
i dare you to see any random amature video footage from israel and not dislike them
they are not human
>t. Shlomo Shekelstein
Why are brown countries so shitty? It seems like if you go to India rape is inevitable if you lose track of your wife for 10 seconds
>hire multiple male escorts
>haggles so well she doesn't even pay for them
She'll be fantasizing about scat after taking that bpc
I didn't know they did those fake taxi porn videos in India
>traveling to india
Oy vey,
Enriched by poo
>gets in "taxi" with six men
quads of taking porn trolling to a new level
>look inside taxi
>its not just a driver there's five other people
>ohhh, must be a discount ride
>gets in
If Jews aren't smart why do they own everything? hollywood? media? news? politics? huh?
Is it because Jews are so stupid?
If that's the case then why are white people getting absolutely blown the FUCK OUT by a stupid race?
answer me!
Ashkenazi Jews are for the most part European and therefore we are white so quit with the divide and conquer bullshit kthxbai
and now she is mad because she had to pay a full price
Israel, India and Serbia need to form a triple alliance of kebab removal
fuck off, kike proxy
>they won't poo in loo but they will rape tourists
Is that a new concept fham?
>we are
a Freduian aka jewish slip?
>in india
>as a lone woman
is this some kind of new extreme sport?
women are smart. you know
In India, rape is just a way of saying "hello"
some hiker chick did that a 5 - 8 years ago in nepal. Young WHITE woman disspeared after that.
Beyong stupid but she had to be a STRONK gurl in her own lala land way before sjws even existed.
ever since ceaucescu got killed your country has been goin' downhill man
ever heard of nepotism you kike?
more like tribalism
forget it. I don't talk to gypsies.
at least it's not an silamic caliphate
Fuck man, that isn't good news at all. What's wrong with you, got a beef with Jewish people or something?
Is it really rape when they all have 2 inch dicks? Poo in the loos are notorious for their microdicks
Nope. Not an excuse for white people to fuck over blacks and Hispanics then it's not an excuse for Jews fucking over whites. That doesn't exist. If someone doesn't have power and control and money it's because they're not motivated to make more of themselves.
Whites need to get smarter and work harder otherwise they're lazy stupid degenerate faggots that deserve to starve.
>indians raping israelis
Now shit in their streets
Jews aren't our enemy, globalists are - many of whom are Jews
Not at all
It is what they do
They are demons
Why the fuck would we care that they are smarter when they are trying to enslave/genocide the other races?
Their intelligence leads to their ability to outsmart others
who would want to move to Romania though?
party true
>destroy white identity
>destroy white culture and replace it with nigger culture
>shame whites constantly
>expecting them to fight for themselves
Asians and Jews have similar IQ, why aren't Asians running Hollywood, banks, MSM and corporations?
Literally indian bangbus
discount Indians
Ability does not cover the desire for evil. It is not jealousy that causes us to hate, it is the desire to save humanity from pure evil
>Jews so smart they need to be gifted an entire country
>dependent on the help of whites to not be glassed
>genocided every other year
You can't do that, from what Sup Forums says Jews basically keep whites in a chain and limit what they do. They control every move they do. They throw whites a bone and let them fuck over other races but keep them limited and this ONLY happens if Jews get their cut.
There is nothing wrong with outsmarting people. There is something wrong with enslaving them/genociding them. You are a jew.
>answer me!
>>Israeli tourist
It's not good news because she was a Jew, you shitlord.
It might be good news if she was a liberal. Traveling by herself in a shithole country, that sure looks like she believed the meme "all people are the same".
I agree. Also normal middle class jews have no interest in increasing the muslim population in Europe since they are the main target of muslims.
I meant historically. White people even kept the native Americans alive and gave them casino kingdoms with sovreign territory. No disgusting jew kike would dare do that for the palestinians. You are a jew.
those fucking shitstains should be all fucking nuked. Useless fucking faggots. practically sand nigger tier. Hope they all die of hunger pretty fucking soon
More than ISIS has ever done against Jews that's for sure
tell your sister to move over here
I need a wife
>There is nothing wrong with outsmarting people
Well, that's what jews are doing.
They still fuck over the goyim intentionally because their people believ in this
They must be a race traitor heretic to not at least subconciously support their evil satanic people.
You cannot be a proud jew and not have contempt for other races because they have merged theor religion woth their race
Check your Jew privilege
>It's not good news because she was a Jew, you shitlord.
found another Jew
What do they do after you deceptive jew? MOVE TOWARDS GENOCIDE AND ENSLAVEMENT
seems like have things ass backward you stupid fucking loser
hahaha I remember that shit! ''Pippa Bacca'' (I want to remark that ''pippa' is a slang for handjob in italian') classic retarded italian leftist.
But the best one was the fag Vittorio Arrigoni a pro palestinian lefty that dressed like Che Guevara...he got hanged by palestinians in a fucking toilette hahahahahaha
best part is: this idiot wrote a shitty short book in which he said some shit like ''restiamo umani'' traslated by the shitty left as ''stay human'' now this fucking words are some sort of motto for them. Italian leftist are the most retarded.
Greatly exaggerated, wasn't genocide, just typhus and starvation with a few thousand people shot
Havarra program
Population from the World Almanac
Hitler was not against races other than jews either
He said other cultures were good in their own way and only wanted to secure a future for germans.HE WAS NEVER RECORDED ADVOCATING A SYSTEMATIC GENOCIDE AND MASS MURDER , and he spoke about everything, so he would've said it if that was his goal
Do because some fucking nutters who were rabbis preached Jewish supremacy then all Jews, even non-religious Jews, are Jewish supremacists??
