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That's not nice. Russians are nice people :(

Fucking hell it's been almost 4 years already since the olympics in Sochi.

Someone just fucking kill me pls

Why scandis are allowed to skiing and biathlon? Their athletes have asthma (which allows them use doping).
Double standards at their best.

They got what they deserved.
Also they're not banned to participate under a neutral flag.

>t. Ivan Petroskovich

because you did cheating in a massive group way while the scandis did it individually

>Their athletes have asthma (which allows them use doping).
This procedure should get fucking axed too.
I mean take a look yourself. Both women in pic related compete in the same sport. The one one the right (twice the size of the left one) suffers from "asthma"

Problem is that they were not restricted from participating in games in an individual matter.
That's not fair.
You either have 1 standard for everyone or you have it for none.

Cannot agree more fuck this shithole

Because scandis are liked by other countries and you aren't

Tbqh we aren't the country that should teach other people about standards.


I don't like Russia, but they should kill the IOC officials with polonium. International organisations should not be allowed to humiliate sovereign countries in this manner. The UK should also murder Juncker and Verhofstadt, the kikes should car bomb the UN, the Americans kill the arms inspectors and etc.

Russiaphobes can go to hui.

I'm not a country.
I'm a person.
And I think only those people who used doping should not allowed to the games , without the regards of their national affinity.

>Why scandis are allowed to skiing and biathlon? Their athletes have asthma (which allows them use doping).
U moron literally all of them do doping but no one gives a flying fuck, because their leaders don't use it for propaganda and do not politicize it. Putin is the first one who politicized (well it's been done before him by bolshevik pigs one of whom he actually is but doesn't really matter) sport. So thank Putin that he pushed his hybrid war to sports area.
Also note that some shitheads taking drugs and state-level support by security forces r two different cases.

>But muuum, they did it too
Take some responsibility

Someone needs to make a Putin JUST edit.

>under a neutral flag
What's that?

Bit rasis innit

They should play for the refugee team.

More like specieist

Serves them right honestly.

it means they're not representing their country (or any in fact).
IIRC in 2014 winter games in Russia sportsmen from India took part under a neutral flag but I do not remember why exactly.


Responsibility for what? I've never taken doping in my life.
In what kind of collectivist shithole do you live if you belive in such things?

International sports federation flag or something

Not really.

>Putinist olympic sports and their precious Olympiade is a shill
Well, they got what deserved.

Russia eternally BTFO.







Lol at russhits getting btfo

Maybe that will teach you to interfere with our elections

Is it that rite of yours where you "choose" between two "parties" with same name, but one in Latin and second in Greek?

Libshits and nikitas will say that muh ebil russia deserved it. But let me remind you, that Olympic games were NEVER politicized before, even when the world was on the edge of nuclear fucking war.
>but muh russia really used doppings and shieeeeet fuck putin lmao hehe free Crimea
Yeah, right. And they only found it after that shitstorm in 2014, of course, what a coincidence.

It's because russians are so fucking doped up, c'mon nigga haven't you paid any attention?

Fucking westerners keeping the slavic man down

>were NEVER politicized before
As all of putinist baits, that one is for complete mentally retarded people, who cannot use google and Wikipedia.


>putinists baits
Honestly, just fuck off. It's impossible to discuss anything with libtards, because they will always turn it to politics.

Being a winter sports nation we are keenly aware that there are a lot of russian cheaters. We're also aware that there are clean russians, and considering the jorhaug case I don't want to brand every russian as a cheater. It does please me greatly to see that russia as a nation gets what it deserves, even though it's sad for all the clean participants.

Not at all, kill yourself snownigger subhuman.


>5 rubles have been deposited into your account
>you can now go home and inject krokodil into your eye sockets
>dog bless ruzzia XD:D

You talk about doublestandards, but apparantly they don't apply to your country? You're not that dumb, that you believe I was talking about you specifically, and not your national team. Retarded slavshit.

Honestly, tell them that lie in your metodichka can be proven by two clicks nowadays. They, probably, think that is still Soviet Union now and people have only information that government give to them.

Not sure if this is because of my argument or because of how I wrote it.

And that's a bullshit right fucking here. Cheaters shouldn't be allowed to participate, and that's it. It's logical and fair.

this is like the 5th thread about that

You do have access to information, you're just too stupid/scared to use it

You act as if russian doping isn't caused by politics and putin's autistic need of appearing as a strong man by proxy

That's why russia won't be competing this year. I'm not saying we should bend the rules, I'm saying I have sympathy for those innocent

I have no idea what you talking about.

Probably cause there isn't much in the way of government funding for winter sports in India.

Why does Russia do this all the time? It never works in their favour.

No you dumb cunt, if I am mistaken tell me that I'm retarded and I'll educate myself without a problem, because I thought it was the case. But your obsessed ass can't just let it slide so you tie everything to "muh shills, muh agents of cremlin" and other bullshit. And this is what really pisses me off about libtards

Sorry, but if you're appealing to a group of people, it's only natural to consider that you belong to opposite group of people (government-paid whores). Probability that you're just retarded kid is about 1-2%.

