Based Assange Appreciation Thread


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>black rimmed glasses

They will now be portrayed as antisemitic and lose all credibility to most people.

i can't take it anymore

it's like Kek himself hath descended upon us

i can't turn around for a minute anymore before something happens

all praise

What does this mean?

Based Assange gassing kikes and takin notes

(((most people)))

I don't think they mean actual jews, they just mean people criticizing the "evil nazi-rightwing" by ironically putting 3 brackets between their twitter name


tl;dr he coincidentally found out jews were the ones criticising the DNC leaks

They knew. Wikileaks is one of us.

I originally thought this, but why would he delete the tweet?

4d chess

he couldn't just say "all of our critics are jews"

he had to *mistakenly* point it out

doesn't matter, he revealed his true power level. he is one of us



Wait did (((brackets))) start as a legit thing that they did?

Gee, I wonder who could be behind this post...

Oh shit, you might be right.


Hopefully, Trump recommends a pardon when he's POTUS.

If they didn't lose credibilty after supporting gamergate, this won't do them much harm, either.

The brackets started off as an extension for your browser that would highlight (((coincidences))) by putting the triple brackets around them. The jews eventually caught on and started putting them around their own names to try and "own it", like gays did with fag.

one of us
one of us
one of us

>The jews eventually caught on and started putting them around their own names

Jesus that's dumb.

Not really. Bracketing your nicknames was a left-reactionary campaign against coincidence detector, where jews did not participated. But the main target group of it was SJWs in black-rim glasses.


Seriously though, what do these brakets means? Pic related, it's a real jew with a typical snarky comment, and he marked himself with the brackets.

No brackets started as a TRS joke to signify the echo jewish names make when spoken, then a goy made the browser extension.

Jew-wannabees caught on. Jews themselves where disappointed in the plugins, but even more with goyims trying to pose as jews.

more abstract merchants please


Assange is one of us.

Doing it ironically

but giving himself away as a Jude

So the jews are outing them selfs after this?

This is some 5D chess

the square ones mean the same thing, but autistic.

You don't have to put the golden stars on them anymore, they do it themselves.

He is using wrong backets.

The ((())) is to identify or make fun of Jews.

See , they're mostly used by libtards who want to highlight how (((progressive))) they are. Dunno why this retard used [[[these brackets]]] though, probably wanted to appear extra jewish.

let the kebabs explain it to you


he is a putin shill

Honestly with all the access to backroom /x/ tier information he probably has theres no way he isn't one of us. He knows because he's seen the nose.

I'm surprised at how little this looks like a merchant and yet I instantly recongised it as such.

I haven't seen any explicit references to judaism or jewish world dominance in any of the leaks. Perhaps I haven't looked hard enough. The best explanation for the jew's behaviour remains Kevin B. MacDonald's - they barely even realise they're doing it and it's just an unconscious strategy coded in their genetics and culture.

Assange is just an Aussie shitposter drunk off bants


it's like the 'Loss' edits/minimalist versions
I love 'em



thanks potato


posting more merchants



