A nightclub in Sweden.
A nightclub in Sweden.
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both of them got SANDNIGGERED(tm)
If something happens, these sluts deserve it.
Shit, they're everywhere.
bitches know they gonna get "raped" and they love it.
Why are women in your country so ugly?
Fiki fiki night at the Tahaarrush club.
I really love how this picture shows todays sweden in one picture.
one word: cucked
just as planned
Why are your girls mixed raced?
that sadix khan nigga at the back looks 60 years old, what the fuck is wrong with Sweden ???
>top right
Isn't music/entertainment harram?
Haha you tell me. Most peolpe accept this.
>green wristband
dont worry guys she is protected from rape
>0 white man
>All the white men are at home fapping to touhous
Cant really argue with them though.
looks to be a fag club though
Nah , It just cuck colonial americabong only
In british empire only lower class woman doing that kind shit,
by the way , In British empire coalburner don't get respect like americabong
Also British empire have almost 90% white population
Sweden also 90% white - so don't worry my friend
However US non-hispanic white people are under 55% already, with a large aging population
And americabong love this shit
He's rich arab sugar daddy (buys young girls presents such as expensive clothes to have relationship with them).
Welcome to year 2016 and world of matriarchy.
Honestly muslims in sweden live th eharam life. THey drink, they smoke, they have dogs and they also rape males.
yes there are extreme muslims in sweden but most of them are just as much sinners like the rest of us. But with that being said, i still don't like them one bit.
Jamal and the boys out getting pussy (one way of the other) while Swedish men sit at home playing computer games.
Every nightclub should be bombed at 00:00 on a global scale. Every. Single. One.
Haha did not even notice that.
We should share this picture as proganda.
They are probably already dead.
One can only hope.
How come the Syrian women didn't need Swedish refuge?
They're dressed like it's 2007.
You are bunch of cowards and your women are helpless wannabe strong women who will think they are strong after 10 rapes and even second before death, but we all know you are cucked and stupid. Even funny is that Arabs and black people clearly hate themselves if they don't want to date their women. I seriously can't tell who is cucking which race. One thing is for sure, you aren't happy, you will never rest, you are constantly trying to screw each other brains and body to prove like a kindergarten child that you like it that way, when in fact you aren't making any decisions.
it doesn't matter , if nightclub close
your women go to bar(or any other public place)
have relation with Latino or black
Because Syrian women aren't even allowed outside of their home without accompaniment of their husband or other male family member.
Don't act smug. We all know Asian women love big white cock more than white women love BBC.
In fact Asian men are on the bottom of the sexual attractiveness list.
You don't have to point that out.
We all know cukolding originated in the U.S.
They even made a hollywood movie abaout it.
Where are the swedes guys?
welcoming rapefugees.
>tfw there was an episode of Ultimate Force (a British SAS tv show) where a white neo-nazi suicide bombed a nigger club
Fantastic episode.
Red Troop targets a hard-right group of suicide bombers who are responsible for blowing up a nightclub and a café. The leader of the group is a sinister racist man who is taught a painful lesson by Pete Twamley, with Ricky in tow. The main manipulator with the group who coerces the suicide bombers is an attractive school teacher, who uses her feminine charms to lure the male students she teaches into her trap.
Working to prop up society and pay so that third worlders can come and live for free off benefits and fuck their women.
Not even memeing.
Welcome to the modern world.
I don't see anything wrong
what do you mean OP
Who cares?
We don't have immigrant at all
our nationalism is strong
Nobody care about women relationship
nice one Lucas, pretty sure Achmed needs a drink he got pretty tired fucking your wife
It's Scandinavian tolerance, thankfully coming to other European states as well.
>as dark as the night
>from libya
more pics of swedish girls with blacks/arabs pls
"you can go back alive or in a box Ahmed"
disgusting, are all those whores coal burners?
Left is trash right side is 9/10
This is the reason why I made a choice to be a neet for the rest of my life..
Are the swedish guys at the gay club or what?
Where are ANY white men?
White women and brown men are degenerates?
They deserve each other.
let them die, nothing of value would be lost.
I mean, if people want their tax money to go to mass immigration. Why shouldn't I get a piece of the pie?
I'm not working and paying tax to contribute to a white democide. No,sir
KeK is displeased.
True story. A year ago when i was out in a nightclub i saw a refugee whipping out his dick on the dance floor and grinding it on girls with out them noticing it. I told the bouncer and he dragged him out mean while his refugee friend tried to fight me.
I just spent 2 weeks in seoul. Korean men are some of the most wimpy humans i've ever seen and the qt girls were all over my dick.
