
Me in the pic

Under 12 second first for the queen of /balt/

Debian or Ubuntu?

You look very classy

>exactly 12

>Under 12 second
barely made it in time


btw fags not allowed
Job done
*logs off*

Debian's good, I've never used Ubuntu

isn't debby rip after ian sudoku'd?

Hey boys~

Nah I'm pretty sure it's still going even after ian topped himself

It was a trick I have Arch Linux

No it's not.
It's not him, it's a swedish tripfag that used to post himself and other shit.

lol pleb, I use mac OSX

>Last Update: 2017-12-05 06:20 UTC
guess so

i use xubuntu and arch with xfce

ThinkPad + Arch is Patrician desu

Not bad, are you a programmer?

дa ви eбa тяcнитe пyтки пeдepacи мъpляв

No it's a shitty Sup Forums meme, I used arch for ages, I even had it super riced, then I got a macbook for super cheap and OSX just werks

First dubs get shot



Tere tere traktors :D

I have ThinkPad + Ubuntu right now
I used to have Arch but I'm too dumb to use it (I'm still learning)

Good morning.

Just go straight to arch, it's not a great distro but it's a great learning tool, most of what I know about Linux is from my arch breaking and having to fix it, also the arch wiki is pretty good resource
Morning matey

Hey :)
How's going?

good night

good morning

Yeah installed it was fun, but then I remember I need a good distro to code so I switch back to Ubuntu

It still help me a lot with Operative System exam

Whatcha coding?

it's cristiano ronaldo

Hey buddy.
Sleep well?
Whats the plan for the day?
Good how about yourself?
Are you really going to sleep or are just saying the opposite of what I'm saying?
You up early or up late buddy?

At the time C because of exam exercises
right now we are only studying theory courses
The bad thing about italian uni is that they are super theorical

It's not bad, one day like another

I slept very well and have very little plans for today, yourself?
Base C or C#/C++? because C is super annoying to work with because of all the manual memory management

NEED to learn visual basic now

>Are you really going to sleep or are just saying the opposite of what I'm saying?
it's 23:00 here and i really need to get my 8 hours of sleep to not spend the day in zombie mode

so gcc/gdb is that different on distros? who would've thought

is there anything that isnt animeified?

Slept for 3 hours just now, will probably sleep more


C base, yeah i know it's annoying to code with
Uni prof make us learn C to cover all the sysadmin jobs

Blogging faggots need to fuck off die.

? No I don't think so
I don't understand your question

Nope, I'm in the same boat as you buddy.
Well goodnight mate.

>learn C to cover all the sysadmin jobs
someone should fire him because that is as far removed from what C is about as... idk, that's just so wrong it hurts to even think about it

you claimed you switched distros because you needed a better programming environment. doing C... it doesn't matter what distro you use because the toolchain is 100% the same (unless for some reason you need to rely on a fancy IDE that hasn't been ported to your previous distro)

shimmy shimmy yaw shimmy yaw shimmy yaw

Yeah you are right, I switched back because the distro kept broking
So I need a stable environment to work
>someone should fire him
That's is what I hear, keep in mind that I'm still learning I'm not a programmer yet
I know I have many things to work on

I may be wrong but I thought C was mostly used for real low level stuff, you're probably busy with C but I'd recommended learning a more modern language as well, C# is a good one to start with

I have a friend who looks exactly like that, except he's native to Calabria.

Yes it is correct, my prof said that learning C is useful for sysadmin job (pipe, semaphore, ...) And for IoT device that require low level memory manegment,
We start to study modern language as Java next year
(This is what I do at the moment)

*We will start

Good morning lads


good morning :)

Good morning mate.

pipes and semaphores are interprocess communication devices provided to you by an operating system (unless you are constrained to a bare metal platform, like a microcontroller, where you have to implement them yourself to get a system up and running without OS/middleware bloat). sure, they are written in pure C, but as far as a sysadmins work goes, you don't do C, you use the shell to glue things together. that's not really programming, that's scripting. and it's done in whatever flavour of *sh is popular these days or python.

nevertheless: learn C and learn it good. it's nasty in the beginning, but when you start learning those "higher" level languages you'll start to appreciate C a whole lot more. it's like a drug you see.

Ok, I really appreciate the advice
Thank you

Just out of curiosity do you work as a sysadmin or some other IT related job?

i work as a computer engineer

What kind of work is that?

Sounds interesting, what does that involve?

electronics, hw/sw co-development and programming mostly in C. RTOS. every once in a while have to brush up some assembly skills

Do you have a degree?

bachelors degree.

thought about doing masters, but didn't see a point... or tbqh i was just lured away from academia by the money and the constant strain of having to travel from work in one city to home nr. 1 in another city and then to university in another city to home nr. 2 in yet another city... yeah, if that sounds complicated it's because it was

it looks like the "raid" has begun so this thread is gonna die soon

I am doing currently my Bachelor on CS aswell, I know that I have still many thing to learn, but as I said before our unis don't prepare well on a pratical level (the theory is good from what I hear, even if i am not interesting in it so much), that's why even if i miss only 10 exams to degree I am still not feeling this good as a programmer.

Soome kurvi nekroos

Yeah what's it all about, some shit about Finland?

100 years of finland as a country

theory is far more important than practical skill. you have to understand that a theoretical background will have you covered for life, but a more "practical" background will only have you covered for a couple of years in CS/CE because the tech is in rapid shift. new technologies will keep on popping up at an ever increasing speed, but they are all built on the theoretical background learned in university. you may learn how to use tool X to do task Y in year 2017, but this knowledge will be irrelevant in the coming months. if you understand the theory behind everything you will keep in track and adapt, if you only learned tool X then you're in deep shit

our big bro is having it's birthday celebrations

> made in china :DDD

and whats going on here?

suomi on paras :DDd
oispa kaljaa

This is the EXACT same thing that my professor (the one you want to be fired) has alredy said to us, I 100% agree with you, this is a valuable advice.

oispa kylmä lonkero

i was suggesting he got fired because he seems to be under the impression sysadmin work has anything to do with programming C, which it doesn't

are you sure you meant sysadmin rather than systems programming?

Aw yup I see it all now.
What is this?

Yeah sorry I am dumb, he said to us that C are used to write OSs (I can see some files in linux written in C myself)
I am not very fond on technical english language for IT yet so I (mistakenly) switch the two terms.

that's ok, i had the instinctive feeling we are off-stepping, but did not vocalize


a truck that is stuck in mud because russians have bad roads


well. everyone seems to be banned more or less. testing

im not banned. but why so dead?
also any eastern european advice on how to get this out of there?

What game is that?

Finland has only 100 years while Italy has 156 years
Feels good man :)

>and whats going on here?
made chocolate cookies using your recipe

spintires mud runner

was on sale at the weekend

REEE only 146 years
fuckin Italians dammit

WTF why my post is being display after while being older?

Huh, that is a bit weird...


d-don't stop

Sup Forums internal clock bug probably

peculiarities of non-deterministic software behaviour. live through your bachelor years and you will understand why

MFW, my cunt in older than yours...


