Trump says French and Germans to face 'extreme vetting' entering the US
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So he's softening on the Muslim ban?
agree with him at this point : Mr Trump said the two European nations had been "totally compromised by terrorism" because they had "allowed people in".
Well, hes right.
Backround checks are absolutly needed before you let anybody in
This is genious, it will make native Germans and Frenchmen hate the invaders even more because no we get lumped together with them because of our own stupidity and carelessness
>be usa
>bomb the hell out the middle east
>create chaos
>fuck the world
seriously, you are worse than wahabi
Do you really think Britain will be exempt, Mohammed? At least Germany has not had tube bombings and beheadings yet.
He's right, France and Germany are Islamic country's only makes sense to restrict immigration from them, don't want them trying any funny business.
1 MILLION TERRORISTS invited and the germans c.u.c.k.s don't care.
Dodgy Dave rejected a parliamentary motion to let in 5,000 Syrian CHILD refugees.
Let that give you some perspective, Hans.
Only one vetting process that's necessary.
The only thing we did wrong was not kill enough of them.
How would you prevent nu-male francocúcks coming to the US?
With a paper bag. Can't you read?
Mehmet go to school or work or something Jesus
>Be Europe
>Currently at war with terrorists
>Let terrorists into your contries
>Get run run over by truck.
That's not very nice, france
If i go to USA, what want Mr Trump do on me ?
You have to go back.
THE ETERNAL YANKEE strikes again, out to destroy the EUROPEAN peoples.
>starts wars in the middle east
>fuels wars with proxy moderate beheaders
>spreads diversity and degeneracy to Europe
When will THE ETERNAL YANKEE face justice? (when Hillary is elected)
compulsory labor in some wall related project
nice try angloid
He is right though and that's good, given the current context and how the americans are seen as pragmatic... this will push the FN a little more.
And can't really argue with his logic... if you give citizenship to every sandnigger in the known world then it loses its value...
Though I am not sure why a britbong is laughing about this. You have more islamists than we do... and yours are actually smart enough to not blow things up too much so they can gain actual political power. And people like Bhikhu Parekh are given lordship in your country. I mean, seriously, you aren't Poland or Switzerland. Fuck off
You do realize Trump stands against that kind of foreign policy, right?
Trump is trolling our cucked countries, which is a good thing. Hipsters won't be able to go to NY/LA and they will know it is the fault of the shitskins.
If Clinton became President, she will do something similar to Hungary, Poland or any based country.
The wall between USA and Mexico ? Nobody belive in.
>You have to go back
That's all ? You confirm USA is beconming like a zoo.
The thing is a lot of French even right-wingers make the confusion between the State and the Nation.
I talked about this to my father yesterday which replied "oh, but we will retaliate if Trump does this". Petty nationalism is truly a burden to our interests as a race and as a civilisation.
>I talked about this to my father yesterday which replied "oh, but we will retaliate if Trump does this". Petty nationalism is truly a burden to our interests as a race and as a civilisation.
That's not necessarily a bad thing. In diplomacy, reciprocity is actual a very important balance to maintain. Don't talk out of your ass
pray for paris.
First post: Best post.
France and Germany are muslim countries now.
It makes sense.
He's right yet again.. because they have a relax policy and willing to gamble with their lives of their own citizens, does not mean that others should simply be blindsided by that and just allow immigration simply because they come from germany or france.. Notice how the migrants who come unvetted, ironically vet themselves by then getting german and french credentials and then saying "look you have to accept us cause we're germans and french people now, if you don't you're against germans and french people" Ofcourse trump is not against germans and french people he's against that type of thing..
His poll numbers will only go up for stating yet again the obvious problem with what is going on.. which anyone with a well functioning brain that is not in lala land obviously realizes.
THE ETERNAL YANKEE has us all by the balls my fellow EUROPEAN we must stand together to resist the YANKEE BLOOD.
And USA is cucked for a very long time.
That's just common sense.
>on vacation in europe with my family
>at the airport security checkpoint about to head home
>look over and see a small German child sobbing uncontrollably
>his mom is in disbelief "how can these things be happening?? I simply cannot believe such things"
You people cant complain for being treated 3rd world when you willingly opened your arms to it
>be Europe
>spend so much on entitlements birth rates can't keep up
>import mudshits to 'work' and 'pay' taxes
inevitable result of enrichment, only question why he didn't include UK since its a major exporter of jihad? The other flaw in his masterplan is entry via Canada is still super easy and Trudeau is making it easier.
