Is there anything the rest of the world can do to catch up to USA in athletics? We're so far ahead of the rest of the world it's not even funny.
Is there anything the rest of the world can do to catch up to USA in athletics...
lmao, hoping kek purges all this bait.
Bench 55 reps of how much weight? God youre fuckin stupud
we could also roid beyong imagination, but we have too much braincells. We also like to live past the age of 50, instead of dying of a heart-attack.
Your athlethes are all fake, and the 'normal' people are dumb, and 60% is obese.
You lot say; God bless america, but follow the ways of the Devil.
Just fukin die you pieces of scum.
Shutup toothpaste
NFL player gets busted using steroids, gets only 4 game suspension.
USA sports = niggers on steroids.
>americans are unironically proud of that
wtf I want my gf to pounded by this big black guy now.
>being this triggered by a bait thread
16yo spotted.
Nice comeback, where your fingers so greasy from the taco's that your korean laptop slided of your fat rolls?
Eat a bit more and die, pig.
Lel, must be left-wing to get butt hurt as such.
>Implying Roided Idols are bad
>Implying athletes aren't the last frontier of alpha-genes
>Implying muh braincells keep me thin and meager.
>55 reps
Yeah America, home of the fat land of the stationary
Nice bait
225 you fucking DYEL
>Implying God
>Implying Devil
Listen to my clever insights on devilry. Fuck off faggot.
i'm sure if we had as many niggers as you do, we'd win a lot of sports too. but, alas, we're > 95% white here
Its a fucking shoop ya dips
Selectively breeding negroes like cattle to ensure productivity in the cottonfield for a few hundred years would probably be a good start.
you mean your mutant niggers
It's called steroids you dumbfuck.
you know that's just a meme, right
Pick 1. Literally the niggers in white skin.
god fucking damn
>catch up to USA in athletics?
Well, Russia did it. Now look where they are.
>Implying domestication is a meme.
Fuck off back to Facebook. Slavery was one of the short times Blacks experienced very little responsibility in their damned history,
That's 2/3 his body weight. An outlier/anomaly/freak should do better than that.
A 13'8 broad jump? Kek that far exceeds the world record in long jumping.
Nice b8 m8.
As for your question, AFAIK the US isnt doing that we'll, you don't dominate athletics as you once did, almost all olympic sports have other nations carrying the golds now. The only sport you do well in is american football and baseball, and that's because no one else plays it.
explain how ex-Yugoslavia has the best basketball players in the world then
they are better than niggers
Well, i don't really see why would anyone else be better than you at american football. You're pretty much the only country that plays it seriously.
no, it has something to do with west african genes.
bro if she votin Romney I'm votin Romney
No homo but god I love looking at these giant dudes. I just imagine them on some ancient battlefield ripping Men's limbs off. So wasted on sport, these man gods were clearly born to bring glory to their kings and families in sprays of blood and visecra.
Postin big guys.
Enjoy gobbling black dick ya' fucking yank.
We're sitting pretty in ireland knowing muslim and blacks will never go out of control as long as tinkers are around
>abusing roids = athletic achievement
'murica. Your body should be A E S T H E T I C
i don't know, maybe we could start government-issued roid cycles? only countries that still do this are dystopian shitholes like china, russia and the US
Lmao check out this leaf
> bench 55 reps
> 6' 11" 310 lbs
There's 300 lb muscle men at 6' 5".
>lol he should lift more
bro pick up two of your piss bottles and do 55 dumbbell presses with them. Post results.