Public plebiscite will hurt gays

What's Ausbros opinion on people saying having a public vote on gay marriage will make gay people scared, depressed and suicidal because... Other opinions? I don't really know why but politicians against the plebiscite keep sayin it.

Somebody help me understand what the fucking deal is.

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I'd fucking love to have this plebiscite and Australia votes against gay marriage being legalized kek.

Fuck yes I think we could actually have a possibility of winning that.


I'm fine with civil unions with all the legal 'perks' of marriage, but it's still unnatural, don't call it marriage and stay the hell away from kids

even if we get a plebiscite, and the sodomites are stopped, I think it will only be temporary

there are insane levels of support for it from brainwashed millenials and when boomers and genX start dropping out, they'll get their sodomite way

How to prevent this outcome?
We'd need a total overhaul of media/education

just let them do it

like who fucking cares

if you actually have an opinion on this you're a fucking moron. it affects nothing. NOTHING. if anything it gets them to shut the fuck up about it

marriage is a fucking joke anyway

just let the faggots marry

you fucking faggots

Define "marry"

If it encroaches upon private institutions and forces them to "marry" gays, then no, I'd never vote for that

why do you put it in quotation marks

who is forcing who to do anything

your paranoia is retarded

I would probably vote yes even though I don't like the idea of shitting on those who follow the religious idea/tradition of marriage, but that said its going to be fucking hilarious when Australians vote down to legalise gay marriage. You can just tell the result will be 'no'.

>muh religious/traditional marriage

name one way marriage isn't a joke in >current year

Don't you know anything, OP? Having any kind of belief about objective right and wrong other than hedonism makes you a Hitler.

There are Hitlers all over Australia. So many Hitlers, in fact, that Australians might not vote in favour of dry water, stand-out equality, hot ice, peacekeeping troops, flying pigs, or gay marriage.


If it forces churches to hold ceremonies, then no, I'd never vote for that, and neither should you.

In some parts of the world (here) gay marriage can mean forcing Churches/people who are against gay marriage into marrying you, lest they face a lawsuit.

Imagine a priest being forced to marry a gay couple against his will.

why would it force them to do anything? that's not a thing. if I was able to marry a couple, straight or otherwise, I could refuse to do it for any number of reasons. all these people are asking is the ability to do this dumb tradition and there would be plenty of places that would have it done that aren't churches

I don't really mind if fags want to be fags in the privacy of their own home but I'll vote against gay marriage for laughs if ever given the option

tbqh that sounds stupid and you guys should probably fix that

I haven't seen anywhere in proposed amendments to this law here that suggest that at all

Because equality under law

If you make something "equal", you have to apply it to the private sector

You can't refuse to serve someone based on religion, race OR sexual orientation

They will push it on institutions that don't want to do it, and to think otherwise is to be naive

They have all legal rights of marriage now; all they don't have is the ceremony in church

I'd vote yes so we can fucking shut up about the issue. Im sick of it taking up valuable discussion time on actual problems with our society



this is such a non issue, just let the gay cunts marry and lets move the fuck on

>having a public vote on gay marriage will make gay people scared, depressed and suicidal
I support a plebiscite for this reason alone. Fuck the little special snow flakes, I hope their feelings are hurt.

I'll vote no even if I'm gay. I want to hear and read the asshurt of the left, and sit back and relax while they're all shrieking and screaming over a literal non-issue since we have a fucking civil unions.

>who is forcing who to do anything
At the moment, Denmark and America.

But we're catching up.

you... you really don't understand how marriages work, do you? I'd assume in your shitty nation it works similar to ours? As in, you have to have an "ordained" person rubberstamp an official government form. They can say no for whatever reason they want.

Ugh you tards are framing this issue as "religious freedom" here, and none of your dumb fucking logic stands up to the most minor of scrutiny

No. Vote no. The tears of the Left will be delicious.

There's also the issue of putting a foot down against progressive politics because if you given them an inch, they take a mile.

>It's time Australia sat down and spoke about intergenerational relationships and the severe stigmatisation and oppression of its participants

>Ugh you tards are framing this issue as "religious freedom" here, and none of your dumb fucking logic stands up to the most minor of scrutiny
Your country fined a bakery $135,000 (ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS) for refusing to bake a cake for a lesbo wedding.

At some point, logic gets supplemented by proof.

There's that, and that's fine. We already have civil unions too, which is marriage in all but name.

I know they'll push churches to marry them, because it's been done elsewhere. It's naive to think there'll be no lawsuits ready to go.

It's not "religious freedom", rather, private clubs conducting their own ceremonies on their terms.

Give commies an inch, they will take a mile.


Will they force Mosques to gay marry? Nope. Think about it: gay marriage is just jewish humiliation of christianity

You don't fuck with the central foundation of civilization just for 2% of the population

And it's going to lead to further social ruin and confused children

If pedos put pressure on society to legalise pedophilia, would you allow it, just so they'd stop whining? you do not give into children just because they throw a tantrum, otherwise you may as well accept sharia law and put your wife in a tent so muslims would stop blowing things up

If we have this and the outcome is yes, we can expect sand people to start attacking us


>"it will inspire and provoke homophobia so we should just legalise it"

>knowing the will of the people might trigger less than 2% of the population.

my fucking sides when this is the actual argument being made by the ALP after decades of standing against it