Turks are not w-

>Turks are not w-

They are everthing!

Other urls found in this thread:


Most Turks don't look Slavic though.

Schrodinger's turk, both wh*te and non wh*te

whats a Schrodinger?

Offsprings of Turkish slaves or race mixing whores.


Turkey is basically the shittest melting pot in the world

how are they not sjw yet ?

We wuz asian too

Me on the bottom middle

>ETHNIC Turks are not white

there is no such thing as ethnic turk , you are talking about Turkics. Almost every turk who uploaded his ancestry test was a mix of all kind of shit.

Turks have their own unique appearance no matter what those stupid tests say

Yeah that's because a huge part of them have the same mix with some variation.
30% greek 30% middle easterner 15%balkan 10% turkic 5%italian 10% other. It's always kinda like that

So majority of m are some what euro ?

>amerimutt in charge of genetics
cracks me up every time
cringy mutt

he's making stuff up prolly because some of us riled them up by posting amerimutts
I love it when mutts project their mongrelness onto others.

no not really.

Most Turks are between C. Asians and Middle Easterners. Some of us are more Euro influenced. That could be explained by Balkan Turks who are essentially a mix of Anatolian Turks who are a mix of Turkmens and M. Easterners (Greeks are a meme) and any Balkan population (let it be Bulgarian, Bosnian etc but mostly Bulgarian)
"European dna" by European i mean Yamnaya, Hunters gatherers dna is around 10-20%. Some Turks even score more East Eurasian than they score Yamnaya+Hunters

Closest genetic brothers of Turks are Azerbaijanis (obviously), some Northern Caucasians and some Turkmens.

notice how the mutt stopped posting

the mutt fears the chepni keyboard warrior.

Is Turkey the Brazil of Europe/Middle-East ?

Also when will ethnic Dutch die out in their own country and be replaced by Turks, Arabs, Afghans¿

Total population 17mil, immigrants 2mil (50% white immigrants).

so you tell me

>Total population 17 mil
how many of them are over 50?
what's your fertility rate?
I give you 50 years before you completely die out.

Why so defensive all the sudden ? Does the fact that your country is a meme bother you that much

>why so defensive all the sudden?
because i cannot stand Europeans. You trigger my Seljuk genocidal senses

>You trigger my Seljuk genocidal senses

90% chance you are a Balkanite uni student in the west-coast area

i'd probably scorpion kick you in the head for associating me with your inferior race in real life.

If you can jump 2m high then maybe yes, midget seljuk

Ah i went to college and Im a 1st gen immigrant in america.Now gib examples of turks who had more than 50% turkic ancestry

Literally all of them are cherrypicked

>Elçin Sangu was born on 13 August 1985, as the only child of a Circassian family..
lmao, dat redhead isnt even Turkish.

>not BLACK
KARA BOGA(PBUH) would be ashamed at this thread


>I. I am not a mongrel i swear look at the number
Sure thing kiddo

1 East_Med 26.81
2 West_Asian 26.69
3 North_Atlantic 11.78
4 West_Med 9.92
5 Siberian 8.04
6 East_Asian 5.21
7 Red_Sea 4.53
8 Baltic 3.52
9 South_Asian 2.41
10 Oceanian 1.07
11 Amerindian 0.04
All the other ones are almost the same with one of them being more east med so who am i wrong?

>1/4 Germanic 1/4 Roman 1/4 Celtic 1/4 West African replies to my post

Because calculators say
1 58.2% Nogay + 41.8% Algerian_Jewish @ 5.19
2 53.7% Nogay + 46.3% Ashkenazi @ 5.36
3 51% Cyprian + 49% Afghan_Turkmen @ 5.76
4 59% Nogay + 41% Italian_Jewish @ 5.79
5 59.5% Nogay + 40.5% Tunisian_Jewish @ 5.8
6 60% Nogay + 40% Libyan_Jewish @ 6
7 57.5% Nogay + 42.5% Cyprian @ 6.23
8 57.7% Nogay + 42.3% Sephardic_Jewish @ 6.27

Nice try though. I appreciate your effort.

>I..I am not a mutt you are a mutt
nice projecting mongrel, unlike you my DNA isn't full of greek, african, mongol gene

Merhaba xD

Bonjour DX

>nice projecting mongrel, unlike you my DNA isn't full of greek, mongol gene
yes it's full of Celtic, Germanic and Roman
>Greek gene
no such thing exists for Greeks are a made up race like the French.

a god amongst physical chemists

>I swear you are mutt just like me!
No i'm deeply sorry, you have to find someone else, maybe with your arab brothers

>like me
i'm pure Chepni desu
i was just reminding your place.

Real türk are kang chinks

Sorry, but t*rks are more mongrelized than the average white American.