Why not apply this to white supremacy? white supremacists constantly say whites are the best race, that all other races should serve and similar rhetoric is this ANY kind of proof that whites as a whole are white-supremacists?
NOT AT ALL and it doesn't say anything about the mentality of the average white or average Jew.
>inb4 haha jew spotted, lol argument invalid
first, check'd
second, >Ms. Moro
third, top kek
Because it is not a minority moving towards this goal. Some do more than others, but the majority want these things to happen. White people hate white supremacists
Indiaaa, incredible Inndiaaaa!
Well, I guess some Nepalese now has her in his basement. The problem with white women is, they don't know any real danger, they don't know any real mysogyny, they're an protected elevated class but think western men hate them and everyone else will be more friendly.
Then they go out and find real danger. And it ends up killing them, if they're lucky.
So firstly, I disagree with the assertion that the majority do, I mean if you look at the average Jew: atheist, left-wing, this is fundamentally not the profile of someone that is likely to follow ideas of racial supremacy. But even if it were a majority opinion amongst Jews, how on earth is it at all fair to attack Jews as a whole? Attacking Jews as an ethnic group rather than religious group simply because their mother was Jewish, and she was Jewish because her mother was Jewish, who was Jewish because her mother was Jewish... is not only unhelpful but importantly illogical.
What's the story behind this?
How can you know this? Because of the state of Israel? Because of the success of Jews in America?
What is it that points to the sucess of a Jewish supremacist goal? People that can be classified or viewed as Jewish are dying out, Jewish men are not really marrying Jewish women anymore and Jewish women are marrying anglos. The idea of a Jewish people is weaning, mostly because of the left-wing views of most Jews who are in-favour of multiculturalism.
Now..if you are pointing towards Jewish supremacist success because of the spread of left-wing views like Avalion/Allission (what was her name? I think it was Avalion? The neo-nazi on yt) said. Then I'm afraid I really have no answer to you there, although I do hang out in pol and I do share sympathy for somethings people say I'm really just a lurker here to make sure I don't remain in the left-wing bubble of Buzzfeed etc.
Frankly, It seems to me that blatant racism, I don't mean the ascociation of non-racist stuff with racism btw but like actual blatant racism like hatred for jews, is a reason that leftwingers pissed off at muslims are able to redpill themselves because of.
Because of the lie
They use deception at their core
For example white supremacists are out in the open and publicly state their goals/support: Hitler (not a supremacist, just a nationalist) did not subvert or manipulate for the most part, he stood proudly for what he wanted.
Honor vs deception. The jew is deception. If you publicly yelled zeigstein heilberg we could negotiate with you be able to trust you but jews OPERATE BY LIES AND DECEPTION. Making us unable to trust you ruins the relationship. Look at japanese and americans who fought each other to death in WW2. Now they are close allies and still seperate cultures because of honesty. HONESTY IS REQUIRED FOR PEACE
unable to clarify, unable to redpill themselves because of
inb4 israeli war vs anti-semetic India
you can still honor your enemy's strengths mate, never let jealousy consume you or you become predictable.
t. sun tzu + buddha
>America gives billions to Israel
>Israel plants agents in the US and gives them billions to settle in and take over
>why does this keep happeniiiiiiing
If Jews are so smart, how come 6 million of them were killed by inferior white men?
Jews are being screwed by the new world order too
Do you want to stand with jewish supremacists or go full bobby fischer? I would give my life for bobby fischer, make your choice
Their religion calls for peace
>100s of white women raped
>no one cares
>1(one) jew raped
>oy very it's anudda shoah!
>read OP in farnsworth's voice
Ok, so I get your point. But it is essentially unprovable, right, there is absolutely no way of knowing whether Jews really are supremacists if they are only thinking it and not stating it. The only kind of proof of Jewish supremacy comes from those quotes from retarded rabbis 50+ years ago who cannot be compared with the average Jew today. I mean we can all sort of saw ahh yes the Jew is thinking these things but what response does a Jew have? None at all. Because they are stuck in a position were they literally have no way of proving their lack of Jewish-superiority-complex.
And I also will say on your point of white supremacists, that whilst there are a vocal minority that you can find (and you will find vocal Jewish supremacists, I'm sure but to an understandable lesser degree because Jews are such a small minority due to the large amount of whites) but really most whites that aren't vocal still have a superiority complex. How could we not? We invented more than half of the shit in the world, and living in Australia this is particularly true I have thoughts about aboriginals all the time that would lead to me labeled as a white supremacist if i was open about them. But I am not. I think in alot of ways, if there is a feeling that Jewish people have about supremacy it is very much comparable to thoughts whites have about supremacy, both whites and jews have made considerable advances in various field and this is probably amplified in the jewish community because of how small they are. so the real question is, how does this supremacy play out? Well with asians, jews and whites favoritism of racism does seam really obvious its true, note these are all people that could be particularly fond of the idea of their races supremacy. And since jews make up such a small percentage why are we so worried about the potential for this favoritsm? What about asian favoritism?
This girl wasn't drinking a laced drink at a party full of edgy faggot teenagers flashing her tits just for the lulz. She was trying to get some place.
>more successful