Does Sup Forums consider this is as art of degeneracy?
You can find the full uncensored version somewhere.
Does Sup Forums consider this is as art of degeneracy?
You can find the full uncensored version somewhere.
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>not just posting the liveleak link
She's got a really nice body.
Degenerate. Pure and simple.
That isn't art.
That's prostitution, and therefore degeneracy.
Isn't she giving it away for free though
Not willing to get banned for it.
I wonder what would happen If I sucked and licked my fingers after that, right in front of her.
I wonder what you happen if you slid a finger into her ass lol.
How many on Sup Forums would actually touch her?
Degenerate as shit but those tits are amazing
I don't need to watch it to know it is degenerate.
Any art that needs a censored version is necessarily vile.
>(((Conceptual))) Artists
Everyone on Sup Forums is a fag so none of us eould touch her
Like the Muhammad cartoons?
The muhammad cartoons didnt need to be censored
pure degeneracy
The uncensored version at her website links to Paypal. 7,99 € for the video.
> This has a name and isn't art
what about that south park episode?
just face it, censoring any form of art is a shitskin behavior. only the west didn't pander to censorship only shitskin nations.
Of course. Now why this cunt hasn't been lynched?
for all the degenerates in here
Thats pretty hot
Although she's obviously a fucking attention whore and she probably knows the men fingering him since she doesnt want to get some nasty disease
This is a nsfw board, dumbass
She is very sexy, but yes
Your op-pic is great too.
Nice taste
Its literally in pornhub, fucking spoonfed newfags
I'd consider that a public service, fuck, this whore has perfect tits and a very nice pussy.
It is rather degenerate but it's still art and should be judged by the context it places itself in.
You autists could do with more women like her.
Doesn't make you less of a prostitute, just a really bad one
>of slovak and spanish origin
Fuck... no wonder this bitch is so hot and has the perfect body. Slovak and Spanish women have top tier bodies and faces.
I wouldn't because why would I do embarrassing shit in public
>be literally just working on my arguably quite shitty art piece
>get called degenerate
Fuck you OP. Art is great, stupid feminists are retarded.
>all of those shaky hands
Linking to live leak isn't a bannable offense
id pinch them tittays
haha Yeah Dude this isnt degenerate, thinking that is gay. shove random fingers encrusted with feces up your vagina haha
It's degenerate, but I wish I could have been there to help her in her self-objectification.
Feminists are quite a conflicted lot to be honest. Some are just really sexually liberal whilst some are extremely anti-men. That woman looked like she enjoyed it.
This work could almost go against the third wave feminists screaming rape and shit.
This artist sets the terms and boundaries and makes no complaints. She lets the people touch her body for 30 seconds and doesn't get mad or upset if they decided to penetrate her with their fingers.
Porn is against the rules, read them. Its NSFW due to gore, nazi symbolism, etc but this is NOT a porn board.
> Moiré's PlopEgg No. 1, performed at Art Cologne 2014, was a work of action painting that involved the expelling of paint filled eggs from her vagina on to a canvas, thus creating an abstract work of art.[3] The eggs contained ink and acrylic paint.[4]
>A video description of the work states "At the end of this almost meditative art birth performance the stained canvas is folded up, smoothed and unfolded to a symmetrically reflected picture, astonishingly coloured and full of [strength]."[5] The folding of the resulting canvas created a work which has been compared to a Rorschach test[6] and a womb.[4] Moiré writes: "To create art, I use the original source of femininity – my vagina."[4]
I love this bitch
One of her "artwork" consisted in inserting eggs filled with paint in her vagina, climbing on a ladder, and letting them plop out of her vag on a canvas. Something tells me that her "art" wouldn't be that successful if she was fat and ugly.
>She lets the people touch her body for 30 seconds and doesn't get mad or upset if they decided to penetrate her with their fingers.
Plus, she makes money out of these stunts
Oh wait - there is a term for such women
This is not art. This is extreme rhetoric from someone who probably has borderline personality disorder or something.