Now post one without lies.
what is Dearborn?
rude desu
bull fucking shit as usual. once he gets in, Trump is gonna carpet bomb the fuck outta the middle east and rightfully so. he will also kill all niggers, and set up the jews for firing squad. hahaha he already named Alinsky, you think he is playing around? 14/88
[spoiler]I know this because my dad works at the RNC[/spoiler]
A very small part of our very large landmass.
>be USA
>everyone is happy to hand you the responsibility of maintaining the world because they don't want to do it, while still enjoying all the benefits of the peace we enforce
>receive no credit when things go well
>mercilessly criticized every time we make a mistake
as to be expected, being islamic countries
I'm pleased. Since liberal US-hating fags for reason travel there the most
You miss the point about who is the «we», which is in this case, the Ripoublique Fronçaise whom goal is to replace us by shitskins.
Next time we are removing kebab from the world. Don't interupt us with muh human rights.
>Trump says French and Germans to face 'extreme vetting' entering the US
>'extreme vetting'
If the French and Germans did extreme vetting they wouldn't be on that list.
The snackbars are technically German now. If there are attacks in you're country then be ready for vetting fag.
stay mad frenchi
Regular old beatings
An itty bitty spec constantly monitored by the FBI? Seriously, every muslim there is on some sort of list.
France and Germany are comprised by terrorists. This is totally necessary
we just had both on literally the same day
We shoulda killed em all!
are you sure about that?
Who cares, things are already done at this point.
Good for him if these kind of declaration makes him elected but it is totally hypocrit at the scale of the country, you brought hell in Middle East, created ISIS, radicalized muslims everywhere with Iraq and triggered massive population movement to Europe.
And then your presidential candidate says the we "allowed people in".
I'm all for owning the mistake of my country, but own your role in this mess first.
Going to the US in a couple week and my name has arabic connotation, think they'll search my anal cavity for explosives?
You aren't fooling anyone, AIDF. Now, why don't you go back to drinking Aryan blood or pleasuring yourself to images of Dresden?
>europeans think they're free
>implying you don't do the same with niggers
>implying you did not have 2 massive islamic killings in the last years
>implying you don't have domestic terrorism with nigger
Sure burger
>be american
>get shot
spics, not niggers*
Isn't the vetting in USA already pretty "extreme"? It's nothing new for normal people.
thx usa greatest ally, destroying west europe so we can catch up. love u. i hope that germany and france gets nuked soon.
Why he isn't including Britain confounds me.
Britain has deployed more terrorists against the US in the last ten years than either. London is their boot camp now.
My favorite word. Fekkun saifed
>We have to have tough, we’re going to have tough standards. … If a person can’t prove what they have to be able to prove, they’re not coming into this country.
But what it is they need to prove?
thanks for pax-americana btw, now that it's over.
where is france?
>be USA
>give billions with a b to other countries in foreign aid, aka free money (looking at you, Mexico, now pay for the wall)
>they only want to bring up the money that goes to Israel
I made a game of it a few years ago. Its easy to play because the answer is always Britain. So it was designed as a speed post game.
Unfortunately, the very next day Sup Forums introduced time-stops to posts.
... complete with Daily Doubles....
Everybody keep in mind this poster is not a real french but probably a sandnigger from north africa
>arabs and niggers literally think "it's all your fault" isn't pre-school excuses tier
While a lot of mistakes were made with this kind of muslims, the middle east DOES need to be kept in check, and that does not include letting them flood europe.
Maybe if some of you faggots would stop spending all your money on entitlements and actually help us with global security we wouldn't always have to resort to shock and awe.
Here you go, this is the Final Perfidy piece.
>be france
>keep the sides of the national flag dirty
And by explanation...
I guess I have time to dump...
I agree, mudslimes need to be thoroughly vetted.
no mention of sweden
Translation: only letting in native Europeans. I guess Trump is betting on a massive happening in Europe followed by whites' exodus to the US. FBIanon said something similar
The US government is responsible for a fucked up ME but they're not responsible for the migrant crisis, which is an European project.
regardless of whatever supposed role we had in it, nobody went and told you faggots to invite them in with open arms, give them free money and spread your ass cheeks on top of it. You have no one to blame but yourself, unless you're admitting that you're worthless and helpless.
>tfw I'm next though
>US/any world superpower
>taking rresponsibility for anything
yeah, that's not gonna happen...
Trojan Horse