Ex-PM of Finland BTFOs Sup Forums.
Ex-PM of Finland BTFOs Sup Forums
ah yes, the native americans were also built by immigration when the whites came and destroyed everything
your leftist logic has no place here
Your big bro sweden will be so proud.
yeah, white immigrants
I thought the idea was to stop the immigration after you became a great nation?
Immigrants that were:
>looking for work
>couldn't live off benefits
He should stick to making spurdo memes
The entire point of Ellis Island was to filter out anybody who would cause trouble.
Alexander "EU über alles" Stubb is so out of touch with the common people that he should be deported to Stockholm tbqh.
>One nation built by European immigrants
>This means all great nations are built on immigration
>mongols monging
Most of our immigrants werent radicals tho. Also rip natives
He's actually from National Coalition Party, our cuckservatives. It doesn't surprise me that guy whose campaign was funded by actual Jew wants Finland to become corrupt like America that values money and power when our society is complete opposite of that.
He has clearly lost it.
It was clearly already here:
>Britsh Empire built on immigration?
>China built on immigration?
>Russia built on immigration?
>Japan built on immigration?
>Germany built on immigration?
Yeah, im calling bullshit.
I thought you guys were too busy watching Russia to get this cucked.
We screened those fuckered first, that's the diff
Even those immigrants hurt the nation. The colonial stock is the backbone of America and why it's not garbage. It's decline is why America isn't that exceptional now.
Why should he do that when he can drive to Itis and see Somalia with his own eyes?
EVERYONE hates this faggot and his stupid teeth, he does not speak for the people
>United States
>Great nation
Even as a burger I know this is retarded
1. Fuck you unless you're paying for them, Stubby.
2. 12 million unskilled potato/pasta niggers heading to NO SKILL jobs were needed back when we had cotton gins and other old timey shit.
Ellis Island immigrants had to be sponsored by a citizen, 100% healthy, skilled in a trade, and had to have a job lined up before they arrived.
nice facts, koala. but as a so called nation of immigrants, we aren't fucking perfect by no means but things back then worked out as those immigrants adopted at least some of americana to blend in.
Yeah, there was also wide spread racism during those times as well. #stupidoldpeople
they also had no social benefits at all, and immigrants were REQUIRED to support themselves.
They REALLY REALLY wanted to move to America and build a new life.
The muzzie-gibsmadets just want free monies and ficki-ficki.
How did he become PM? Or do you do it like the Russians and he gets appointed by a President? I have no idea how Finnish politics work.
>>Nations are built on immigration
>> this means everybody can emigrate everywhere
refreshingly redpilled responses. I am surprised they haven't been blocked yet.
don't forget
immigrants who were
>screened extensively
>not allowed in when a quota was exceeded
>in a country trice the size of europe
Stubb is Pro-EU, Pro-Hillary, Pro-Nato and hangs out frequently with worst of the Illuminati scum known to mankind.
This man's sole agenda and ultimate dream is that Finland will become a state of USA or swallowed up in EU.
Alexander's Stubb's vision of Finland is that we must make this country a huge Santa Claus theme-park for the Americans and EU citizens to visit, since we don't have anymore NOKIA, only through immigrants and Santa Claus parks we can thrive and Coca-Cola (registered trademark)
This man is actual threat to national identity, freedom and independence of Finland.
>lets make immigration white again
Yeah the best of them. And most of them LEFT again because they were SHIT. THEY WERE NOT BEING FED BY WELFARE YOU DUMB FUCKING RETARD. ALSO NOT LOW IQ NOGS.
Party got the majority of seats in parliament and he was the leader at the time.
And even then, still not as bad Katainen.
White European immigrants going to their own colony is the exact same as an Islamic invasion XDDDD
why are you spreading lies? Stubb has gotten a shit ton of votes when there's voting taking place.
Fuck that wasn't right. When Katainen left the position the party chose voted in Stubb
His goal is to get rid of welfare state. He wants us to become Americans. I don't understand why nurses and other people with low-paying careers keep voting these guys, they're not their allies.
It's one of those big parties people keep voting forever and then complain after every election. In Finland people vote parties instead people. The leader is chosen by the party. He's like Trudeau, energetic and youthful and "so nice", and people didn't bother checking out his policies at all.
Stubb and the cuckservatives arent that bad, when you consider that all the left wing parties are full finland yes!
The real problem is that soini proved to be cuckservative also, which means our only choice is marxists or cuckservatives...
Reminder the immigration process was very similar to the process of new arrivals in the concentration camps. Reminder many new arrivals were stripped naked and had their head shaven. Reminder there were crematoria and delousing chambers.
>only accept immigrants from certain countries
>send everyone who's sick or crippled back
>change people's last names if they sound too retarded and hard to pronounce
Sign me up
The eternal Swede strikes again.
it wasnt built by muslims
Soini should have just said that either Finland stops getting refugees or his party refuses to be in coalition. Would have been win/win situation for them and would have got peoples support either way. He cucked everything up and now there is no hope for you guys.
I don't know why people keep bringing up Hitler's art history instead of him being a veteran of the Great War.
There are some good people in Cuckoomus, like (((Ben Zyskowicz))). Wille Rydman seems okay too, their youth branch in general isn't as bad.
