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trump landslide?
If Bernie does not renounce Hillary Clinton tonight, he will truly be the cuck of cucks.
Trump landslide.
Trump landslide
Trump landslide
What an unbelievably pathetic cuck, imagine this guy on the international stage as potus, top kek.
He's got zero integrity
If he had a spine, he'd denounce the lot and run independent
But nope, it's Bernie, the king of cucks
Trump Landslide
bernie is being held against his will because democrats use dirty tactics while republicans just
tell people to shut up.
Trump Landslide
Trump landslide
Trump landslide.
Lump Translide
Trump landslide.
Trump landslide.
Trump landslide.
Looks like Jeff Weaver got a little visit by some of Clinton's 'people' last night if you know what I mean.
Careful with those weight lifting equipment there, Jeff...
Trump landslide.
Trump landslide
What if Bernie pulls a Ted Cruz during his speech?
Trump landslide
Trump landslide
If it's NOT a Trump landslide then it's confirmed the voting system is a farce and it's time to rise or accept that we live under a boot.
Bernie is just the epitome of cuckness. What a disgusting individual, I feel cringe every time I read about him.
Trump Landside.
Florida here, I'll be doing my part.
Trump landslide.
Trump land slide
exactly, that and he was never really serious about wanting to do what he wanted.
Trump landslide
Trump landslide
Trump landslide
Trump landslide
He actually said that he won't un-endorse Hillary.
Like we said, a cuck.
Trump landslide.
>tfw I made that pic
Trump Avalanche
Trump landslide.
Trump landslide
How can berners support an anti establishment candidate that has literally bent the knee and then continue to stay kneeled even when it is revealed that the dnc and hillary campaign has screwed him. Not only is this guy cucked by his wife, he is cucked by a whole party! This level of cuckdom has never been experienced before.
Trump landslide is assured
He got this in the bag
No need to go out and vote, just chill here at Sup Forums shitposting while eating burgers and pizza, then drinking cognac while reclined on the couch watching Wolf Blitzer announce Donald Trump will become the new president of the united states of america.
>not told
You're giving him too much credit.
holy shit what cucks
fuck off nigger
The cuckiest of the cucks. Hillary could have ties to arming ISIS and he'd still say to vote for her.
Trump landslide
When are the Bernie supporters going to realize that Bernie was just a grubby Jew taking their money
Trump landslide
This is hill's supporters
1. withdraw endorsement of hillary = boost for the donald because of morally liberated berniebots + image of an INDEPENDENT (which he was)
2. keep endorsing hillary = boost for the donald because of frustrated berniebots + image of a cuck
== the difference comes down to personal preference of looking like a cuck - unless his family is literally held at gunpoint
If he was told then he's a bigger cuck than thought.
trump landslide
It will just cause all Bernie supporters to bail out from voting and stay home instead. Winner: Trump.
>being surprised by this
when does high school start again?
>Congratulations! You're in the majority!
Nigger, the chan used to live by me, I knew he moved out to Charlottesville, but I didn't know he lives in Ruckersville, I know people out there
Trump landslide
What an asshole he is.
The rhetoric on both parties, because both candidates are shit, is to just say "we can't have ____ in office"
Trump landslide
Trump landslide
run bernie, run!
Lump Trandslide
Bernie's campaign was a DNC farce from the start, in order to test what would swing young voters.
No surprises here
trump landslide
Trump landslide.
A Trump landslide in the most DARK AND DYSTOPIAN fashion!
Perfect Publix Pepe
Trump landslide
Cenk on suicide watch
t r u m p l a n d s l i d e
Darkest before the Don
Guys what would Trump called Bernie?
Trump landslide
Game over man
What are Bernie supporters at this point?
They started out cucks, then they got cucked by their cuck leader who got cucked by Hillary, then their cuck leader's associate cucked them again.
These are high levels of cucking.
enough about the damn cuckolding!
Land Trumpslide
My God this old fart is cucked up over both ears and these millenial faggots still see a revolutionary in him. It's truly incredible how far removed from reality you have to be to be enthusiastic about him in the first place.
He'd have called him "The Jewish Problem"
Politics was always a boring thing in Canada but I never seen this much shitshow in a election before
>Utah and Oklahoma
Trump landslide
Trump Landslide.
Trump World Landslide.
Your leader is basically a feminist tampon.
Trump and Putin are going to steamroll through Canada and divvy it up amongst themselves.
trump landslide