It's someone with a fetish for exhibitionism and pretending to intimacy with strangers who is pretty enough that everyone around her reinforces her ego driven delusion that she's brilliant, and who fits the right identity to get handed a bunch of money to fulfill her fantasies in public without having to provide any salable product or roi for it.
Must be a charmed fucking life. I wonder what it's like to make a living wandering around naked instead of working construction all day.
All modern "art"is unbelievably degenerate
in my country they made a "painting" by literally pissing and shitting over a white mantle
even worse, this shit was paied for by the ministry of art and culture
At least they are confined to "art" with their degeneracy.
Imagine someone willing to do this working a normal job.
I'm willing to pay taxes so they won't bother me in my day to day life.
In terms of fuckability I believe any normal male would
What is going? Is she literally just getting complete strangers to finger her vag?
Is art because the box is a mirror? WTF IS THIS SHIT
What is the purpose of this?
She says something about how women should decide when they are and aren't touched, when assault has been a crime since way before she was born, but how does this relate to the "issue" at all?
It honestly just appears to be shock for the sake of being shocking in order to draw attention to an issue, and therefore no I wouldn't consider it art any more than I would a signpost
it's her body
it's attention whoring.
art is in the eye of the beholder. to some people what seems like art is terrorism.
She thinks she's smart because she repeats feminist talking points as a rationalization for putting herself on public display and she's hot enough that people will want to look and throw cash at her for doing it.
I have come to the conclusion that the idea that anything can be art is an agenda that originated from the government and social programs in order to have more people become "artists". And "artists" like these are always extreme liberals who are easily or already controlled and brain washed. While at the same time, the millions of people that become "artists" never make any money on there work and are kept poor and subservient to the system, working shit jobs and eventually either killing themselves or going back to college for something else. It's about creating a crop of what are essentially activists for what ever cause the government wants them to believe in, and these "artists" will always come up with some absolutely, fucking retarded "meaning" for their work. Of course, we must recognize the actual artists who are not liberal fucks who know absolutely nothing. But this is pure degeneracy, and I blame the government and media for making the role of "artist" glamorous.
Can someone explain what this piece of "art" is trying to convey?
Oh I just scratched my buthole and sliped on finger in by accident, le meh just wipe it on those tits!
Does it really matter? I could go dumb the trashcan in my kitchen on the floor, piss on it and get naked and stand beside it while ripping pages out of a bible with the American flag hanging out of my asshole, and call it performance art. Would it really matter what my message was? It's not art.
That was hilarious
>Does Sup Forums consider this is as art of degeneracy?
Heck yes, that's degenerate af.
Holy shit brother you hit the nail on the head with that. Thats a nice painting
That women are whores.
That modern western society is fucked.
That modern art is degenerate black jewish magic.
It's getting the message across effectively.
There's a name for that: whore.
i probably would even if its degenerate
It's outrageously degenerate, but also hot as fuck.
I'd love to fingerblast this whore in public. She's got a nice body.
>Milo Moire
>little degenernate slut
Lock me up in a room with her and I'd align her northwards.
this shit is straight out of some degenerate hentai holy shit
Its art you fucking idiot
Yeah i would but instead of touching nipple I would pinch it as hard as i can. Show that whore who is the alpha male
I would also add that degenerate art is a reflection of a society itself, and the lower the bar is set for what is called art, the lower the bar is set for your whole society and each craft that is needed within the society. If art is supposed to capture, observe or commentate on nature, human emotion or the human condition, while at the same allowing art to be everything, we reach a point where anything goes. Ultimately, pointing to the fact that subjectivity and relativism leads directly into nihilism because nothing truly matters when everything only means what one wants it to mean. Someones, subjective and ascribed value on a literal pile of shit, would not change the fact that it is still shit.
>Lock me up in a room with her and I'd align her northwards.
>being this much of a nigger
Hitler could've been a great painter. Too bad it didn't turn out that way.
Moiré is pretty much the Queen of feminism bitch slapping.
Please man the 3 last words of your sentence litterally defines your country