>current year
>religious people still exist
I know it's an extremely good brainwashing tool, but why?
Current year
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Careful, you'll just trigger the christcucks.
Mudslimes are culturally illiterate. It took the printing press 300 years to travels 300 miles because the Ottomans preferred to have their Ayyrab serfs that way.
Also, "go forth and multiply." Christian home-schoolers pump out babies almost faster than they can indoctrinate them.
because its a completely unanswerable question what could lie after death. Logically the answer is nothing, but logic is limited to what we currently understand, so its unreliable at best when contemplating things so far outside the reach of comprehension.
That being said, religion in general was made to create a moral fiber in the general masses. Then it was abused by people who realized this and sought to manipulate that fiber.
People who fall for this are manipulated one way or another. Its better for them to think they are always just in their causes as it is willed by source that can't be wrong.
>unironically using >current year
>being this new
>inb4 300 replies
Because people need to catch any belief to live.
If religious people stop existing it's going to be a permanent faggot degeneracy cuck reparation self loathing rule.
>I know it's an extremely good brainwashing tool
You answered your own question, friend. Religion exists only for a select number of people to brainwash a large number of people into making them money.
I mean, look at Scientology. They don't even try to fucking hide it.
The State and the Faith are the two foundations from which all good works can result.
Because religion is politically correct. They stuck their foot in the door before everyone else did. Once established and rooted, all they need is some hired hands, thus Islam. Certainly Islam couldn't exist on it's own.
Because it is superior to atheism
>I know it's an extremely good brainwashing tool, but why?
You obviously don't understand the last sentence you wrote.
Religion is degenerate. Islam is cancer and Judaism is literally Satanism. Christianity is the only way to go. Atheism leads to the moral degradation and turns a society and its people into nihilists. If atheism was prevalent, and Christianity was still followed to its core, we would already be having another crusade burning the kikes and lynching the Muslims.
Europe straying away from Christianity and embracing atheism is a main reason why the west is cucked.
Jesus is going to deny every single one of you fuckers in front of god for you all deny him and the glory Christianity has brought to the west.
>Current Year
>Still not reverting to Christianity
It still a surprise that society hasn't collapsed yet despite the mass rampant degeneracy and decadence.
>tfw i know god is real and you will burn in hell with your shit face
>Shawty, i cuntnot belieb dis KrEKers still exist in da curront yeer.
Praise kek.
>Because it is superior to atheism
Warf, that's spontaneity !
Our god doesn't need brainwashing. Our god has memes.
religion parables are metaphorical wisdoms and people the other parts of the texts are astrotheological allegories for the constellations and our purpose in creation.