Post an half asian half people of your nationality

post an half asian half people of your nationality

Finland can post just a regular finns

Other urls found in this thread:


Issa Lish

>*barfs intensely*

le success face




Russia-Japan mix. (how to breed a Finn, without Finns)

looks a bit like version of mila kunis

japs have all black eyes, cant cancel that in only one generation

t. no clue about genetics
While blue eyes is a recessive gene, it doesn't go dormant either when paired with a dominant gene.

jungle asian




>t. no clue about genetics
if no natural jap with blue eyes exist, means all of them have dominant dark eyes
if you pair one of them with recessive blue eyed, it will be suppressed by the black


It looks like she's wearing contacts.
This is the second earliest pic on her account from when she was younger


the best

Spanish chinese

Wikipedia says her mother is algerian. I guess she 's just french.

Spanish japanese


Spanish korean


Spanish filipino