The problem with them is that unlike Sweden's Moderates, they're not able to cooperate with social democrats to fix the system. They keep sucking EK's dicks. In Sweden the right-wing party managed to work with unions and their GDP is higher and unemployment lower. Better wages and lower prices, the opposite of Finland. But in Finland they keep blaming the citizens.
Soini is a joke, he's a real populist. He has said "it's okay to lie while campaigning" and his master's thesis was about this subject as well.
We really need EKRE style split from persus.
But there is not a single charismatic character championing nationalism here...
>there is no hope for you guys
We know.
That picture is extremely depressing. That good looking lad could be out grabbing hot pussy, but instead he's stuck in a shithole for his 18th birthday and too shy.
If your family came to America before 1914, you are a by-product of open borders.
Better let those cartel members and terrorists through the border. amirite?
I would like to stress the "EX" part.
>yfw there is not a single party left in Finland that openly prefers Finns over rapefugees anymore
>that pic
Why should I trust him? He's a jew.
Yeah it feels like these idiotic cuckservatives are just plants set up by lefties to smear real conservatives and values they hold.
EKRE has doubled it popularity since last year. They are the real deal and wouldn't backdown to lefties manipulation. Our msm is trying their best to give them bad reputation but luckily most of the people see it through. Every terrorist attack in Europe, every time some "elite" says that we need to accept more refugees and multiculturalism people get more angry at those socialist we have at power right now.
It's those bloody Blairites again, I tell you!
All there needs to be done is to fix the shit Astrid Thors left behind her. No more welfare abuse. In way I have to praise Sipilä's government that it has done SOMETHING to fix things, like family reunification got stricter and getting the asylum isn't as easy anymore. But if the welfare bullshit gets updated no one wants to get in Finland anymore because there's zero lures. The "humanitarian migration" isn't even EU's thing, it was our own thing and there is no other EU country where welfare abuse is as easy.
Jyrki "cash money" käteinen ::DDDxD
>Muslims are the same thing as the Irish
The leftists and their eternal struggle to discern between legal and illegal immigration.
Everyone who came through Ellis was registered.
I don't think it's right to blame the lefties. I blame neoliberalism and corrupt American values that are reaching our society as well. Also it was Swedish People's Party that fucked things up ever since the 90s.
Those were Italians, Irish, Eastern Europeans, swedes, Norwegians, Germans, French....not some fucking Somalians and Algerians,
If the U.S has been founded by Muslim immigrants it would be a third world shithole by now.
If you were an "immigrant" during the "creation" of the US and you tried being a lazy bum, you were shot or elft for dead. The people that immigrated to North America from Europe during the period were people who wanted to conquer and raise a new country from an extremely fertile soil.
The refugees now mostly only care about benefits and leeching off of society. Ofcourse there will be those who work. Those who want to better their new home country. Good for them. Sadly, most do not want to work or integrate.
>Be Russia
>Send 10 million vodkaniggers to Finland as "immigrants"
>After some time make them start demanding special rights
>Demands become more and more radical over time
>Eventually start a referendum about being anchlussed by Russia
>Finns can't even do anything since they're already a minority in their own country
>Annex and repeat with some other European country
Wtf I love immigration now
I am going to repeat this again:
The entire point of Ellis Island was to filter out ANYBODY who MIGHT cause a problem.
Non-whites weren't even allowed to apply.
Retards and communists were turned back, as well as people with diseases.
>Non-whites weren't even allowed to apply.
It's funny because Stubb didn't even check out the history of Finnish immigrants in USA. They were discriminated for racial reasons.
Oh Ivan please do
All the finland-swedes are same.
They are all pro immigration, anti-white, anti-finnish.
They want to make Finland a similar shit hole as Sweden.
Sorry Ivan, we have most Estonians then Russians.
Well that ain't happening atleast soon. Bet every ruski knows how much better things are in here so i doubt they really want go back anymore.
sounds way better than actual niggers
Immigration only makes sense if you need cheap labor.
Even then, I'd argue that the economical benefits don't surpass the loss of culture.
>tfw only Fennoswedish politician with a backbone is Jörn Donner and he's a bitter old fuck.
>Nobody to vote for
I've seen the kind of people that actually vote for RKP, they are more delusional than American liberals.
This is why he's ex-PM
Rich Fennoswedes who live in Åland?
Give Karelia back to Finland Ivan
Literally who?
thanks for call us great senpai, finland if pretty great too
Do Åland even bother to vote?
The real meat is people who base their entire identity on being Fennoswedish and take pride in it. They think they'll be sent to the gas chambers if RKP doesn't get their seats.
Mongol forest dweller looking to be elected as the Khagan of Finland.
>Conservative funds in 2006 and 2007,[25] and £131,805 in 2010.[26] To date, Zabludowicz has donated a total of £380,000 to the Conservative Party.[27]
>He has also donated €8,000 to Alexander Stubb's election campaign in 2014.[28]
How was it immigration? They took the land by force. It's conquest. Is he implying muslims should try to take europe by force aswell?
He also wants Turkey to join EU. Damn those Turks trying to destroy Erdogan's liberal democracy.