I'm sure you'll convince him that he's wrong by putting your head in the sand when it's blindingly obvious that this is the same sort of shit that the soviets did.

even fucking jamaica represented their own country and their bobsleigh team composed of negroes wearing helmets with watermelon liveries was hilarious

No, in our country it's only natural to hate both sides, because both are fucking retarded. Shills are shills, and libtards go too fucking far with their bullshit.

I'm a nazi and you should fuck back to vk or whatever shithole you came from, vata.

Literally a country of lying manipulative cheaters.

Why do right-wingers love them so much?


Back to /po/rasha or whatever shithole you came from, stop automatically asigning me to your retarded groups of faggots who can't have opinions.

>it's only natural to hate both sides
Typical putinist metodichka "I'm not a putinist, but I hate liberals". Don't really understand, why should one hate people whose only claim is to obey the law. If not paid.

I think upcoming Winter Games will be huge flop. I'll watch hockey and cross-country skiing + biathlon but that's about it.


Hockey is stupid without the NHL.

This is the first time I'm in such argument, but I can already tell where this is going. You will never accept that I am a person without any ties to any groups of political nature, and will continue to mash me up with one of the groups.
Hating liberals is only logical if they are fucking populists without brains and lie just as much as government does. There is literally nothing good in them besides their name.

O-o, dvach-confirmed pictures. Without answering. Well, there's no more proofs needed. Enjoy yourself, kremlinbot.

This. Norwegians run even more advanced doping program with their oil money than Russia did.

The asthma thing is just ridiculous. In other countries people with asthma would not even become athletes but in Norway every skier has "asthma" i.e. the license to take doping.

Why are Russians and Chinese such immoral cheaters?

>Why do right-wingers love them so much?
Because they are literally a country of lying manipulative cheaters.

>they are fucking populists
Do you think the law should be obeyed?

It doesn't matter. They've already safely bought the World Cup 2018.

I think so. But there is no concrete law in Russia anyways, it's just a mess.

libs should do it themselfs

>there is no concrete law
There is. But it's because of Putin one man go to the jail by means of one vk post, and second one can shoot police when drugged and be paroled then. Do you think it's good?

I don't think right-wingers like them much more than other people, at least not here. The most leftist party in our parliament is known for being super russophile

What is the %age of athletes caught doping?

I see where you are going with this, and you know my answer exactly. I don't think this is good. But you should also know that current wannabe """liberal""" leader is a bullshit master just like the government. Am I hating people of liberal views? NO. Am I hating meme opposition who follows the meme liar like some sort of cult? Yes.

>it's because of Putin
libturd please...
putinocentrism is a really mental disease

These athletes train their entire lives for the Olympics, to ruin it all by doing drugs is fucking dumb

buddy... the only way you are competing at the olympics is by doing drugs

Looks like we win again Russia lol

Better luck next time

>current wannabe """liberal""" leader
Nice. You know, he's always saying that his opponents afraid of saying his name. Funny, isn't it.
>a bullshit master
His video about Medvedev is not a bullshit. His video about Chaika neither. Nobody does things like this. That's why people like him, and no other.

What is it with Russia and drugs anyway?

Because it is obvious.

■ Number of Summer Olympic medals in each country
London → Rio

America 104 → 121
China 88 → 70 (down 20%)
Russia 82 → 56 (down 32%)
UK 65 → 67
Germany 44 → 42
Japan 38 → 41
Australia 35 → 29 (down 17%)
France 34 → 42
Korea 28 → 21 (25% decrease)
Italy 28 → 28

* Russia's doping violation was discovered just before the Rio Olympics
Many players stopped playing

Another massive political victory for European Union and United States.

Is it prohibited to bring flags?
Taking a medal, will it be a flag of the Olympics?

Russia is doubtful of doing systematic doping at the national level.

>he's always saying
follower detected

>is not a bullshit
follower self-annihilated

I don't know why are you trying to accuse me of something, but Navalny has been caught lying a lot of times. Yes, some of his videos, about said Medvedev for example are good. But most of them are populist bullshit and I can't see why I should suddenly fall to my knees if he exposed few politicians and literally done nothing else, just words with nothing to back it up. You're not allowed to criticize him, because every piece of sensible critique that is thrown on him he simply disregards as "cremlin agents lies" because it's a great fucking excuse.

This is a tough humiliation

Just because the participation in the frame of the country has disappeared, as it gets mixed with when entering with the Olympic flag,
Russian players can participate a lot.

>about said Medvedev for example are good
Well, that's why I like him and don't like Putin. You see, I have no other choice in modern Russia. Politics it's not about you barkling in your room, it's about political alliances. Who do I better alliance with - old manlet who thinks he's special or man, who speaking about law should obeyed? For me, it's obvious.

yeah, ergo -> flop

Costner may be gold medal.

Curling's Sidorova is over.

>the old evil manlet
>manipulator who """"says"""" law should be obeyed, but is ready to betray his own words at any second
I'd rather not choose at all

It is meaningless to win at the Olympics where the champion can not participate, so my interest has diminished.

Anyway, Pyeongchang will be canceled in the war soon.