You have nothing to laugh about.
the girl on the right is cute, fuck off lardy
Cuckies have to be in bed early so they can be up at work early in the morning
this guy knows it
Damn, if people don't notice that shit, what's stopping you from going clubbing with syringes with anti freeze? Just poke them, and they'll get poisoned and die.
Wow not same person...
No they work to bring food to their wives sons and the refugee's camps.
We can see you are samefagging, jerk!
Have you ever been to a nightclub?
>extremely loud music
>many people on the dance floor
>very dark
>strobe lightning
I saw on TV, that women hit on man in sweden, because theyre "too shy". Is that true?
>I saw on TV, that women hit on man in sweden, because theyre "too shy". Is that true?
Yes. I have only gotten laid when women have approached me and i have never ever approached a woman in my life.
what do you want jealous cuck go back to your cuckshed and leave strong man to give your women some love and passion
Good call. You'd probably be charged for thought rape if you approach a woman.
No, OP's pic related, and your short story is why I don't go to nightclubs anymore.
Why the hell would I pay money to spend a night drunk surrounded by niggers and whores?
why none of those women look like finnish women though? Cuck fantasy photoshop?
>Why the hell would I pay money to spend a night drunk surrounded by niggers and whores?
To get laid i suppose.
You wish cuck boy! There are plenty of african clubs in Finland even dance academies where black strong men and handsome boys teach your women how to dance african dances.
I work, as a student, in a pretty big bar. We allow some sand(nigger)s but the moment they act rude against clients or staff. Our security beat them up and we never see them again. Police doesn't mind since they hate them themself. Feels good to live in a racist city. (Lot's of rich old people, lot's of rightwing youth)
When was the last time any of you saw a picture of a White Swedish man?
You keep removing kebab serbia.
good thing you racists have no say in anything important
caressing their beauiful and gracious waifus instead of acting like obnoxious apes to get some ''im liek so drunk'' whores
Do you think I'm that kind of guy who fucks niggers or whores who have slept with niggers? No, sir.
I'd rather jerk off for the rest of my life instead.
Or just look elsewhere for a decent human being with self respect and dignity to fuck.
just fists in your inbred face
Abslolutly normal. The women always go to the Alpha male. You ethinc Swedes are too pussy. Dont blame the niggers.
>where black strong men and handsome boys
you understand that the way you describe these baboons is a bit homoerotic?
I don't care, atleast our streets are not filled with browns.
fuck that shit, we removed kebab and then they bombed us for that, now we're sincerely letting them come through hungarian racist borders
oh shit you're right
they are killing all the white men and brushing it under the rug
never, sweden is black country u infidel racist
You sound like you are 12 years old.
You weren't even alive during the 90s.
So shut up and fuck off, you stupid kid.
Nightclubs are incredibly degenerate. Probably one of the most degenerate and socially approved activities.
The funniest thing comes when one of the girl wants to go home then 10 niggers follows her on to the subway gropes her all the way to her destination and then they follow her home and rape her. This happens EVERY SINGLE TIME a girl goes clubbing in Sweden. It happens hundreds of times every day, even on weekdays
>Do you think I'm that kind of guy who fucks niggers or whores who have slept with niggers? No, sir.
No because you are ugly or below average looking, low self esteem, low self confidence and you hate your self.
Swedish girrls are nowhere near as good-looking as people make them out to be. They're 5s, even by UK standards.
Nightclubs are dead anyway. Bars are more popular these days and if people want to rave or whatever, there are more than enough live festivals.
Come on Sup Forums and you'll meet black angels on /ex-yu/. Do the right thing and pick the winning side.
t. female/cuck beyond redemption
>le I'm so cool that I sling a weapon over my shoulders meme pose
Roach please..
I read an article some months back about some swedish chick who went out jogging one late night. Not a good idea.
She was raped twice on that night....TWICE
First a nigger raped her, then she kept running and was raped by two muslims.
I'm not making this up. Too bad I don't have the link to the article. I'm not fucking kidding. She was raped twice. lol
White spot on a black domino?
>>ugh you a roach your argumant is invalid lol
roachcalling ts fine in shitposting threads but try to keep it to a minimum in threads like these please
Not just in Sweden. A female friend who is really naive once told me how she'd been clubbing and met a "nice" nigger, and somehow he followed her into her apartment what she really didn't want but also didn't prevent. He almost raped her.
Yeah, if they talk to people and have consensual sex they deserve it!
Fucking sluts! Bitch! Fuck!