Why can't we just ban Germany? Germans are THE cancer of the world. It's the third time in last 100 years when you irresponsible krauts stir shit up, and you will probably lose anyway just like every single time before. I exhort you all: BAN GERMANY RIGHT AWAY. MAKE IT ILLEGAL TO BE A GERMAN AND TO SPEAK THIS PUTRID LANGUAGE. Why bother any Schwabs? We can divide the country again just like in the old days.
Ban Germany NOW
Good goy. Kill the whites
>Butthurt Poland strikes again
>good goy
Daily reminder that israeli prime minister's father was born in Poland
Lot of actual israeli people has polish ancestry
Polish "white" people is a meme, theyr'e all jews or slavs.
Shutup Poland. Germany are doing a good job flooding everyone with filthy rapefugees.
We Out of EU and no rapefugees for us.
You're not laughing anymore
>Modern day Germans
Don't be a lout
Bin that kraut
Germans should finally dissolve and return to regional identities. There's no place for such fake "nation" as Germany. There are only Svabs, Saxons, Bavarians etc.
Still whiter than italy every will be and ever was.
t. dissapeared country revived after ww2 by jewish politicians
It's comlicated this time
We need a combination of an Endlösung and french revolution to remove the very top and the very bottom that cause problems.
If you say that, by the same logic say goodbye to silesia aswell.
Fuck Germany
Responsible for the first 2 world wars and potentially world war 3 and the collapse of western civilization
France and England declared war on germany, not the other way around.
>theyr'e all jews or slavs
Well no fucking shit dude. A slavic nation full of slavs? Who would have thought?
And we don't have jews anymore, so that's bullshit.
>Polish "white" people is a meme
You must be the highest authority on the issue who is white and who is not. Or you're just colorblind, why do I even care?
Silesia that is 99% polish, right. The polish nation state dates back to the Middle Ages, meanwhile the german nation state is a product of Romanticism and of mentally ill philosophers like Fichte and poets
Pick one.
>we don't have jews anymore, s
The only reason why Poland exist is because Jewish politicians revived your country in Versailles.
>we dindu nuffin massa. We wuz kaisers n sheeit. Da joos be keepin the deutsche volk down
Germans: the dindus of the old continent
made me laugh hard
>beaners in charge of defining whiteness
Shitalians against germany again?
Dismantle the German state!
Shut up retard
Dismantle the united states!
Argumentum ad hominem
Still butthurt that we tore you a new asshole 70 years ago in only 18 days? Poland is literally dirt
We didn't lose 2 world wars
Yeah, you created this whole mess by winning them
Argumentum ad cancerium redditballus
>all this butthurt
Stay mad, Janek.
Bc u joined european wars when these are near to end just for give loans like the kikes you are.
The WWII was a great guilt of POLISH , who (with england) maneuvred germans to the war.
Also after WWI the polish stired up Europe peace by stealing russian (Ukraine) lands, by trying to steal Czechoslovakia lands in Těšín/Czesyn ... Good enough that USSR took back in 1939, what Poland have stolen in 1920...
So do not try to throw guilt to germans only...
>Google search "German couple"
>look at the images
>Cant make a discussion
>Hamburguer education
Because Germany invaded Poland.
Why are you so mad? You polish idiots love Germany. Why else would you come to our country in such large numbers? Most of your women come here to be swipe our office floors. Too bad that you are so shit at managing a good economy. Not even with all your stolen soil. Pathetic.
I absolutely agree
Sorry for the holocaust btw
>Surrender fags and nothing more
see this
Shut your stinky cunt mouth Poorland and clean my toilet.
Poland can't handle the bantz
Go clean some toilets, Pooland.
German-cucks cant handle the immigration
You can't handle "kurwa"
I kinda agree after what Merkel did well i think she destroyd europe not as in EU i mean europe as a whole
when benjamin franklin described germans as non-whites, was that just his own opinion or was he echoing a commonly held belief at the time? if it was the latter, where did the germans are white meme come from?
This my Polish brother
Germans destroyed Yugoslavia, my country in which I was born
They are a blight to this world and only bring problems, first we get rid of Shwaben, then we get rid of kebab
And everytime billions did die. Poolska will burn again.
maybe you´re right but I don´t think that you polish guys are much better^^
>tfw I was younger I played serbische banditen vs deutsch soldaten with make-believe weapons pau pau die Shwabo
slavs aren't even white.
Germans are absolute trash, they just don't know when to stop.
Whatever you say Ahmed
He is right. Stop messing with Germany, we don't need Eternal German angry again.
freistaat bayern!
For better or worse Germans are doing it themsleves.
Serbian BANDITS vs german SOLDIERS
I know who the good guys are here.
in Denmark we played Danes vs Germans. Fun days pretending to murder Germans.
Now if only we could stop with the make belief and actually terminate the German race.
Agree, Germans are responsible for all evils of Europe, which they have tried to destroy ever since it emerged as a concept. Germans should be deported and de-Germanized, Germany colonized by other European people and the German nation erased from history
You did lose the last one, you're just too stupid to see that you did.
third time?
are you talking about the ww1 meme or the austrian lunatic that made himself god of germany?
tell me more poland. go ahead.
Yep, but you will have an islamic neighbor soon so, dont be too cheerful.
Daily reminder that most of the world is regretting stopping Hitler.
For ever let this place be a cry of despair and a warning to the universe where the globalists murdered the human race.
kek as if that was ever the reason, that was just the excuse.
Spot the "modern" german
Fuck you Hans, Silensians ain't Volksdeutsch, bitch.
globalization is inevitable. it was defined since 70s, nothing new. however i would prefer assange to ride the train than (((them)))
Whatever you say Ivan.
Germany's foreign policy summed up.
That is what makes us furious i can understand Kaizer and Fuhrer but fucking Imams thats to much Germany
kek confirms that Germany is near full enrichment
Well, it was the very reason: to prevent Germany from expanding eastwards.
Because they started killing germans in poland.
So did Germans in Germany.
We'll just have to either invade and conquer Germany from all fronts or we change it internally for the better.
Is it possible to join one of those Polish militias and gain some valuable combat training for a few Eurobucks btw?
Who the fuck drinks astra?
Come on white Americans, move to California. Please make it a white state so I can safely move there.
desu WW1 should have ended with a stalemate or mild victory for us.
We could have prevented this.
This thread is ridiculous.
The Germans are our brothers. The average male German hates the brown menace just as much as any of us. The problem with Germany is the same problem in every other western European country which is nu-males and females jumping on the 'muh feel' rapefugee bandwagon.
These are the easily led which are negatively impacting things in all of our countries, they are undergoing the exact same hardships only worse than ours because of their history, they can't speak out openly like we can because of muh Hitler.
Don't lose face my German friends, we're all going to make it. I see my previously blue pulled friends slowly starting to turn, even the Normie's are having enough.
It is just a matter of time. Stay strong lads.
Hipster and Antifa.
>or we change it internally for the better
The only way would be by replacing all Germans with Spaniards and Greeks so that they never try to do anything ever again and let civilized countries like Finland manage Europe.
but Ponald, you and your allies are the reason we act like this.
We are not of nazi anymore. Love and tollerance!
Deutchland isn't good at wars.
much better in what? Having bad ideas?
stay mad subhuman
its okay, we dont need to kill them, germany will just be partitioned and its east germans will be polonized.