All my friends are normals and the least normie one of them laughs at pickle rick memes unironically

All my friends are normals and the least normie one of them laughs at pickle rick memes unironically

So ja, madarchod.


please post in my thread

what did you have for dinner user.


why? mum's not at home?

i don't have any friends XD

That's cute, some of my classmates still talk about Harambe and sing the John Cena theme.

Dont get hungry idk whyn depression is making me lose my appetite

same. I can't even sleep properly now. Wanna talk?


what's bothering you? College or parents?

both too much pressure from parents and too much work from college. Cant manage to keep up since I choose 3 engineering subjects, hard as shit, cousins are all successful and the ones my age are doing great. Little brother and smaller cousins are all 6+ while Im 5'7, haven't watched anime in months and played games for 2 years

stop watching anime. I don't know why guys like you are obsessed with that shit but it's disgusting. Focus on your studies, it's not that hard. Pick up a hobby or just hit the gym. I am in the same position, got into one of the best colleges here but still my parents aren't happy with me because I don't 'socialise' enough. Have completely given up on dad, just going to work hard and make my mom happy. Don't get sad user, it's just a tough life.


Good luck to you both. Relax


just helping a brother. These common issues of depression and isolation are seen as pitiful and redundant in my place. No one can openly talk about it. I refused to go to my cousin's wedding and my mom criticised me for days. Since I was a kid, I was told to study hard and go to a good college. And when I did achieve all of that, I just got more shit from my own parents. It's hard. I just want to move away from this shithole.

so what are you doing now? any plans for the future?

army or software engineering, int makes me not want to leave this place

>I just want to move away from this shithole.
Sup Forums or India?
Because if it's the latter, you don't really need to be super intelligent or super hard working. You just need money. Universities in first world nations crave those foreign student shekels.

DONT. my dad's in the IAF, and he's been living a pretty shit life. it's not worth it user. Only those who praise and kiss the feet of their seniors get promoted here. It's disgusting.

india. Sup Forums is just a timepass thing. I don't want to get a social media ac, you know how Indians act there...
At least I can try on my own. I don't need my parent's help.

>int makes me not want to leave this place
how so?

Italy is probably the normiest country in the whole world.

How new are you? I'll probably end up like the currycel

well the currycel is more or less an accurate depiction of indian type people around here if they don't live in brampton/missisauga

been on Sup Forums since 2011, literally never heard of this dude

just came back from reddit, some self hating half punjabi half dravidian mongrel who will settle for nothing less than a 10/10 white girl and blames his autism on his ethnicity

Nah, he's a larper. He's broken character at times.

I've spoken urdu with him and he could understand

>punjabi half dravidian
aren't punjabis mostly dravidian lol

what is this self hate

no, dravidians are south indian, they have little australoid admixture, Punjabis are north, mostly poo look but less poo that most indians, pure ones have iranic admixture. They are hated by rest of india for being fair or something

t.not punjabi

I literally know over 100+ punjabis irl, they look poo as fugg.

I guess you're just another example of pakis believing they're not indian.

>pure ones have iranic admixture. They are hated by rest of india for being fair or something
Are you just making things up? Punjabis are no different from other north Indians.

I wish I was born pure pashtun instead of half dardic half pashtun mongrel, most my cousins have light eyes ranging from green to amber to hazel and are chads

are dardics indians? I know some afghans irl idk if they are pashtun or not but they either look ugly or super aesthetic

Pakis from Balochistan and Khyber don't look Indian at all. Their culture is totally different too. They are closer to Afghans. Pic related.

Dardics are people of north pakistan. Pic related is from my village, they look like that





OH GOD PLEASE FUCK NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



balochis are southern iranic, they have some dravid admixture

going for that jew look I see

>we Inbredini are whiiiiite!!!




OH GOD PLEASE FUCK NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



pakis are pakis nothing more, in genetic terms we are mix of north india, southern iran and afghanistan

we wuz afghans mang

white's can't be not normies

I ended up looking like some chilian in the end, whats worse is Im a manlet while my 4 year younger brother is 6'1

someone comfort me please

Gee i dunno rick, this thread looks kinda boring

YES. Morty, we gotta BUURP gotta, g-gotta kill this thread c-cuz op is a fag, y-y-y-y'know