Tuesday during the taping of CBS’s 'The Late Show...

>Tuesday during the taping of CBS’s 'The Late Show,' host Stephen Colbert announced the news that FBI Director James Comey had been fired by President Donald Trump. Colbert’s left-leaning audience cheered. Colbert reacted by saying, “Huge, huge Donald Trump fans here tonight.

No, there weren't Trump fans in the audience. It was a Twilight Zone moment in which the shallow pond revealed itself. A moment straight out of 1984.

One moment before Comey's dismissal (we are at war with Eurasia) Comey is hated and Trump is resented for keeping him on. At the moment it is revealed there is a mental flare of dissonance, this seems good so it must be doubleplus bad, and it became the task of Colbert and other mules of consensus to spin another tale in which reality is not what it was (we've always been at war with Eastasia) and dark forces are at work.

But Colbert botched his cue. He FAILED to preface the announcement with a run-up that contained emotional cues to follow. He simply announced it.

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you're a whiny little bitch

blumpf xD

gave u and upvote

Get laid, OP.


UHHHH.... blomf??? idk how im supposed to react to OP???? help me out Sup Forumsbros


u gotta PRAISE KEK shadilay

Thanks for the update, Jared


>Comey is hated and Trump is resented for keeping him on.

Fake news.


forrest gump LOL


>late night show watchers are know-nothing idiots

And rain is wet.

dongle blimp

boggle bump


bicycle pump

breast lump

>unironically supporting Russia fleshlight President Orange Cheeto in 2017

spede bump

Hi Sup Forums
Still trying to shit up Sup Forums I see

Oh is this the designated Trump supporter damage control thread?

Reddit in the house! Where my upvotes at?!



my lovely lady lumps

I'm eagerly awaiting the thread that's about how Bill Nye is the worst thing ever.




What are you talking about? Bill taught me that water turns into ice when it gets cold. He the le best science man le ever!!




You started good OP, finally. It's creative. I'll give you that. It got a smirk out of me.


""Liberals"" also liked it when he bombed Syria. There is no left-wing in America

I followed/pol/ and all the politics stuff for a few years, then I've been watching Trump ever since he announced his run with that beautiful Mexican rapist speech. A couple months after he became president though, I completely checked out of politics and no longer give a shit.i go out of my way to avoid the news. It was just making me angry all the time, you know. I figured, you are what you consume, and I was reading rage-inducing shit on Sup Forums every day and it was making me angry at the people I love. Now I have a new policy on life, consume funny stuff and I'll be a funny guy, a happy guy, a guy people want to be around. So far, it's working out for me, and if you're angry all the time, I urge you to consider it.

>that headline
>"Not good."
I thought there was some kind of joke there, but no, its actually the writer "tisk tisk-ing" the president.

What a living hell life must be for you people.


>No, there weren't Trump fans in the audience. It was a Twilight Zone moment in which the shallow pond revealed itself. A moment straight out of 1984.
It's literally liberals not thinking things through and having a gut reaction. They hated Comey but forgot that he was in charge of the russian investigation.

Nobody on the left is saying Comey should have stayed. Everybody is saying that the timing is suspect and after Trump failed to fire Comey after taking office he should have waited until the investigation russian interference investigation was done. It's a dumb move by Trump regardless of if he's innocent or not because it looks like he did it because of the ongoing investigation instead of what Comey did during the campaign.

There have been studies that show people who don't watch the news are happier than people who do.


>it looks like he did it because of the ongoing investigation
Only to those looking for confirmation bias

I also forgot to mention that it looks especially suspect considering there's various videos of Trump praising Comey for the exact thing he's citing now as the reason for firing him. Either he was an idiot during the campaign or he's bullshitting now.

>There is no left-wing in America

>Either he was an idiot during the campaign or he's bullshitting now
OR he was bullshitting then for the sake of civility and he's revealing his true feelings now

Tell that to Richard burr.

Post em or gtfo

It was a no win scenario for trump, much like every day of his presidency
Comey was bent to the executive branch during the election, and his dropping the case against Hillary was inexcusable
But then he had to report to trump, while investigating him for Russian collusion. Trump holds a grudge for his previous actions, and knows his dumbass fan base would see it as a move back to "lock her up"
But it always was going to look self serving to eliminate the person investigating you
His numbers and his sway are falling and he's shooting panic flares as the jet crashes down

Yes you are right. He fucked up.
He delivered it "Comey has just been fire [cheering]by Donald Trump"
The Pavlovian conditioning is the name so it should've been: "So Donald Trump [pause for booing] just fired James Comey [more booing]"

The funny thing is later they booed even more as if to make up for disappointing daddy.

Everyone needs to watch it.

Doesn't make sense. If that was the case you fire him after taking office when democrats were out for blood.

What a boring thread

I can't wait for you just to block it out youtube.com/watch?v=CTus5rU6J8I

I mean It makes Trump look bad so it's obviously fake news. It's not that Trumps retarded or anything.


What did they mean by this?

Not him, but I read the same thing. I don't watch the news either, and mostly just laugh at what people tell me. The downside is you are so out of touch with reality and what's going on in the place you live.