Is he going to address this on the next episode?

Is he going to address this on the next episode?

Other urls found in this thread: bee segregation

Fake news.

> trump makes tax loophole
> oliver takes advantage of it

So what are you against, the loophole or people you don't like making use of it?

The hypocrisy of him slamming Trump for taking advantage of tax loopholes

Soon the jews will realize they've gone too far when the fall out from this election leads to the destruction of their precious shekel loopholes

trump has made no tax laws

the only person more retarded than the instagram this came from is OP

Do you ever call out Trump's hypocrisy? No, of course not.

no I think the rapes were the worst part

Why are liberals so fucking evil?

He's actually going to be starting every episode from here on out with a prayer and offering of human sacrifice from the audience to daddy god-emperor Trump in thanks for all he does to Make America Great Again™ and never EVER make fun of him ever again.

Is that what you want to hear, faggot?

>wow, its like people with money have no real values

Just finding this out now? Kys.

Does it matter? He's a hypocrite. Period. End of Sentence. Eat shit and live with it. You can't have your cake and eat it too. You can't be outraged about something and do that same thing. It makes the outrage in and of itself meaningless. It makes whatever conviction you have against that person meaningless, you dumb fuck.

>Oliver spends decades cultivating his career
>reduced to making his entire career revolve around bitching about the president
How does he face the man in the mirror?

I'm realistic about who and what he is but nah, I don't need to go out of my way to criticize him because that wagon is already full anyway. Do you ever have anything bad to say about Oliver and his peers? Of course not. Sorry OP broke your heart m8.

Hillary will never be president

It's not illegal, not sure what's wrong with him doing this :^)

Wow a liberal is exaggerating. I'm shocked.

is making good enough money to afford an apartment like that?

One lesson to learn from this is that leftists don't play by their own rules, so don't play by theirs. Shitpost to your delight and never give them a nickle.

there's nothing wrong with loopholes...

unless you're a British faggot who calls out Donald Trump for using the very same loopholes that you yourself exploit.

>paying the minimum amount of tax means you dont have values
libshit logic

Depends, do you remember the episode when Samantha Bee brought this up on her show?

> bee segregation

As expected

They're all scum of the highest order than don't give a fuck about the people in the end.

he literally didnt create any tax loophole, im sorry that triggers you

you forgot to post that hilarious frog wearing the red hat though

Do you love your country? Then pay your taxes. It goes to pay for important national shit. Paying taxes is patriotic.

>implying conservatives are capable of caring about anyone or anything other than themselves

They're sociopaths, dude.

ITT: Disengenuous Trump supporters feigning outrage

Just like the time Colbert made his """homophobic""" joke all over again

He specifically sought out a lawyer that would help him utilize the tax loophole. Do I need to spell this out any further or are you just plain stupid?

Wow people use tax lawyers!? And you knew without telling us??