We're not so different, you and I

Why the fuck does Bernie denounce Mr. Trump and endorse Crooked Hillary? Mr. Trump's values and ideologies are much more in line with Bernie's.

>against bank invincibility
>against wall-street invincibility
>close the wage gap
>support domestic industry, financially discourage foreign industry
>against super pacs and corporate lobbying (ie get the big money out of politics)

Where they differ in:
>getting the illegals out/granting amnesty to the "undocumented"
>building a wall along the border with the most illegal crossings in history/pretending that illegal immigration isn't a big deal
>banning members of a literal terrorist group (anyone who subscribes to the religion of Islam which is defined by such texts as the Quran and the Hadith) from the nation/pretending that people who literally subscribe to a terrorist organization are peaceful

Bernie is clearly fucking incorrect when it comes to immigration policy, why does he advocate for such ridiculous bullshit. ISIS has actually publicly stated that they will abuse the foreign asylum program in order to smuggle terror cells into the West. Illegal immigrants are literally criminals who supported the cartel in order to cross.

Bernie and Mr. Trump apart from the few differences, have many parallel ideologies. Why does Bernie denounce Mr. Trump?

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You fuckers better not slide this, I want answers, you niggers. This shit makes no sense.

The only reason I think he's still like this is because he's hoping Hillary will get booted and he'll be replaced with her, hence why he has barely said anything, he's trying to buy his time.

but of course the DNC will never let him be the leader, they've made that very clear. realistically Joe Biden might take over if things get real bad.

that or Bernie is just a hypocrite who real doesn't care about anything but money.

but if Bernie was really serious, he'd run 3rd party. I mean Jill Stein said if he wanted to, she'd step down for him.

Like come the fuck on.

They have his family

This makes sense. Doesn't that counter his values though? To put up a facade supporting the demonstrably worse candidate in the off chance that he will get to replace Crooked Hillary? Lying through his teeth and denouncing a better candidate for his country, supporting a literal criminal because he might get to replace her?

Because "le drumpf is a racist misogynistic bigot"

What family? His hippy wife has been seen out and about.

>not selling out

> trusting kikes


Bernie is and always was a cuck. From the second he took he took the stage and lost it to BLM he was weak and indesisive. He was relentlessly attacked by Trump and Hillary and did nothing to fight back.

Anyone with half a brain who doesn't just skim headlines and epic memetastic (((CNN))) tweets knows that that's just a fabrication of the (((media))).

Bernie surely doesn't believe the "misogynist sexist racist BULLY" rhetoric, right?

Also, raising the minimum wage to $15. Meme? Or would it actually have tangible benefits? Would it devalue the labor of people who are already working at a rate higher than the current minimum wage? So, someone being paid $15/hr currently - will they continue being paid minimum wage and thus their labor now is relatively less valuable considering that they could work an easier job for the same pay? Unrelated, I know, but I'm curious.

>This is bullshit

Politics has transcended reason and facts. It's all about emotions. They may advocate similar policies, but they present in a polar opposite fashion - Bernie is meek, friendly and idealistic. Trump is strong, aggressive and pragmatic. They respond to rhetoric about love, cooperation, peace and fairness, and they react against "the politics of hate". So it has nothing to do with actual policies or credentials as an anti-establishment candidate.

Because Trump is trying to prevent non-white skins from freely entering en-masse and all values leftists supposedly have will take a back seat to endorsing what is bad for white people every time.

>first burger poster
>posts inane comment with no substantial value
Are americans the new token shitposters of Sup Forums?


He's a fucking jew, therefore anything that doesn't involve fucking over whites is unacceptable to him.

am I being memed by a hyperlink right now?

>Mr. Trump supports Bernie
>"trump is a big bad racist!!!!"

>Crooked Hillary insults and laughs at Bernie while spewing "epic sassy womyn dont need no man ;)" bullshit
>Crooked Hillary literally subverted the democratic process in order to """win""" the democratic party nomination
>"vote [Crooked] Hillary!"

But he is outspokenly against the Israeli puppeteer agenda. What motivation does he have to fuck over white americans?

>why won't the socialist support a capitalist

They have some values in common but come on.

white americans are the poweful priviledged. he went out for lunch with "murder mike" the rapper.
he's a retarded cuck commie jew.
we need his retarded supporters though

He's a jew m8, that's how they are.

Nationalism vs Socialism

Is it so hard to understand?

Get a man who can do both.

all Trump needs is 5% of Sanders supporters and Cuckton is BTFO

Good point. I'm trying to convert my blue pilled American voter gf to Trump. My discussion with her the other night (after some drinks):

>"Say what you want about Trump, at least he isn't a federal criminal and directly responsible for multiple preventable American deaths"
>"Come on... he said he would fuck his daughter!!!"

was very disappointed in her desu senpai

Trump didn't even bother to reach out to Bernie and his supporters

He has a family. Think about that you fucking cunt.